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Tw: homophobia, bullying, cursing
Badboyhalo aka Darryl woke up to the sun shining in his eyes. He slowly sat up and checked the time, 7:59 am. "Darn it I'm gonna be late" Darryl mumbled to himself jumping out of bed. He threw on a grey striped shirt with black jeans, quickly grabbing his backpack. He ran out the door to the bus leaving him. This was the third time this week. There was no point in trying to run and get the drivers attention since the driver didn't like him anyways.

Darryl lived in a small home with his father. His father was never home and when he was he was drunk and abusive. Darryl's mom died from cancer and since then his father changed. Darryl wasn't popular in school, his grades were very high though. He'd usually get bullied for it, people begging him to do their homework. It wasn't to bad until just last week a group of guys transferred to his school. Alex, Zak, Clay, and Nick. Alex was the nicest in the group, usually he'd just give Darryl a kick in the leg but that's it. But he would curse at him like crazy. Clay and nick were one of the worst. With both of them Darryl would be unconscious bleeding everywhere. And finally, Zak. He was the one to usually be in control and tell the group what to do.

When Darryl got to school he saw Clay, Nick and Alex standing in the hall waiting for him. Before he could turn around they were already right in front of his face.
"Aww look who just arrived" teased Alex
"You look like you just came out of the sewers" Nick said stepping closer to Darryl.
(switching to 1st person cause it'll be easier)
Darryl's POV
"I-I uhm" I stuttered. I felt myself shaking. It felt as if my legs could barely keep me up and they would snap in half.
"Quit fucking stuttering bitch" Clay yelled.
"Let's teach him a lesson boys." Nick smirked.
"N-no p-ple-" but before Darryl could finish Clay punched him in the eye. Nick stepped forward and kicked him on the legs. Causing Darryl fall down in pain.
"Already fell down? What a fucking baby." Alex chuckled bending down to look at Darryl.
"Maybe if you weren't so fucking useless we'd let you go." Clay laughed bent down to punch Darryl in the stomach.
"Looks like nobody's here to-" but before Nick could finish the bell rang. The group of boys quickly ran away before they could get caught. Darryl had a free period first class so he just headed to the bathroom to get washed up.

"I wish they would just leave me alone. Why does it have to be me?" Darryl thought to himself. At least it wasn't Zak. Zak never really hurts me. If he did I'd probably be dead. Zak is very strong and the third tallest in the group. Clay was 6"4, Nick was 6"2, Zak was 5"11 and Alex was 5"9. Darryl on the other hand was 5"4
Zak not hurting Darryl wasn't the only reason he liked him better. It was because his charming brown eyes, dark brown hair and his soft tan skin. Darryl had to admit, he was gay. But if he told anyone everyone would be against him. And the whole school would be bullying him. Darryl tried to get over Zak for months but nothing would work. So he just accepted the fact that he had a small crush on Zak. Well huge.

By the time I was done fantasizing over Zak the bell rang. I didn't see Zak this morning so I hope he's okay. Even if he's rude to me I'll never stop liking him. When I reached math class I saw Zak arguing with the teacher.
"You need to get your grades up higher, or else your going to fail!" The teacher, mrs lee yelled in her lecturing voice. Zak rolled his eyes and was about to speak up until the teacher noticed me.
"Oh hello Darryl, I was just waiting for you!" Mrs. Lee said getting out of her chair.
"I was wondering if you could tutor Zak over here, his grades have been getting lower and I think you would be the perfect fit!" She exclaimed.
"T-tutor?" I felt faint, even though I had a crush on Zak being alone with him at a house or library wouldn't honestly be the best. Who knows what Zak can do to me. But this could also be my chance to get a better relationship with him.
"S-sure!" I quickly said before Mrs. Lee could offer another student.
"Okay great! You guys can work at your homes or in the library!" She said sitting back down on her chair. Zak rolled his eyes and sat down at his desk. I got the feeling Zak didn't want me to tutor him.

(Hey! So I know I kept changing prospectives but I hope it wasn't annoying. I'm not too good, and yes, I do think Zak aka skeppy is taller than badboyhalo *▽≦)

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