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Saturday, July 2021
Zak's POV
It's been emotion rollercoasters since I found out George was dating Clay. Nothing dramatic happened except the evil glances me and Clay gave at each other. It felt like war each time we walked by each other. I'm actually surprised he hasn't hit me yet by how many times I slightly pushed him while walking by him. Every time I look at George's face I see guilt and anger, which his face is just perfect for punching. Never thought about how bad I wanted to actually punch the brain out of him if he even had one. Which I'm guessing he doesn't, who would be dumb enough to date a man like Clay. When he sat on the floor by the wall I could just look over at his sorry pathetic face, until George came in. That motherfucker acted like that was his ticket to be alive. I only let him off the hook because Darryl wanted to go to class. Darryl has still been a bit cold, it was alright at first but he's now avoiding me. I wasn't going to ask at first why he's angry but now he leaves me no choice. I was just sitting on the couch while Darryl was talking to Sam in the kitchen about muffins or something.
"DON'T PUT ON THE CHOCOLATE CHIPS YET WE HAVE TO DO THE NUTS FIRST!" Sam yelled. I looked back and of course they were cooking muffins for the hundredth time. It actually got me annoyed, the first time it was actually really fun, but now, he's making them to often.
"Don't eat all the chocolate chips Sam!" Darryl giggled.
"Why the hell not!" Sam laughed. This honestly was stupid. They kept laughing even though nothing was funny, how was making muffins even this fun.
"Zakk! Come join us!" Darryl grabbed my hand dragging me to the kitchen. He didn't seem as cold, talk about mood swings.
"Muffins?" I stared down at him brushing his out of his face.
"Yeah, do you want some when they are done?" He had a slight smile on his face but it slowly faded into sadness. His eyes were glowing with excitement then the next second they are shining with tears.
"Guys I need to go to the restroom real quick I'll be right back." Sam walked away from the bowl then went upstairs.
"Tell me why your sad. You've been practically ignoring me this whole fucking week."
"STOP FUCKING SAYING NOTHING I KNOW SOMETHING IS WRONG!" I didn't realize don't how loud I yelled. Darryl took a few deep breaths then looked down at his pants.
"W-well I- uhm, we can't be together.."
"What the fuck do you mean?"
"I mean, we can't be togeth-"
"I FUCKING KNOW WHY THE HELL DO WE HAVE TO BREAK UP?" Tears rolled down his face as he wiped them with his sleeves.
"I'm s-sorry, I love you Z-Zak." Before I could even say anything he brought me into a hug. His arms wrapped tightly around my torso, he buried his head into my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around him, something wasn't right.
"Darryl, I know your not the one making this decision, what is going on?" I had a few voice cracks while tears filled my eyes making my throat feel sore.
"I'm n-not sure if I can t-tell you." He stared in my eyes as I stared into his.
"Darryl p-please, TELL ME!" I bent my head hiding my face in his chest.
"S-someone s-said-" Darryl bursted into tears sniffing while wiping his red cheeks with his sleeves.
"Darryl plea-"
"SOMEONE SAID IF I DON'T BREAKUP WITH YOU THEY WILL KILL YOU. I-I don't w-want you d-dead." Tears continued to fall down his face. My heart felt as if it had fallen.
"I won't die!" I paused for a few seconds wiping away my tears.
"Darryl, whoever it was can't kill me. I promise." I wasn't sure who it was, but they couldn't kill me.
"You p-promise?"
"I do." I gave him a small hug.
"Do you maybe wanna, try streaming again?"
"Yes yes!" Darryl smiled at me then put the muffins in the oven.
"I'm going to get the setup ready."
"Okay I'll be right there." I headed upstairs running into Sam.
"What? Why are you giving me that look?" I asked, Sam's face looked a bit angry.
"What's going on what happ-"
"And of course you need to know."
"Now you have attitude?" Sam's now have a evil smirk.
"What the fuck just let me go." I pushed her aside heading to the room. I turned on the laptop putting blankets on the chairs making it comfy. Who would even kill me? If they even tried it would probably only turn out to be a cut.
"Hey Zak!" Darryl said walking into the room.
"Hello!" I sat down in one of the chairs as Darryl sat in the other.
"Ready?" I asked smiling.
"Yeah!" I opened up twitch pressing the 'live' button.
"Heyy chat!" I waved at the scene excitedly.
"Hello guys!" Darryl waved at me then the screen.
"You wanna play Minecraft?" I asked.
"Yeah, I've been practicing so the chat wouldn't make fun of me." Darryl laughed jokingly.
"Well we will see." I laughed a little too opening Minecraft and going on our special server.
"You can take the controls first it's night time." Darryl leaned back in the chair smiling.
"Wow okay." I took control of the keyboard and the mouse then began fighting mobs.
                               Darryl's POV
Zak seemed inappropriately happy, I'm not sure if he understands that Clays father said he'd kill him if we don't break up. The power Clays father has is limitless, I wasn't sure what was going to happen, but I'll at least enjoy the time left I have with him.

(o. )
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