
395 28 10

Tw: homophobia
Zak took Darryl home, putting ice on his head and putting him to bed.
Zak's POV
I was nearly half asleep when I heard ruffling in the sheets. I slowly opened my eyes a little, Darryl was awake on his phone.
"What game you playing?" I said laughing a little. Darryl glanced back at me smiling.
"Minecraft." Darryl's voice was raspy and a bit deep but it still sounded cute.
"On the phone? Isn't that hard?"
"Well a bit, but I'm trying to get better."
"Do you wanna try streaming again after school?" Darryl's eyes lit up with excitement as he sat up.
"I forgot about school." He paused for a few seconds then began again.
"Do we have to go to school?" Darryl cried getting out of bed.
"Yeah, unless you want bad gra-"
"FINE!" Darryl yelled interrupting me going to the bathroom. I started uncovering the blankets off me until my phone started vibrating.
Yesterday, you: (1 attached image)
7:43, Nick: what the fuck
7:43, Nick: is that fucking fake?
7:44, Nick you bitch
7:44, Nick: don't think I'd believe you that easily
7:45, you: WHAT THE HELL
4:47, Nick: don't fucking talk to me like that you pussy ass bitch
4:47, Nick: I can hurt Darryl so fucking bad you can't protect him that much, so watch what you say
I'd hate to admit it but Nick was right. Me and Darryl didn't even have all our classes together. Some of Darryl's classes were all the way across the school. I wasn't sure how I'd protect Darryl, but somehow I would do it. I got up from the bed changing into a plain white shirt with a jean jacket and plain black jeans. Darryl came out of the shower with wet hair in a black hoodie with plain blue jeans.
"Hey Darryl!"
"Is everything alright?"
"Y-yeah I'm fine let's just go." Darryl grabbed his bag then headed downstairs. Maybe he was just being moody. I grabbed my bag then followed him down, grabbing my car keys.

The car ride was silent, I thought about playing music but the school was close. The awkward silence was too much for me.
"I love you Darryl." I said kissing his cheek then getting out of the car.
"I-I love you too Zak." Darryl said getting out of the car.
"I have to go to the library again."
"I'll come with you." I insisted.
"Alright." We walked inside the school side by side. He didn't seem as cold but it still seemed like something was up.
"YOU GAY BITCH! THATS WHAT YOU DESERVE!" A group were huddled up in front of a wall, it looked like something was there. I didn't want to get involved but my curiosity got the best of me.
"What's going on?" I yell loud enough for them all to hear me.
"We caught this bitch fucking a man." A guy yelled. The group backed away from the wall, and there on the floor was none other than Clay. I smirked at Clay stepping in front of him.
"I was expecting you to be in this position." I chuckled a little bending down a little to stare at him. He was shaking with blood dripping down from his nose, pathetic. I just wanted to punch his sorry face, so I did.
"ZAK! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?" A familiar voice from behind me yelled. It was George.
"Uh, I'm- wait George what are you doing here? Did you even go to this sch-"
"THAT ISN'T THE QUESTION I ASKED YOU!" George pushed me aside bending down to see Clay.
"Are you alright?"
"IS HE ALRIGHT? WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE?" I yelled fuming in rage. Darryl was just standing a few steps away from me looking terrified.
"Aren't you the guy in the photo?" One of the people yelled out stepping forward.
"Uhm, what video?" George's accent got deeper as he stared at Clay.
"The photo of you fucking this dude."
"I-uhm w-what!? C-Clay?"
"Zak took the photo." Clay blurred out giving me a cold stare.
"ZAK YOU WHAT?" George stood up coming towards me.
"Actually.." George paused for a few seconds staring around.
"I took the photo of you kissing Darryl." George giggled smiling at Clay. Rage was flowing in my head, that fucking bitch.
"I didn't obviously want you guys as my friends, I just recognized you from Clay. I didn't use to go to this school, not until a few days ago. Now I can see why Clay hates you guys so damn much. Especially you, Darryl" George was practically humming Darryl's name stepping closer to him.
"Pathetic of you thinking I'd actually wanna be friends with a bitch like you. Don't you understand nobody likes you?"
"That isn't true, I love him." I walk over to Darryl kissing him on the lips.
"Looking at you both is just disgusting." Clay said getting up. The group of people were starting to walk away uninterested.
"I could say the same to you." I mumbled under my breath.
"Excuse you?" George screamed.
"Z-Zak let's just go." Darryl mumbled.
"Not without a fucking fight." I swung at Clay but he dodged it.
"Zak p-please, class is going to start soon." Darryl begged me. He was shaking looking scared but he also looked a bit angry.
"Fine." I mumbled out. Darryl grabbed my hand dragging me to my class. I stuck up the middle finger at Clay and George, their expressions looked surprised but I could tell anger spread across them.

(Okay, this chapter seems short, I'm sorry. Hopefully it was still good tho, and also yes dnf.)
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