Chapter 64: Blue 2

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A/n: Better y'all read Chapter 63 back before read thid chapter cuz i just updated one more paragraph at the end of the chapter 63

A/n: Better y'all read Chapter 63 back before read thid chapter cuz i just updated one more paragraph at the end of the chapter 63

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Blue walked long, looping paths through 221B, his nose to the ground. He followed the smell of another dog, attached to the pant leg of one of the workmen banging hammers against the walls and talking much too loudly to the other builders who smelled unfairly of hamburgers. Blue stopped, inspecting a corner of the kitchen before catching the scent of something new, and chasing after it.

He tracked it back to the sitting room, and was about to head down the stairs when he got distracted. John faced the wall, spraying yellow onto it. The doctor drew a smiling face on the wall, the smell of paint and aerosol overpowering whatever Blue had been tracking. Blue looked up at his parents, curious.

Sherlock crouched beside the dog. The detective smiled, scratching under his collar. Blue’s tongue lolled out of his mouth at the sensation. Oh, how he loved his humans. Sherlock pressed his hands against Blue’s ears, blocking out the noises of the flat. Y/N raised the gun in her hand and shot at the yellow smiley face, puncturing the wall exactly as it had been before the fire. Blue started at the bang, moving closer to his master.

Sherlock let go, allowing the sounds of the builders and the street below to filter back in. Y/N knelt down beside him as well, taking his head in her hands and pressing her nose against his cold, wet one. Blue perked up, his eyes almost crossing as he stared at her in adoration. He dropped down to the floor and rolled over.

“Ohhh, who’s a good boy?” Y/N cooed, rubbing his belly.

Blue. Blue is a good boy! He didn’t even notice how much his back leg was wiggling.

“You spoil him.” Sherlock said.

Blue got back onto his feet and moved closer to Sherlock. He sniffed carefully around the detective before putting his paw on the pocket of Sherlock’s dressing gown. Sherlock pulled a treat out of the pocket. Blue sat down obediently until Sherlock held it out for him.

“And you don’t?” Y/N replied, smiling at her fiancée.

“We’re training.” Sherlock said.

“Yeah. Sure.”

“Do I detect sarcasm?” Sherlock grinned at her.


Blue tilted his head. They smelled kinda sweaty all of a sudden.

Sherlock reached over, grasping Y/N by the waist and pulling her closer. She yelped in surprise before starting to laugh, resting her head on his shoulder. Blue barked, balancing on his back paws and pressing at Y/N.

What are you doing? Can I have more belly rubs?

She laughed again.

“Do you feel left out, boy?” She pulled him between their chests. “Baby Blue wants attention.”

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