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Tw: bullying, self harm kinda, cursing
*Beep beep*
I woke to my alarm going off. Today was the day I had to tutor Zak. I wanted to look presentable so I got up a little early to take a shower and make my hair. Though I didn't want to overdo it. I headed in the shower and used my most fancy shampoos and conditioners. After I got out I sprayed on light perfume and went to go pick out a outfit. I looked in my drawers and the first outfit that came to mind was a dark blue and black striped shirt, with black jeans. Since I didn't have a lot of money that was probably the best I could do, but it was a good outfit none the less. I went into the bathroom again after changing into my outfit. And made my hair. (Quiff hairstyle if you wanna be specific)
After I finished I went into the kitchen to grab something to eat. Today was Monday so my father wasn't home. And at night he'd probably be at a party or something getting more drunk. I grabbed a chocolate chip muffin from the plastic box on the counter. It wasn't the healthiest but the tastiest. Each bite brings me more happiness. It's always so soft and the bread tastes freshly baked out of the oven in a muffin shop. There isn't any muffin shops in my town, or maybe not even in my state. If there were to be one I'd be the one to open it.
I opened the cabinet and grabbed a cup, pouring cold milk into it. Plain milk with a chocolate chip muffin is the best food at any time of day. After almost drinking all of the milk in the cup the bus arrived. I grabbed my backpack and swung it on. I stepped up the creaky stairs on the bus and sat right in the middle where nobody was. Everyone looked quite surprised to see me. Especially the bus driver. More pissed than surprised but I'm just guessing he's had a bad day.

When I arrived at school it seemed quite peaceful. Clay, Alex, Nick and Zak didn't seem to be here yet. I walked around just admiring the scenery for a few minutes. The birds chirping, the flow of the wind hitting the leaves. The students that were here already were just reading or quietly chatting with a friend. I headed inside the school and to my surprise it was completely empty. It felt peaceful but cold. Unfortunately for me, I didn't bring my jacket. I went inside the library and picked up a couple books and began to read them. The librarian usually loved my visits. I'd help her whenever she needed it. Whenever I came there was books everywhere on the tables. She seemed like a busy woman. Her name was Mrs. Truelove. She had short blonde hair and was petite. She had decorations on selves and her own fish tank. She'd occasionally let me feed the fish, there was about 20 fish in the tank. The tank was well decorated with lots of rocks. The library was calming and had lots of seating with comfy pillows. How many books she had was countless. Boxes of books would come in at least every week. And the best part about the library was that I'd never have to worry about seeing Clay, Nick, Alex or Zak. Though, today I will have to step out of my comfort zone and take Zak to the library. I'm sure he doesn't even know where it is.

After about 30 minutes the bell rang. I safely placed the books in my backpack and headed off to my first class, art. Art class was maybe the worst class. Not because of the subject, but me and Alex sit right next to each other. It's a nightmare each time I go in there. He splashes me with paint and always says "it was a accident" maybe the first few times, but every single time isn't a accident. Hopefully he doesn't today though, the paint will stain my pants and shirt. Zak might make fun of me for that too.

When I walked in art class Alex was already waiting for me at his desk with a huge smirk. I'm guessing he's planning to do something to me this class.
"Alright class, today we will be cutting out papers to decorate this class! I will be picking out 10 drawers and 10 cutters." Miss Stacy divided the class and everyone got to work. Me and Alex were two of the 10 who got cutting. Everything seemed fine. It was actually quite fun. We had these cutouts of flowers or humans then we'd give them to the drawers and when they were finished the drawing got hanged up on the wall. Alex stopped cutting for a few seconds, and stared around the room for a good two minutes.
"Darryl, hey Darryl?" He said tapping me on the shoulder.
"Y-yes Alex?"
"Look" he pointed to his paper halfway cutout. I didn't see what he meant. There was nothing on his paper. I leaned in closer and when I was about to sit back Alex cut me on the arm with the scissors.
"Ow" I yelled. The words just slipped out of my mouth. And before I knew it the class went silent and everyone was staring at me.
"Is everything alright Darryl?" My heart started beating fast as the whole class was waiting on my reply. I took a deep breath and thought of the first excuse that came to my mind.
"U-uhm y-yeah I just got a p-paper cut." I looked around the room and students went back to what they were doing.
"Alright, tell me if you need a bandaid!" Mrs. Stacy was one of the nicest teachers. She was always understanding and easily convinced. I stared at Alex for a few seconds then went on with cutting.
"Fuck off" Alex mocked under his breath, and almost immediately went back to cutting.

^*Time skip*^
When school finished I knew I had to go up to Zak or he would just leave. He was just down the hall on his phone. Luckily Clay, Nick and Alex weren't there. I took a deep breath a walked down the hall towards him. I could feel my palms getting sweaty. What if he declines? I woke up early and dressed nice for nothing. This was probably a mistake, before I could turn around Zak was already right in front of me.
"Uhm Z-Zak? C-can we go to the l-library and I-I'll help y-you with m-math." Zak stared at me with a glare in his eyes, fuming with anger.
"Don't you see I'm fucking doing something?" Zak yelled pointing to his phone.
"S-sorry Z-Zak" I stepped back and gave him space. After about 5 minutes but what feels like a eternity he finished. Zak stuffed his phone in his pocket and stared up at me. He didn't seem as angry. His fluffy dark brown hair was in his eyes. He looked so adorable.
"Come this way!" I giggled walking away from him. The library was quite far from where Zak was standing so occasionally when I was walking I would look back to see if he was still following me. When we got there I put my bag down at a table and got out a few notebooks and two pencils. I gave him my special led pencil that had almost a pack of led in it. It was green and blue. And the eraser was brand new. I opened up my math notebook and ripped out a lined paper. I slide it across the table to Zak. Then I opened up another notebook and showed him my math notes. I explained to him how he got his wrong answers and when he got the answer right I'd congratulate him. During this time Zak seemed different. I've never seen this side of Zak. He looked so focused on the math and his face would look so cute when I told him he got the answer right. It actually felt like we were friends. Like he didn't even bully me. I don't understand how someone can look so innocent and hurt you so much.
"Uhm Darryl?" Zak said annoyed.
"Y-yes Z-Zak?" What was going on? Did I do something bad?
"Where did all those scratches come from?" Zak mentioned pointing to my arms. If Zak knew I was cutting myself he'd probably tell all his friends and I'd get bullied even more for it.
"U-uhm I t-tripped"
"O-oh okay"
Zak's POV
Did he really think I'd believe him that easily?
"Z-Zak? Are you listening?"
"Yeah I'm listening, go on." I smirked. Biting the pencil.

(Hello! I hope you enjoyed this page, when I wrote about the librarian that was based on a irl librarian I had at my school. She was the nicest! )

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