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Tw: homophobia, suicide attempt, self harm
Zak's POV
I couldn't stop tapping my fingers on my desk, I was in Math class and all I could think about is Darryl being dead. Maybe I went to rough.
Did I just kill my tutor? He didn't do anything to me.
Clay, Nick and Alex never went this rough. He's probably still passed out.
"WHAT?" I looked around the class and everyone was staring at me. I was probably zoned out.
"To the principals office this instant young man." Mrs. Lee screamed at me pointing to the door. What did she even want? I got up from my desk and headed out. I could hear loud whispering when the door closed. I headed down the hall to the principal. Lucky for me school was almost over. So he wouldn't get a lot of time to talk. I smirked and knocked on the door.
"Come in!" He yelled cheerfully. I opened the door slowly and looked around. There was a large desk with tons of papers forming messy stacks. He had two large black chairs with a stack of books on one. He was sitting on the other black chair writing on a paper.
"So, why are you here Zak?"
"I honestly don't know sir, I thought you called me." I cleared my throat, I felt sweat forming on my palms. I wiped it on my jeans and looked him straight in the eyes.
"Zak, don't lie to me, and please call me Mr. Stewart." Mr. Stewart got up from his chair and placed his hand on my shoulder.
"I-I u-uhm"
"Shh, I know what you did. And if you don't go help him, I can easily make sure your the one in his position." What the hell was he talking about?
"W-were you the one r-recording?"I blurred out, I wiggled my shoulder trying to make him let go of his tight grip.
"The bells gonna ring and if you don't go now people are gonna see-"
"CRAP!" I interrupted, running out the door. I ran down the hall and turned to the next long hall. And sure enough, Darryl was there. I quickly dragged him into the boys bathroom and locked the doors. His originally white shirt was now all red with blood. His face looked more pale the normal. Dry tears stained his face. What have I done. I checked his heart and luckily he was still breathing. He needed serious help. But I couldn't get seen. I leaned him against the wall and sat next to him. His brown messy hair was in his face. He didn't look scared. He seemed calm, but hurt. I slowly laid on his shoulder and fell asleep.

