Chapter 50: The Six Thacher

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“What you’re about to see is classified beyond top secret. Is that quite clear?” Mycroft said.

He looked around the room at Sherlock, Y/N, Sir Edwin, Lady Smallwood, and Lady Smallwood’s personal assistant.

“Don’t minute any of this.” He went on, “Once beyond these walls, we must never speak of it. A D-notice has been slapped on the entire incident. Only those within this room – codenames Antarctica, Langdale, Porlock, River, and Love – will ever know the whole truth. As far as everyone else is concerned, going to the Prime Minister and way beyond, Charles Augustus…” Mycroft paused. “Are you tweeting?”

Sherlock shut off his phone and dropped it in his lap. “No.”

“Well, that’s what it looks like.” Mycroft said.

“Of course I’m not tweeting. Why would I be tweeting?”

“Give me that.” Mycroft grabbed at his brother’s phone.

“What? No.” Sherlock fought back. “What are you doing? Get off. What–?”

“Give it here.” Mycroft succeeded in confiscating the device, and read off of the screen, “‘Back on terra firma…’”

“Don’t read them out.” Sherlock grumbled.

“‘Free as a bird.’”

“God, you’re such a spoilsport.” Sherlock complained.

Sherlock looked to Y/N for backup, but she merely stuck her tongue out at him. He smiled.

“Will you take this matter seriously, Sherlock?” Mycroft asked.

“I am taking it seriously. What makes you think I’m not taking it seriously?” Sherlock demanded.

“‘#ohwhatabeautifulmorning?’” Mycroft read.

Y/N failed to suppress a giggle. She tried to cover it up with a fake cough.

“Look, not so long ago I was on a mission that meant certain death, my death, and now I’m back in a nice, warm office, with my big brother and– Are those ginger nuts?”

Sherlock launched himself out of his chair and rushed to the table in front of him.

“Oh, God.” Mycroft sighed.

“ Love ginger nuts.” Sherlock said, grabbing half the plate.

“Our doctor said you were clean.” Lady Smallwood said.

“I am. Utterly.” Sherlock said. “No need for stimulants now, remember? I have work to do.”

Sherlock tossed a biscuit to Y/N before taking a loud bite of his.

“You’re high as a kite.” Sir Edwin accused.

“Natural high, I assure you.” Sherlock said. “ Totally natural. I’m just…glad to be alive!” He sang. “What shall we do next? What’s your name?”

Lady Smallwood’s secretary started, surprised at being addressed. “Vivian.”

“What would you do, Vivian?” Sherlock asked.


“It’s a lovely day. Go for a stroll, make a paper aeroplane, have an ice lolly?” Sherlock suggested.

“Ice lolly, I suppose.” Vivian said.

“Ice lolly it is.” Sherlock agreed. “What’s your favorite?”

“Oh I shouldn’t…”

“Oh, go on.” Sherlock insisted.

“Do they still make Mivvies?”

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