Chapter 51: The Six Thatcher

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“I met her once.” Mycroft said.


“Rather arrogant, I thought.” Mycroft said.

“You thought?” Sherlock asked.

“I know,” Mycroft laughed. “Why am I looking at this?”

He held up Y/N’s phone which displayed a photo of Sherlock and Rosie.

“That’s her, John and Mary’s baby.” Sherlock said.

“Oh, yes, well…” Mycroft examined the picture. “Looks very…fully-functioning.”

Y/N laughed. “Is that the best you can manage?”

“I’ve never been very good with them.” Mycroft said.


“Humans.” Mycroft smiled.

Y/N took her phone back. She smiled briefly at the photo before returning her phone to her pocket.

“Moriarty.” She prompted.

“Did he have any connection to Thatcher?” Sherlock finished.

“Any interest in her?” Y/N asked.

“Why would he?” Mycroft scoffed.

“I don’t know, you tell me.” Sherlock countered.

Mycroft sniffed, opening Moriarty’s file. “In the last year of his life, James Moriarty was involved with four political assassinations, over seventy assorted robberies and terrorist attacks, including a chemical weapons factory in North Korea, and had latterly shown some interest in tracking down the Black Pearl of the Borgias. Which is still missing, by the way, in case you feel like applying yourself to something practical.”

“It’s a pearl, get another one.” Sherlock said.

Mycroft rolled his eyes at Y/N, but she merely shrugged.

“Something important about this. I’m sure.” Sherlock mused.

“Maybe it’s Moriarty, maybe it’s not.” Y/N added.

“But something is coming.” Sherlock said.

Mycroft leant forward. “Are you having a premonition, brother mine?”

“The world is woven from billions of lives, every strand crossing every other. What we call premonition is just movement of the web. If you could attenuate to every strand of quivering data, the future would be entirely calculable. Inevitable as mathematics.”

“‘Appointment in Samarra.’” Mycroft said. “The merchant who can’t outrun Death. You always hated that story as a child. Less keen on predestination back then.”

“I’m not sure I like it now.” Sherlock picked up his coat.

“You wrote your own version, as I remember.” Mycroft said. “‘Appointment in Sumatra.’ The merchant goes to a different city and is perfectly fine.”

“Good night, Mycroft.” Sherlock said.

“Then he becomes a pirate for some reason.” Mycroft said.

Y/N laughed as Sherlock turned and headed for the door.

“A pirate?”

“Shut up.”

“After seeing those Pirates of the Caribbean movies, I always thought pirates were kind of sexy…” She teased.

Sherlock flipped up the collar on his coat, smiling. “I know.”

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