Chapter 74: My Baker Street Trio

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“Run, Lieutenant! The Galaxian is coming! Don’t let him catch us!” Commander Watson shouted, running around the sitting room.

Lieutenant Holmes followed her faithfully, his four-year old legs propelling him as fast as they could. Lucky for him, the Galaxian couldn’t see very well through his cardboard helmet and kept bumping into the furniture. The Galaxian was distracted by his tail at one point, but the children’s happy shrieks reminded him that they were playing his favorite game and he was off and running once more.

The outer-space exploration team thundered down the stairs, heedless of General Granny walking up with a cup of tea.

“Ooh!” She exclaimed, hugging the wall so she didn’t get knocked over by the procession. “Careful, you two!”

“Yes, m’um!” Commander Watson shouted over her shoulder, continuing exactly as recklessly as she had before.

“Commander, could we have a biscuit break?” Holmes asked, getting tired of running.

“Excellent idea, Lieutenant.” Watson nodded, turning towards the approaching Galaxian. “I offer you a truce, sir. Do you accept?”

The Galaxian licked Watson’s cheek. Watson giggled, but in a very stoic, space Commander sort of way.

“Let’s see what the canteen has to offer, Lieutenant.” Watson said, once again leading the way.

In the 221C canteen, Doctor Daddy was on duty. He closed his laptop when the two explorers entered, ready to be of service.

“Doctor, we require biscuits.” Watson declared.

“Require?” The doctor repeated, crossing his arms.

“We would like some biscuits, please.” Holmes said.

“Commander?” The doctor looked at Watson expectantly.

“Please.” She relented.

“Two orders of biscuits and milk coming right up.”

Full from their afternoon snack, Rosie and Will found they weren’t in the mood to run from Galaxians. They climbed the stairs back up to 221B. Will stopped in the doorway of the sitting room. Rosie turned around, confused.

“What is it?” She asked.

“The game is on, Watson.” Will said trying to sound just like his dad, who sat watching from his chair.

Rosie bounded over. “What’s the case, Holmes?”

“My sippy cup is missing.” Will said seriously.

“A theft!”

“Yes.” Will agreed, keeping that new word in the back of his mind for later. “It was on the table this morning, and I didn’t move it.”

“Who do you think took it?” Rosie asked.

“I dunno. Let’s look for clues!” Will suggested.

They crawled around on the floor for a while, examining the scene, but neither found any evidence. Will had a breakthrough with the case in the kitchen. They found the sippy cup, empty and dismantled in the dish rack.

“Who could have done such a thing?” Rosie wondered.

“You see, Watson, but you do not observe.” Will said.

Sherlock smiled from his place in the sitting room.

“What does that mean?” Rosie asked.

“Dad says it.” Will shrugged. “I know who did it.”

THE BAKER STREET TRIO (SHERLOCK X READER)Where stories live. Discover now