Darryl's POV
I slowly opened my eyes. I felt my back aching. Everything was sore. What happened? I slowly lifted my head and felt weight on my chest. I looked over my shoulder and saw Zak. I could feel my face turning red. What was he doing here? D-did he actually help me? I still had to tutor him. I laid my head on his. But I'll enjoy the moment. I felt myself drifting off to sleep again until I heard Zak mumble something.
"Z-Zak?"I smiled.
"Yes Darryl?" I had so many questions to ask him. But I guess I'll have to ask him them another time.
"I still need to tutor you!" I giggled, living my head to look down at him.
"Fine" he sat up and stared at me. His brown eyes were so cute and had a glare in them that made it sparkle.
"Well we should get going then, it's getting late." Zak smiled at me then got up, offering me a hand. I grabbed his hand and it felt so soft. If only I could hold his hand all the time. Zak unlocked the door and we headed out. The halls were completely empty. It felt dark even though the lights were still on. It gave me the chills. When me and Zak made it to the library all the lights were completely off.
"Mrs. TrueLove?" I called out.
"I-I think it's closed." He paused for a few seconds looking around.
"Would you like to come to my house?" Zak smiled at me giving me a feeling I've never felt before.
"Sure! I'd love too!" I giggled and followed him down the the hall towards the exit. When we made it outside the sun was already setting. The parking lot had a few cars but the streets were empty.
"I didn't bring my car today, I hope that's okay with you, my house isn't too far." Zak seemed upset, but walking would just mean I got to spend more time with Zak.
"No no it's not a problem at all! The weather is nice and it's healthier to walk anyways." I assured him. Zak seemed relived by my response. We both headed down the street with the relaxing sunset making things feel romantic.
Nobody's POV
Zak and Darryl walked down the street on a trail with berry bushes on the sides. Zak and Darryl would occasionally talk telling things about themselves. Small winds would hit their faces and brush hair into their face. But overall the weather was warm and relaxing.
Darryl's POV
When we made it to Zak's house it was huge. It was a blue two story house with bright green grass at the entrance.
"W-woah, this is yours?" Zak giggled at my surprise. His laugh was so adorable, it fitted his cute face.
"Yeah, well my parents. They don't usually like uninvited guests but it's fine. They are really nice anyways, and besides, your just here to tutor." Zak smiled at me then walked up the porch. I wish I wasn't just here to tutor him. I just want to watch a movie or just relax. Zak reached in his bag and grabbed out four different keys on a chain. He held out a black key and unlocked the door. Inside was massive. He had a fancy marble modern kitchen with barstools by the counters on the right. And on the left side was the living room. He had a massive flat screen TV that almost covered the entire wall. There a huge black couch with blankets and comfy pillows, and right next to it was a rocking chair with a long blanket that looked knitted. There was a hallway down in the middle of the kitchen and living room. Right before the long hallway was white stairs with a chandelier hanging above. I couldn't help but to yell out woah each time he showed me something. After he showed me the downstairs we went up to his room.
"Oh my gosh!" I blurred out. He had smooth marble white floor with a massive black bed, and a giant window behind it. Zak also had his own personal bathroom. In the corner was a desk with books and a laptop. There was a pile of clothes and papers on the floor.
"Sorry if it's a bit messy in here, I wasn't expecting you to come."
"N-no it's fine! It isn't too messy in here anyways."  I smiled at him and he had a cute grin on his face.
"Well shall' we? Zak pointed to his desk and got two notebooks out of his bag.
"I've been studying more recently so I got some notebooks. They are just empty at the moment but I'm planning on filling it up with math and other subjects." I couldn't stop staring into his charming eyes. Every time I would look at them he had a sparkle in his eye that could light up a whole room. I could fall asleep instantly on his fluffy hair. It looks softer than a cloud, it always covered his face but his eyes would stick out.
"Darryl?" Zak tapped me on the shoulder causing me to jump.
"I'm sorry, did I scare you?" Zak chuckled.
"It's fine! I just zoned out." I assured him. I laughed a little then reached in my bag to grab my math textbook and a few other notebooks with different subjects. Helping Zak with math in his house was honestly relaxing. His bed looked so comfy, I could fall asleep instantly.
(Time skip, around 1 and 30 minutes)
"Thanks for tutoring me Darryl!" Zak exclaimed handing me my notebook.
"No problem! And uhm-" I felt my heart racing fast, was I really gonna tell him? Was it too soon?
"Yes Darryl?" My palms got sweaty and I could even feel sweat from my head. I took a deep breath. If I'm not ready now, I don't think I will ever be.
"I-I l-like y-you" I mumbled out quietly.
"What?" Did he not hear me?
"I-I LIKE YOU" I blurred out loudly. My heart froze and I held my breath as I waited for his response.
"What the hell."
"D-did I say something w-wrong?" I questioned him.
"GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE." Zak clenched his fists. I just stood there in shock. I've never seen him this angry at me. He'd usually punch and kick me but this time he seemed different.
"WHAT THE FUCK DID I SAY GAY FREAK? LEAVE." Zak yelled at me then pushed me out the door, locking it. I just stood there in disbelief. A girl walked out of a room silently stepping on the soft carpet.
"I-is everything a-alright?" She seemed concerned. But I didn't want to get her worried.
"Y-yeah I was just l-leaving." I quickly rushed down the stairs. I paused for a few seconds, taking a deep breath then opening the door. I had to walk all the way back home, and since it was late my father was probably already home.  The sun had already set and the road was empty. All my pains had suddenly came back. I felt sore and limp. Oh how badly I wanted to cut my arms more making the lines into squares and bruises into scars. It was so cold I was practically shivering. Why do I have to be gay. Maybe my father was right, maybe I was a mistake. Was I the cause of my mother's death?  Maybe that's why my father hates me. As well with Clay, Nick and Alex, and Zak. Why did I have to be so stupid. I was inpatient, and couldn't wait to tell Zak my feelings about him. Why would I like my bully in the first place. There was no chance in him liking me. He even said it himself. "We aren't friends" he probably even helped me out of pity. I didn't even need his help. He only brought me out of the hall out of pity. Though, he did lay with me, and that was rather comfy.
"No Darryl, stop." I mumbled out loud. At least nobody could hear me anyways. What was I thinking. Why would Zak, a handsome cute boy with a amazing house like me anyway. I wasn't good looking, I wasn't rich. The only thing I'm good for is helping his grades get higher. After that I'd be useless and he would wanna see my face ever again after he graduates.

When I got home I saw my father laying on the couch with a bottle of alcohol in his hand. He always drinks whenever he has the chance. The living room was covered with cans and bottles. I'm never motivated enough to pick them all up since I know they will all appear the next day. I went over to the kitchen and silently grabbed a knife from the cabinet, then headed to my room, quietly closing the door. I sat down on my bed and put my bag down on the floor. What's the point. Nobody likes me, nobody wants me here. Zak said it himself. I thought that was my chance, to finally have a lover and be happy. I guess I was wrong. Life is all just pointless, I'll never be happy, I'll never be successful. Lines on my arms aren't good enough. Neither are the bruises or scars. It's time I finally get what I want and reach happiness.

(Hey! So I hope this was longer than usual, I made it to 2k words and I was planning on doing at least 2,500 but I wasn't sure what else to put. And no, this isn't the end. )
Art belongs to: Sanglamart on DeviantArt!

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