Chapter 55: The Lying Detective

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Sherlock and John hadn’t spoken since the aquarium.

Sherlock hadn’t left the flat for a week.

Sherlock hadn’t been fully sober since he’d gotten the call from the hospital saying Y/N was off life support, but wouldn’t wake up.

Faith Smith visited 221B Baker Street two weeks after Mary’s death. She and Sherlock took a walk as she recounted the case she wanted him to take: a case against her father, Culverton Smith, the philanthropist with a desire for murder.

Computer monitors beeped at the MI6 headquarters. A helicopter flew above Sherlock as he walked the London streets. Mycroft walked into the surveillance room. Lady Smallwood was already there.

“We can keep tabs. You didn’t have to come in.” Lady Smallwood said.

“I was talking to the Prime Minister.” Mycroft said.

“Oh, I see.” She said.

Mycroft watched the screens. “What’s he doing? Why is he just wandering about like a fool?”

“His girlfriend is in a coma, and one of his friends died, Mycroft.” Lady Smallwood said.

“It’s been two weeks.”

“You sound cross. Am I going to be taken away by security again?” Lady Smallwood wondered.

“I have, I think, apologized extensively.” Mycroft said.

“You haven’t made it up to me.” Lady Smallwood said.

“And how am I supposed to do that?” Mycroft asked.

The surveillance team began to laugh.

“What? What is it now?” Mycroft asked.

“Sorry, um, traced his route on the map.” Said one of the techs.

Sherlock’s path spelled out a rather sloppy ‘Fuck Off.’

“Is he with someone?” Mycroft asked.

“Not sure. We keep losing visual. Mostly, we’re tracking his phone.” The tech said.

Mycroft held his phone to his ear, finally getting a call through to John.

“I’m trying to sleep. Can you stop ringing my damn phone?” John said.

“Sherlock has left his flat. First time in a week. So I’m having him tracked.” Mycroft said.

“Nice.” John said. “It’s touching how you can hijack the machinery of the state to look after your own family. Can I go to sleep now?”

“Sherlock gone rogue is a legitimate security concern.” Mycroft insisted. “The fact that I’m his brother changes absolutely nothing. It didn’t the last time, and I assure you it won’t with…” Mycroft trailed off. “With Sherlock.”

“Sorry, what?”

“Please phone me if he gets in contact. Thank you.” Mycroft hung up.

“Do you still speak to Sherrinford?” Lady Smallwood asked.

“I get regular updates.” Mycroft said. 


“Sherrinford is secure.” Mycroft said.

Sherlock and Faith sat on a bench by the river as the sun came up.

“Do you know why I’m gonna take your case?” Sherlock asked. “Because of the one impossible thing you said.”

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