chapter 62: The Final Problem

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Sherlock awoke in a cell. John was there. Mycroft was there. Even the Governor was there.

Eurus introduced her game.

There was a plane up in the sky, and everyone on that plane was asleep except for a little girl. They would solve her puzzles and do as she said in exchange for a few minutes on the phone with that scared little girl. Moriarty would interject every once in a while with a psychotic sound effect.

First, they were given a choice. John or Mycroft had to shoot the Governor, or Eurus would kill his wife. Mycroft refused. John tried, he did, but he couldn’t. The Governor took the gun, and shot himself in the mouth.

Eurus killed his wife anyway.

A door opened behind them, leading to another room. Sherlock was told to pick up the gun. It would be his turn next, and he’d be needing the one remaining bullet.

For the second task, they had to solve a murder. A man called Evans was shot from a distance of 300 meters with a rife. The suspects were three brothers: Nathan, Alex, and Howard. Eurus suspended them, bound and gagged just outside the window. Today, they had to be soldiers, and together, they solved the case. It was Alex, Alex pulled the trigger, Alex killed Evans.

Eurus dropped the other two into the sea. Then she dropped Alex. To her, it felt the same, killing the innocent and the killing the guilty.

Another door opened, and they moved on.

They moved into the next room. An open coffin sat in the middle of the space.

The sound system clicked. “One more minute on the phone.”

The little girl’s voice came through again. “Frightened, I’m really frightened.”

“It’s okay, don’t worry, I don’t have very long with you.” Sherlock said, trying to soothe her. “So I just need you to tell me what you can see outside the plane.”

“Just the sea. I can see the sea.”

“Are there ships on it?”

“No ships.” She said. “I can see lights in the distance.”

“Is it a city?” Sherlock asked.

“I think so.”

“She’s about to fly over a city in a pilotless plane.” Mycroft whispered. “We’ll have to talk her through it.”

“Through what?” John asked.

“Hello, are you still there?” The girl pleaded.

“Still here, just give us a minute.” Sherlock said.

“Getting the plane away from any mainland, any populated areas. It has to crash in the sea.” Mycroft explained.

“What about the girl?” John asked.

“Well, obviously, Dr. Watson, she’s the one who is going to crash it.”

“No.” John said. “We can help her land it.”

“And if we fail, she crashes into a city. How many will die then?” Mycroft argued.

“How are we gonna get her to do that?” John asked.

“I’m afraid we’re going to have to give her hope.” Mycroft said.

“Is there really no one there that can help you?” Sherlock asked her. “Have you really, really checked?”

“Everyone’s asleep. Won’t you help me?”

“We’re going to do everything that we can.” Sherlock said.

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