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Tw: bullying, blood, self harm
                                  Zak's POV
"LET ME GO YOU DUMB ASS BITCHES!" Nick was holding both my hands behind my back. His gript was tight, I couldn't get away. Clay was punching me with his clenched fists, fuming with anger. His dirty blonde hair was in his face, each punch gave me a pit of guilt in my stomach, or it was just the pain. But knowing I did this all to Darryl? He tried helping me, and I couldn't even stand up to him, I just ended up hurting him more. I shrugged it off, accepting the fact that I couldn't get away from them.
"Zak, we wouldn't have to be doing this to you if you were just on our side." Nick yelled from my back.
"Just be on our side, we won't hurt you." Clay stopped punching me, he stared me straight in the eyes. I could tell he was dead serious by the look in his eyes. Would I really want to betray Darryl just because I didn't want to get hurt? No, I couldn't, I couldn't bare to see Darryl's broken face again if he saw that I betrayed him. My love, my friend, my tutor, I couldn't possibly have any chance of losing him. Nicks grip loosened waiting for my response. I quickly ran off in the direction I saw Darryl go. He probably went in the bathroom, it was really the only room he could go to beside a classroom. I slowly opened the door, there laid a man with a red and black shirt, he had a knife in his hand with blood on the floor dripping from the knife. Brown messy hair covering his face. It was Darryl. I couldn't believe my eyes, I thought he didn't cut himself anymore.
"DAMMIT DARRYL!" I clenched my fists punching the wall, my knuckles turned red, slowly dripping blood out of it. Falling to my knees, there was a pain in my chest. My heart started beating fast as I slowly wrapped my arms around Darryl. He was laying on his side, his legs were bent, try tears stained his face.
"I'm sorry Darryl" I whispered in his ears. I ripped the knife out of his hand, blood was still dripping from it.

The bell rang, I wasn't going to class, nor was I letting Darryl go. I slowly lifted him up from the dirty floor, a few people went in and out of the bathroom but they didn't bother to ask what happened. I carried him out heading for my car. I let him go a little to open the car door, I placed him in the back then sat in with him, closing the door. Luckily I had my first aid kit so Darryl wouldn't get away with more blood dripping. I quickly unwrapped a massive bandage that would cover at least four of his cuts. I can't believe he'd cut himself again, why did he even have a knife in his bag? Do I need to search it every time we go to school? Random thoughts covered my head as I put the last bandaid on him. He had other cuts, bruises and scars but they weren't as bad. After that I put a few bandages on the cuts Clay gave me. I've knew Clay since we were in grade school, he's never use to be a bully. He was sweet, kind, honest and he would always listen to anyone's problems. It wasn't just all of a sudden when he changed, I could slowly see him growing meaner but never thought too much of it. He dragged me into bullying people, my whole mindset changed. I was becoming like Clay until I actually got to know Darryl. Him being my tutor was honestly the best thing that could have ever happened. I stared down at Darryl laying flat down on the car seat. I placed my arm on his leg rubbing it in circles, Darryl yawned slowly opening his eyes. He squinted his eyes looking tired.
"Hey Darryl!" I smiled at him trying to bring up the mood. Darryl yawned again then slowly sat up.
"H-hey Zak." Darryl mumbled letting out another huge yawn.
"Are you that tired?" I laughed.
"N-no well, kinda" Darryl smiled at me turning towards the window.
"A-are we s-skipping school?"
"Yeah, but it's fine. You need to rest anyway."
"N-no I need to keep my grades up." Darryl sat up more looking at the bandages on his arm.
"Why did you do that?" I questioned him. Darryl gave me a cold look then stared back at the window.
"Why do you need to know?" I could hear anger in his voice, why was he so angry? I scooted closer to him, wrapping one of my arms around him. With the other arm I grabbed his hand, holding it tightly.
"I only want to help you." I felt tears fill my eyes. Darryl must have noticed, his face went soft then hugged me back.
"I-I'm sorry." Darryl laid his head on my shoulder.
"What do you wanna do?"
"Get ice cream?" Darryl smiled at me then nodded his head. We both got out then I got in the drivers seat, he sat in the front. I turned on Spotify on my phone hooking it up to my phone, pulling down the windows enough to fit a hand out. I pulled out of the parking lot then drove off, wind hitting my face. I could see a wide smile spread across Darryl's face when wind hit his face, it was honestly really cute!

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