Chapter 27: The Reachinbach Fall

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Two eerily quiet months passed following the Moriarty acquittal. The weeks and days went by in the familiar cycle of work, friends, and sleep. Y/N left London only once for a few days working a murder case in the Shetlands.

Y/N adjusted the lense of her microscope, changing the focus and examining a tissue sample found at the scene of a break in at the home of an MP.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket.

My office.

She pushed her chair away from the lab bench and left the lab to make the trek to Mycroft’s office upstairs.

“Come in.” He called through the door when she tapped her knuckles against the ornate wood.

She entered the large office and took a seat across from the desk in the same chair she always at in when visiting Mycroft.

“What’s up, boss?” She asked.

“Do you have a lead on the MP case?” He asked.

“Yes, I believe it was a hired break-in by someone running against him.” Y/N reported. “Opposition research and all that, but the illegal kind.”

“And you’ve documented this?”

“It’s in the file.” Y/N confirmed.

“Excellent, that will help put Reynolds on the right track. He’s taking over your case.” Mycroft informed her, leaning back in his chair.

“He’s taking over my case?” Y/N asked in disbelief. “Why?”

Mycroft slid a file across the desk to her. She opened it, looking at surveillance photos of a middle-aged man with a shaved head.

“Have you seen that man before?”

Y/N studied the photo for a moment. “I think I saw him outside of Speedy’s the other day.”

“Sulejmani. Albanian hit squad. Expertly trained killer, and just moved in two doors down from 221 Baker Street.”

Mycroft handed her a second file. “Ludmila Dyachenko. Russian killer. She’d taken the flat opposite.” Two more files landed in Y/N’s hands. “Four top international assassins have relocated within spitting distance of 221B.”

“This is part of Moriarty’s next move.” Y/N said, looking up at him, concerned. “Have you told Sherlock about this?”

Mycroft avoided her gaze. “I have a meeting with Dr. Watson later today.”

“Mycroft, you have to talk to your brother.”

He ignored her. “We both know what’s coming, Y/N. Moriarty is obsessed, he’s sworn to destroy his only rival. Part of that destruction may include those whom my brother holds dear. I will protect you, Y/N, but you must look after Sherlock. Your new assignment is to work on every case that comes his way until this ordeal is finished.”

Y/N could tell there was more going on. Mycroft wasn’t telling her everything. Then again, when had he ever been completely transparent?

“Alright.” She agreed.


“Sherlock?” Y/N asked, walking into the sitting room. “Have you seen this ad in the Sun? Kitty Riley is doing a big exposé on you. I didn’t talk to her, did you? It says her source is some guy called Richard Brook.”

Y/N handed Sherlock the paper.

“Richard Brook…” He studied it for a moment before dropping it into the trash can. “Don’t worry about it.” He said, moving around the room and refusing to meet her gaze.

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