Chapter 16; A Scandal In Belgravia

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The Personal Blog of Dr. John H. Watson May 30

Life Goes On

“Time to write up a few notes. I’m going to tell you about a couple of the smaller cases we’ve been involved in. What really happened on the Tilly Briggs pleasure cruise. Then there was that really odd case with the melting laptop and the time Sherlock stole a bus.

Just another typical week at 221B Baker Street!”


Y/N was on a roll. She was on her third case in two days and completely focussed on sending the report in to Mycroft. Her upbeat working playlist seeped into her bones as she danced a little in her desk chair. Y/N grinned as her fingers flew across the computer keys. She hit the send button and sat back triumphantly in her chair.

She was contemplating making a cuppa when her phone began to ring. It was John.

“John, hello!” She answered.

“Hello Y/N, I think we’ve got a case you might like.” John began. “Comic books are happening in real life.”

At the words ‘comic books’ she was already out of her chair and heading for the door.


The Personal Blog of Dr. John H. Watson June 16

The Geek Interpreter

“Three young men came to Baker St claiming that events in recent issues of a comic had started happening in real life…”

The Personal Blog of Dr. John H. Watson August 1

Sherlock Holmes Baffled

“The body of a 45 year old man was found in a car on wasteland in Surrey.

I genuinely never thought I’d see the day. Sherlock is BAFFLED! He hasn’t got a clue! He’s flummoxed! He’s bamboozled!

He’s stuck…”


Y/N strode across a roped off ballet stage with Sherlock on her left and John on her right. She’d happily sacrificed a Saturday to tag along on their latest case.

“So what’s this one? ‘Belly button Murders?’” Sherlock asked mockingly.

“‘The Naval Treatment?’” John countered, making both Y/N and Sherlock groan.

They walked briskly down the backstage hallway, met by Lestrade who was coming from one of the dressing rooms. Y/N noted that his clothes were more crumpled than usual and he looked emotionally exhausted. He wasn’t wearing his wedding ring.

He must have had another falling out with his wife.

She stopped and gave him a big hug. “Greg! I’ve missed you!”

Lestrade returned the embrace, relaxing a little at the comfort of a loving friend. He addressed the boys over her shoulder.

“There’s a lot of press outside, guys.”

“Well, they won’t be interested in us.” Sherlock resumed his walk down the hall, long legs propelling him faster than Y/N could keep up.

“Yeah, that was before you were an internet phenomenon.” Lestrade corrected. “Couple of them specifically wanted photographs of you three.”

“Three?” Y/N asked, surprised.

“Don’t you read the comments?” John asked. “They really like when you’re on cases.”

“Oh for god’s sake!” Sherlock exclaimed in exasperation. He ducked into one of the dressing rooms. “John.”


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