Chapter 70: I Do

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Sherlock stood beneath the leaves, beneath the orange and red hues of an autumn afternoon in the Kentish countryside. John stood beside him, across from Mycroft and Molly. They were a small party, with only a few rows of benches in front of them. Sherlock’s parents sat together with a space left for Mrs. Hudson. Cousins and friends from university took up the remaining seats, but they were all relatively unknown to Sherlock apart from Y/N’s pictures and stories. He’d never truly understood her desire and ability to keep more than five friends.

“Nervous?” John whispered, patting Sherlock on the shoulder.

“Impatient.” Sherlock said.

“What else is new?”

Their small band, just a violinist and a cellist, began to play. The guests stood and turned around to watch the bride. Sherlock noticed her smile first. Y/N beamed at him as she moved down the aisle, arm in arm with her mother.

He couldn’t help but smile back at the woman he loved.

As she got closer, he noted the flowers in her bouquet matched the leaves fluttering above them, roses, marigolds, and lillys. The contrast to the white of her dress was striking and beautiful, outshone only by her own glow.

Y/N handed the flowers to her mother who gave Sherlock a kiss on the cheek. The detective took Y/N’s hands in his.

“I love you,” He whispered, “ Mrs. Holmes.”

“Shhh, it’s a secret .” She whispered. “But I love you too, Mr. Holmes.”

“We are gathered here today…”


24 Hours Earlier

“The security risk is too great. I cannot allow it.” Mycroft said.

“She’s your sister, Mycroft. Soon to be mine. She should be at her brother’s wedding!” Y/N argued.

“Leaving her isolated lead to disaster last time, Mycroft.” Sherlock said. “She’s changed.”

“I let familial sentiment guide me before. I will not do it again.” Mycroft said. “That’s final.”

“Fine.” Y/N spat. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Let’s go, Sherlock.”

Y/N took his hand and practically dragged him from the office. She checked her watch.

“We still have time to go to Sherrinford.” She said.

“Don’t tell me you’re planning on a prison break.” Sherlock smiled, he liked when Y/N’s more assertive side came out.

“Of course not. She’s soon to be my sister, sure, but I haven’t quite forgiven her yet for putting me in a well.” Y/N said. “She can’t come to the wedding, but we can still spend the day before with her.”

Y/N took off down the hall towards the elevator. Sherlock just watched her for a moment, utterly in love. She turned back and motioned for him to follow her.

“Come on. If you don’t hurry up, I’ll get on the helicopter without you.”

Eurus sat on the ground in the center of her cell. Her eyes were closed when Y/N and Sherlock entered the viewing area. She opened her eyes, looking at their interlocked fingers. She remained still while Sherlock got his violin from its case. Y/N kissed Sherlock on the cheek before taking her usual seat off to the side.

Eurus stood up. Sherlock paused with the instrument under his chin and the bow raised. Eurus retrieved her own violin.

Sherlock waited until she was ready and began to play. He’d barely gotten the first note of Vivaldi out before Eurus sawed the bow wildly across the strings, drowning him out.

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