Chapter 54: Blame

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The ambulance sped through the streets of London, headed for the hospital.

Sherlock held Y/N's hand, careful not to dislodge the temporary IV they had attached. An oxygen mask covered her mouth and nose. Sherlock watched as the plastic became slightly foggy with every breath she took.

She had lost a lot of blood. The bullet was still inside her body. It could be infected, they said. It could be infected and she could die.

She could die.

She could die.

You might lose her, too.

Sherlock watched her breathe, his heart stopping between her breaths, scared each could be the last. She drew 120 breaths before they reached the hospital. He had to let go of her hand while they pulled the stretcher from the ambulance and wheeled her as fast as they could into the hospital.

Y/N was surrounded by blue scrubs and white coats immediately and taken into an operating room. Sherlock stood outside, his black coat distinct against the white walls.

He stood, waiting numbly.

Mycroft arrived a few minutes later, having seen to John and...the body.

"Sherlock," Mycroft spoke softly.

The younger Holmes said nothing, continuing to stare at the door they took her through. Mycroft put his hand on Sherlock's shoulder.


The detective inhaled, his eyes refocusing. "Yes. What?"

"You should sit down. They'll be in there a while." Mycroft said.

"The bullet was still inside her body. It could be infected." Sherlock said.

"I know, Sherlock. I know." Mycroft said. "Sit."

Sherlock complied, finding a chair with a deflated blue cushion and sitting. Mycroft sat beside him, leaning his umbrella against the wall in between them.

Machines beeped in the surrounding rooms. A phone rang at a reception desk down the hall. Muffled voices were talking, but Sherlock couldn't make out what they were saying.

"She pushed me." He said after a while.


"Y/N pushed me out of the way. You didn't see it because Mary..." Sherlock said. "She pushed me out of the way. Then the bullet hit her."

They were silent for a moment.

"Why did she do that?" Sherlock said, his voice wavering. "Why would she put herself in danger like that?"

"Well, haven't you done the same for her before?" Mycroft asked.

Sherlock thought about when Ajay held them at gunpoint after finding the sixth Thatcher bust. He'd stepped in front of Y/N without thinking.

He thought about the first time they met Moriarty, in the pool. He'd been staring at her, he remembered. It was the first time he realized how beautiful she was, standing there, close to her. Then the sniper's sight had flickered across her chest. He had pushed her behind him, trying to protect her.

Mycroft looked at the door to the operating room.

"She loves you, Sherlock." He said after a moment.

"So she's told me."

"Have you told her?" Mycroft asked.

Sherlock stood up.

"I need to call Mrs. Hudson. I suspect no one has informed her that her daughter is in the hospital." Sherlock said.

He paced in front of the door while he spoke to Mrs. Hudson. Mycroft watched him, keeping his hands folded in his lap and his face neutral. The older Holmes brother reminded himself that caring was not an advantage. He tried to ignore the sick feeling of worry in his stomach. He tried, and failed.

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