Chapter 20;The Cooper Beaches

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“I have an assignment for you.” Mycroft declared, barging into Y/N’s office.

Y/N looked up from her book as she relaxed in her armchair. She smiled brightly and made her way over to her desk. Mycroft settled himself in the chair opposite her with his legs crossed and his back straight, looking gentlemanly or ― as John might say ― like he had a stick up his arse.

Mycroft slid a file across the desk. “Three women have gone missing in the past several weeks. Evelyn Tyree, Katie Everett, and most recently, Violet Hunter. The only links between them are that they were all within the first two weeks of nanny jobs for wealthy couples around the city.”

Y/N studied the photos and documents in her hands.

“The assignment is for you to assume the identity of a hopeful nanny and accept one of the various open positions around the city. The girls have likely been murdered, so if you cannot find them, find their killer.”

Mycroft handed Y/N another file. “Here is the background you’ll need for your role. Your name is Catherine James and you go by ‘Cat.’ You have,” Mycroft consulted his watch, “Two hours to study before an interview in Chelsea with a Mr. and Mrs. O'Connell.”

Y/N nodded. “I’m on it, Spycroft.”

The government official sighed deeply as he got up to leave.

The O’Connells were a very ordinary couple. The husband, Mark, worked in finance and the wife, Eileen, was a PR representative for a pharmaceutical company. They were both in their mid-forties and clearly accustomed to a lavish lifestyle. Their son Edward seemed to be a normal eleven-year-old kid, if a bit spoiled and obsessed with his phone.

Mrs. O’Connell was having an affair and Mr. O’Connell spent more time with the family dog than his son. Y/N was certain that they were not behind the mysterious disappearances. She was about to excuse herself when the job became a lot more interesting.

“You would be working at our home in Winchester.” Mrs. O’Connell said.

“Well, the estate belongs to one of my oldest friends but ever since his daughter moved to Philadelphia he’s been letting us stay there with Eddie.” Mr. O’Connell corrected.

“Yes, yes.” Mrs. O’Connell waved her hand dismissively. “Anyway, I think that spending as much time away from the city is best for Edward so we always send his nanny with him to Hampshire while we’re working.”

“Will your friend be there?” Y/N asked casually.

“Oh he won’t give you any trouble. Jephro’s a very nice fellow and he mostly stays in his own wing of the house anyway.” Mr. O’Connell assured her.

“Jephro? That’s an interesting name. Is it a family name?” Y/N prompted, searching for a last name too.

“Jephro Rucastle.” Mr. O’Connell mused. “I don’t know. You’ll have to ask him.”

Y/N laughed good naturedly.

“Well,” Mrs. O’Connell clasped her hands together. “You’ve lived up to the glowing recommendations from the agency and your last family, Cat. We’d love to have you on as Edward’s nanny.”

“I’d love to be his nanny.” Y/N agreed congenially.

She watched as the boy squished a spider under his thumb gleefully. She made sure to keep her smile in place.

“Can you start Monday? That’ll give you the weekend to pack and whatnot before the train to Winchester at 10.”

“Sounds wonderful. I’ll see you then.” Y/N stood and shook hands with the parents before making her exit.

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