Chapter 73: 9 Month

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Morning sickness was the worst. Y/N couldn’t smell food, let alone eat, without throwing up. Not that she wanted to eat normally anyway. Her tastebuds were changing, making her favorite snacks suddenly disgusting.

All her complaints fell to the wayside, however, when they went to the doctor. She was about two and a half months along by then. Sherlock sat beside, stoic and serious in his long coat.

“This is going to be cold, so don’t be alarmed.” The doctor said, spreading gel on Y/N’s abdomen.

The ultrasound appeared on the screen, grey and blurry. Y/N’s heart sunk. She had no idea how to tell her baby from the other dark blobs on the screen.

“Your little one is only about the size of a prune at the moment, so it’s hard to see. But…” The doctor flicked a few switches on the machine and a noise filled the room.

It was a steady beat, fast and sounding like it was underwater.

“That is your baby’s heartbeat.” The doctor said.

Y/N found Sherlock’s hand, keeping her gaze on the screen. She closed her eyes, listening to that wonderful, beautiful sound. Sherlock squeezed her hand. Y/N looked at him then, tears shining in her eyes. Sherlock brought her hand to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss to her soft skin. Y/N listened to the life growing inside her. She looked at the man she loved so dearly. She smiled.


Sherlock liked to talk to the baby. He started about four months in, when she began to show. Y/N woke up to gentle hands on her stomach. She blinked in the gentle light of morning as the world came into focus.

Her husband lay further down on the bed, his chest brushing against her legs as he leant over belly. Sherlock spoke quietly. Y/N couldn’t make out individual words and the deep rhythm of his voice made her want to fall back into the soft sheets and dream. She reached forward lazily, running a hand through his curls. He closed his eyes, leaning into her touch. Sherlock’s long fingers wrapped around her wrist. Sherlock kissed her pulse point before moving back up the bed to lie beside her. God, she loved the way he looked at her with those blue eyes.

“Good morning, Mrs. Holmes.”

“Good morning,” She leaned forward and kissed him. “Mr. Holmes.”

He sat up just long enough to grab the blanket and pull it up so it covered everything but their heads. Y/N rested her hands on his shoulders, studying his face like she’d done so many times before.


The morning sickness passed, replaced by the cravings. Y/N consumed a lot of pickles, jars upon jars of peanut butter, and a surprising amount of vegemite.

“Jam tastes funny now.” Y/N said, sitting in 221C.

“Your tastebuds will change back after the baby is born.” John reassured her.

“What will I put on my toast until then?” She pouted.

“Have you ever tried vegemite?” Dhan smiled.

“Ew.” Y/N wrinkled her nose.

“You Brits,” Dhan scoffed, “You make fun of vegemite while you eat black pudding and spotted dick. I would never have spotted dick! That certainly means he’s got a disease.”

John choked on his tea.

Dhan patted the doctor on the back. “But seriously, have you ever tried it?”

“No.” Y/N admitted.

“Oh, then today is your lucky day, my lady!” Dhan grinned."lucky me, growing up in Australia never disappoints"

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