Chapter 61: The Final Problem

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~time skip by who? By Me~

Mycroft, John, and the Governor of Sherrinford stood inside the Governor’s office. He played security footage of Eurus in a psychological evaluation.

“Why am I here?” She asked.

“Why do you think you’re here?” asked a man off-camera.

“No one ever tells me.” She said. “Am I being punished?”

“Were you bad?”

“There’s no such thing as bad.” She said.

“Well, not good.” The man said.

“Good and bad are fairy tales. We have evolved to attach an emotional significance to what is nothing more than a survival strategy of the pack animal. We are conditioned to invest divinity in utility.” Eurus spoke quickly and without emotion. “Good isn’t really good, evil isn’t really wrong, and bottoms aren’t really pretty. You are a prisoner of your own meat.”

“Why aren’t you?”

She raised her head and looked directly into the camera. “I’m too clever.”

“She smiles at you when you come home…” Eurus continued on the tape.

“Everyone we sent in there…” The Governor said, “It’s hard to describe, it’s like she…”

“Recruited them.” Mycroft said.

“Enslaved them.” The Governor said.

“She’s been capable of that since she was five.” Mycroft said. “She’s an adult now. I warned you. I ordered you.”

The Governor scoffed. “She’s clinically unique. We had to try.”

“At what cost?” Mycroft countered.

“Happiness is a pop song. Sadness is a poem.” Eurus continued.

“What cost?” Mycroft repeated. “Tell me the worst thing that has happened.”

“She kept suggesting to Dr. Taylor that he should kill his family.” The Governor said.


“He said it was like an earworm. He couldn’t get her out of his head.”


“He left.” The Governor said.


“Killed himself.”


“His family.” The Governor admitted.

“You’re going to cry.” Eurus said to the man off-camera. “It’s okay if you cry.”

“I don’t need to cry.” The man said.

“I can help you cry.” Eurus said.

Mycroft stood up. “I warned you explicitly. No one was to talk to her alone.”

“You spoke to her.” The Governor pointed out.

“I know what I’m doing.” Mycroft said.

“You even brought her a visitor on Christmas Day.”

“I took a calculated risk.” Mycroft said.

“You gave her a Christmas present. Remember her Christmas present?” The Governor said.

“I am aware of the dangers Eurus poses and equipped to deal with them.” Mycroft said.

“What dangers?” John asked.

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