Chapter 38: The Sign Of Three

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The big day arrived. John Watson and Mary Morstan were getting married. Sherlock got up early, whether out of excitement or anxiety, Y/N couldn't quite tell. She'd barely tied a robe around herself when Sherlock grabbed her and dragged her into the sitting room.

"Can you waltz?" He asked.

"Yes I can, why―"

He pressed play on an ipod, and his latest composition flowed from speakers on his desk. Sherlock took Y/N's left hand and placed his hand on her waist. Naturally, her free hand fell on his shoulder as he led her in the steps. Y/N smiled, enjoying the final product of Sherlock's work for the last several months. The music was simple, beautiful, and had a tinge of unexplainable melancholy. It was perfect.

Sherlock had set out to test the song, but found himself impressed with Y/N's dancing ability. Every time he thought he knew her better than she knew herself, every time he felt like he'd cracked the code to understanding her, she'd surprise him. He leaned down to kiss her.

The door behind them creaked open as Mrs. Hudson arrived with a tray of tea things.

Sherlock's lips had barely touched her own when Y/N ducked backwards out of the kiss. Sherlock closed his eyes and sighed in annoyance.

"Oh, don't stop on my account. I remember what it was like to be young and in love." Mrs. Hudson chirped. "Just came to give you some tea. Thought you'd be too busy this morning to make it yourselves."

"Thanks, mum." Y/N said, red-faced.

Y/N took the tray and set it down, pouring a cup for each of them.

"I thought it was you playing." Mrs. Hudson said.

"It was me playing." Sherlock said tersely, turning off the recording. "I am composing."

"You were dancing." Mrs. Hudson said, sitting in John's chair and accepting her cup of tea.

"We were road-testing." Sherlock said.

"Making sure it'll work for John and Mary tonight." Y/N explained.

She handed Sherlock his tea, and perched on the arm of his chair. He let his arm rest behind her, keeping his palm on her lower back. Mrs. Hudson smiled.

"So, it's the big day, then." The older woman said.

"What big day?" Sherlock said with an aloof air.

"The wedding." Mrs. Hudson said incredulously. "John and Mary are getting married."

"Two people who currently live together are about to attend church, have a party, go on a short holiday, then carry on living together. What's big about that?" Sherlock said.

"It changes people, marriage." Mrs. Hudson said.

"Mmmm, no, it doesn't." Sherlock disagreed.

"Well, you wouldn't understand...yet." She said, giving him a pointed look.

"Mum." Y/N warned.

"Your husband was executed for double homicide. You're hardly an advert for companionship." Sherlock said.

Y/N gave him a look.

"Marriage changes you as a person in ways you can't imagine." Mrs. Hudson said.

"So does lethal injection―ah!" Sherlock coughed on his tea as Y/N pinched him.

"My best friend, Margaret, she was my chief bridesmaid, we were going to be best friends forever, we always said that, but I hardly saw her after that." Mrs. Hudson went on.

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