Chapter 26: The Reinchenbach Fall

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Y/N Hudson stood straight and tall, trying not to feel out of place. On her right, Sherlock Holmes stood, looking exceedingly bored. On her left, an incredibly expensive and recently found painting sat in its gilded frame.

“‘The Falls of the Reichenbach.’” The gallery owner spoke. “Turner’s masterpiece, thankfully recovered, owing to the prodigious talents of Mr. Sherlock Holmes and his colleagues.”

A smattering of applause came from the assembled crowd of museum board members, trustees, and press. The portly gallery owner stepped closer to them, holding out a small wrapped parcel.

“A small token of our gratitude.” He said, giving it to Sherlock.

The detective looked at the box and immediately deduced its contents. “Diamond cufflinks. All my cuffs have buttons.”

“He means ‘thank you.’” John recovered, smiling at the confused gallery owner.

“Do I?” Sherlock challenged under his breath.

“Please just say it.” Y/N whispered.

“Thank you.” Sherlock intoned.

Y/N was itching to leave, but complied with John’s wish to stand for one photograph. She and John smiled as the bulb flashed, and Sherlock looked enigmatic. As usual.

Y/N Hudson stood straight and tall, with Sherlock on her right and a top banker and his family on her left. TV cameras and reporters stood opposite them, getting clips and quotes and photos for their articles.

“I am now happy to be back together with my family after my terrifying ordeal.” The banker said. “And we have one person to thank for my deliverance: Sherlock Holmes.”

The crowd applauded while the banker’s young son handed Sherlock a box wrapped in blue paper. Sherlock shook it once.

“Tie pin.” He said. “I don’t wear ties.”

John shushed him, smiling at the reporters as bulbs flashed.

Y/N Hudson leaned against the back wall of the Scotland Yard press room. Sherlock and John stood at the front along with Lestrade, announcing the capture of Peter Ricoletti to the world.

“We all chipped in.” Lestrade handed Sherlock a hastily wrapped gift.

Sherlock tore open one end, revealing a brown deerstalker cap. Y/N laughed along with the crowd.

“Oh!” Sherlock said, flashing a fake smile.

“Put the hat on!” The reporters called. “Put the hat on!”

“Yeah, Sherlock. Put it on.” Lestrade agreed.

Sherlock cleared his throat and reluctantly donned the cap. The crowd clapped and cameras clicked.


“Boffin?” Sherlock slammed a trashy newspaper down on the coffee table.”Boffin Sherlock Holmes?”

John, sitting on the couch, picked up the paper while Sherlock paced the sitting room. “Everybody gets one.”

“One what?” Sherlock asked.

“Tabloid nickname. SuBo, Nasty Nick.” John said. “Shouldn’t worry, Y/N and I’ll probably get some soon.”

“Page five, column six, first sentence.” Sherlock said.

John raised his eyebrows, flipping to the section mentioned.

“Why is it always the hat photograph?” Sherlock exclaimed, grabbing the deerstalker and punching it.

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