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Tw: fainting, suicidal thoughts
Zak's POV
"Where the hell have you been?" Sam said pushing me out of bed.
"What time is it?" I moaned slowly closing my eyes wanting to go back to sleep.
"Answer my question Zak, and where is Darryl?" I couldn't think, she just woken me up with tons of questions. I was still very emotional about the whole situation.
"First off, Darryl's at the hospital. And I was at the police station." I rubbed my eyes uncovering the blankets from my legs.
"WHAT?!" Sam threw her hands to her mouth with her eyes wide open.
"I did nothing, Clay shot him with a gun then I had to go answer questions at the police station." I shrugged it off pushing her aside heading to the bathroom.
"Are you not at all concerned? Your saying it like it's a normal thing!" Sam yelled following me in the bathroom. I brushed my hair filling a cup up with water.
"So aren't we going to visit him? Did Clay go to jail? And why didn't you answer my texts?"
"Sam just stop, all these questions are really overwhelming and I'm not even sure if Darryl is alive. CLAY SHOT HIM TWICE!" Tears flooded my eyes as I quickly rubbed them away not wanting Sam to see them.
"Oh Zak, I'm so sorry." Sam gave me a side hug patting my head.
"I'm sure everything will be okay. I'll drive you to the hospital and you can just relax for now." Sam stopped hugging me then left the room. I stared at the mirror for a few seconds looking at my red face. Tears were still following down slowly falling on to my shirt. I should get changed, I didn't feel like changing yesterday so I was still wearing the matching frog hoodie with Darryl. It just made me sad looking at it, knowing the last time I was with Darryl he was wearing it too. I headed to my wardrobe pulling out a striped grey shirt with black sweatpants. I wasn't going to dress too fancy, just comfortable. Once I was done changing I grabbed my phone off my nightstand turning it on to multiple notifications. I decided to delete my parents texts and Sam's texts since I was already here and could answer the questions face to face. The texts I had left was Alex's.
Yesterday, Alex: I heard what Clay was going to do.
Yesterday, Alex: And if I'm being honest Darryl didn't deserve that much, making it that bad that the cops are involved is just overboard.
Yesterday, Alex: but that doesn't mean I like you or Darryl. My hate still stands to you both.
I was honestly quite surprised on his texts. He was never this nice, he actually has come to his sense that what Clay did wasn't right.
8:12, you: thanks, Alex that means a lot.
8:13, Alex: by saying Clay went overboard but I still hate you both? That really isn't anything to thank me for. Go fuck yourself.
I wasn't surprised, my response was a bit soft but it was fine. I didn't expect Alex to turn soft as well from that message. He's just himself by saying that, it wasn't anything personal.

I stuffed my phone in my pocket then headed downstairs. I saw my parents sitting at the table while Sam was cooking something. Once I got closer I could smell bacon and eggs.
"Hey Sam" I mumbled a little walking next to Sam.
"You want me to help you?"
"No no it's fine, just rest." She stared at me giving me a slight smile. I sat down at the dining table next to my parents.
"So? Care to say why you were gone for so long yesterday?" My mother said sipping her coffee.
"Someone hurt Darryl, then the police questioned me so I had to go to the police station filling out a form." I sighed sitting back in my chair.
"Oh! I'm sorry dear." She leaned over the table giving me a kiss on the forehead.
"After you eat me and your father can drive you both to the hospital. How does Darryl even manage to get hurt my so many people?"
"I-I'm not sure." I lied as Sam handed me a plate of bacon and eggs. I picked up a fork off the table swallowing it down quickly. My parents both got up getting a plate then sitting down again. Sam sat next to me digging in immediately. Tears flooded in my eyes remembering Darryl was only there because of me. It was all my damn fault, if I wasn't more careful he wouldn't have been there. I stuffed some more eggs down my mouth swallowing it in a big chunk.
"Zak? A-are you alright?" Sam said quietly swallowing some water.
"Let's just go already." I put my fork down, I ate most of my food besides a few pieces of eggs. I stood up quickly washing my plate and fork. Sam stood up putting her dish in the sink as my parents did the same. We all headed out the door getting in the car. It all felt like I made no progress with getting Darryl better. I hate that bitch, Clay is the one who deserves to die. I would have grabbed his fucking gun shooting him. I'd get Sam to bail me out of jail anyways, my parents wouldn't have to know. His death would be worth it.

The car ride was silent, sometimes my mother would occasionally hum some random music and my father would go along with the song humming the same song. I wasn't sure how he could tell but I guess it was just their logic. Sam had her earbuds in shaking her leg to the beat. They didn't seem all that concerned on what happened, maybe I didn't give enough detail. They couldn't just listen to music to ignore the fact that Darryl could be dead. Maybe Darryl wasn't even that special to them, they seem to act cold to him once in awhile. It honestly is pathetic, it's probably all pity when they act nice to him. Sam is the only acceptation.

"Alright, we are here-" I flung open the door running out. Sam quickly ran after me catching up. We walked through the front doors to the main desk.
"Hello! Who are you here for today?" The man there yelled cheerfully.
"Darryl Noveschosch please." The man typed on his computer for a little. His expression changed quickly, from a bright cheerful face to what looked like his whole family got ran over by a bus.
"Y-yeah u-uhm-" my parents walked in standing right next to me and Sam.
"Is everything all right?" My father said patting my back.
"I'm sorry, only his family can see him at the moment." The doctor shrugged staring back at his screen.
"W-what? WE ARE HIS FAMILY!" I clenched my fists as tears tickled my cheeks. My throat swelled up as everything got blurry.
"I'm sorry, one of his family members at the moment said he is allowed to see anyone else at the time."
"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN? HE LIVES WITH US!" I shook his desk furious.
"Please leave or we'll have to call the security." This time the man didn't look upset, he narrowed his eyes looking bothered.
"Is he a-awake at l-least?" I murmured under my breath.
"He's currently in coma, sir."
"ZAK! DO NOT TALK TO HIM LIKE THAT!" My father yelled pulling my shirt back.
"Zak! learn some manners. We are leaving now." My mother pulled my ear dragging me out. I could barely process what was happening. What was even this? Is this some sort of goddamn joke? He didn't even have any family, not that I knew of. How did they even know he was in the hospital in the first place? My thoughts got caught off by my mother yelling my name.
"Are you going to answer her question young man?"
"I-I'm sorry what?" I mumbled wiping tears away. Everything felt sore as my knees got weak.
"What even was that?" I couldn't keep my focus, it felt as if my ears were ringing then everything sounded as if it was just mumbling. My palms and forehead got sweaty, I constantly wiped it away with my sleeve.
'It's all your fault.'
'Darryl is in coma, all because of you'
'Just kill you self already.'

(It's Karl's birthday today, so happy birthday to him! Also, you all are amazing and good enough for anything.)
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