Chapter 30: The Overhill Lease

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Y/N sat cross-legged on the grass as a fresh breath of autumn air blew through. She fiddled with the petals of a tulip. Her flower matched the rest of the bouquet laying at the base of the tombstone in front of her.

“I’m so close, Sherlock, I can feel it.” She said. “I mean, I’ve been working on this bloody case for a year.”

She swallowed a lump in her throat. “I would have solved it so long ago if you were still here.”

Y/N put the bloom down with its companions. She rose up onto her knees and placed both hands on top of the cold stone. She closed her eyes and began to think.

The gang leadership comes up with commands and plans for hits on other gangs, drug deals, and general orders. They code the messages onto drives and send them separately to each of the lieutenants at drop points across the city.

Y/N flexed her fingers.

We know all the drop points, we have all the most recent drives, but the code is still unknown. The lieutenants had no cyphers on their persons or in their apartments.

Y/N sat back, exhaling sharply in frustration.

“It’s a bloody enigma!” She said.

Y/N froze.

“An enigma.” She repeated.

Y/N scrambled to her feet.

“Thank you.” She said, kissing her fingertips and then touching them to the headstone.

She pulled out her phone and dialed Mycroft.

“Hello, Y/N.” He answered after the fourth ring.

“How fast can you get me an enigma machine?” She asked.

“Less than an hour.” He said. “Shall I have it delivered to your office?”

“Yes, thank you.” She said, hanging up.

Y/N grinned at the cloudy sky as she ran towards the tube station, her mind whirling at the excitement of a nearly finished case.

Flour drop. The lounge at three in two days. Bring toolbox.

Personal earthquake for Jim Rolfe. No expenses spared.

Garden exchange. Arches tomorrow. Bring toolbox.

Toolbox dented. Central. Now.

Y/N circled the last message. She tacked the decoded paper onto her case board, connecting it to a nearly empty section in the center labelled “gang leadership.” Connections ran from the center to photos and profiles of the lieutenants. Mugshots of Pressman, Grigio, Taylor, and Davies grimaced at her.

She had attached a map of London on the left side of the board. Each lieutenant’s territory was shaded a different color, but no common area of overlap or absence revealed itself.

Y/N’s phone buzzed.

Going out with Mary tonight. Don’t wait up. Said John.

O ooooh! Y/N replied with several ridiculous and suggestive emojis.

You’re terrible. John said.

I know. Have fun tonight. She said.

You too. John said. Don’t work too late. You need to sleep at some point

If I promise to go to bed before too long, will you finally introduce me to Mary? Y/N said.

You’ve met her before! John said.

Yes, but under the label of “receptionist.” Now she’s “girlfriend and possible new friend for Y/N.” Y/N said.

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