Chapter 67: The Spotted Circle

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With only a few hours remaining until nightfall, the trio checked into The Village Inn. Y/N and Sherlock’s room was connected to John’s by the bathroom.

“I’m going to call MI6 and pull some records on Jennifer Roylott.” Y/N said. “I want to see her will. I have a feeling the doctor thought he’d be getting more money out of her death than he did.”

“Brilliant idea, darling.” Sherlock said, “John and I will discuss our findings from Stoke Moran in his room.”

“We will?” John questioned.

He caught Sherlock’s gaze. “Ah–um, yes, we will.”

Y/N dialed her office while the two men shuffled through the bathroom into John’s room. Sherlock shut the door behind them.

“What is it?” John asked. “That’s your secret emergency face.”

“My what?”

“You make this face when–never mind, it’s not worth it. What do you need to say that we can’t talk about in front of Y/N?” John asked.

“The venue.” Sherlock said. “What have you been looking at?”

“What venue?”

Sherlock sighed. “For God’s sake, you made it through medical school in the allotted time, how can you be this slow? The wedding venue. My wedding.”

“I thought you didn’t care.” John asked, suspicious.

“Of course I don’t care.” Sherlock said. “But Y/N does. I want our wedding to be exactly the way she wants it.”

“Then why aren’t we having this conversation with her?” John wondered.

“Because I want to take care of it.” Sherlock said.

“Yeah but how do you know you’re doing what she wants if you’re not talking to her?” John asked.

“I don’t need to. I have this.” Sherlock sat down on the bed and pulled his laptop from his bag.

He opened it to reveal a Pinterest board under Y/N’s account titled ‘Wedding.’ There were photographs of mason jars, string lights, dresses, suits, ties and bow ties, cakes, tables, and flowers.

“How did you find this?” John asked.

“Mrs. Hudson mentioned it. Evidently Y/N spent hours on this years ago.”

John pressed his lips together, holding in his laughter.

“Sherlock, do you think that maybe, just maybe her ideas have changed since then?” John suggested.

“This is her perfect wedding. I looked into the lights, but I need to know the dimensions of the venue before I order them, hence my earlier question. What have you found?” Sherlock repeated.

John put his hand on his friend’s shoulder. “Sherlock, I’m going to give you some advice, even though I know you’ll probably never listen to it. Talk to your fiancée.”

Sherlock furrowed his brow. “I’m certain I can handle it all.”

“Sherlock. Talk to her.” John said.

“Yes, yes, open communication, blah blah blah. Really John, I think I can manage–”

A knock sounded from the bathroom door. “Can I infiltrate the boys’ club?”

“Yes of course!” John called.

Y/N let herself in, holding her laptop. Sherlock stepped in front of his own, shutting it behind his back to hide the discovered Pinterest.

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