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Zak's POV
I snuggled into Darryl's chest, holding back tears.
"I love you, my baby." All of a sudden two doctors barged in the room looking concerned. I stood up straight looking at them.
"Is e-everything all r-right?" I mumbled out barely being able to speak. They said nothing, one of them wrote on a clipboard while the other checked a monitor.
"He's not breathing..FULL CODE!" One of them yelled as they both ran to him pressing his chest beginning CPR. I couldn't think properly, what was going on?
"D-Darryl?" I mumbled out as my heart rate increased.
"Please step out sir." Another nurse said coming in the room.
"NO PLEASE! I-... I CAN'T LEAVE HIM!" The nurse came up to me slowly, everything went quiet as she pulled out something from her pocket. It took me awhile to tell what it was...a needle. What was she doing with that-? She stabbed it into my arm, everything felt dizzy.
"WHAT THE FUCK! WHAT ARE Y-you d-doing to m-"

"Zak?" I opened my eyes adjusting to the light, it was Darryl.
"D-Darryl?" I wasn't sure what was going on, I couldn't remember much besides Darryl getting hurt by- something. I couldn't put my mind on it.
"Yeah Zak?" We we're sitting on a bench at the park with a box of muffins in between us.
"What happened? Weren't you in the hospital?" I had a voice crack, something wasn't right.
"What do you mean? Why would I be in the hospital? Zak are you alright?" Everything just felt uneasy, nobody was in the park or in the forest walking, it was always busy here.
"Didn't someone hurt y-you?"
"Zak! What are you talking about? Who would hurt me? It's just me and you!" Me and him? What the hell was going on? Darryl would always mumble a little at least in every sentence, he never acted this happy. Maybe I was overthinking things. I shrugged it off picking up a muffin. I stared at Darryl for a few seconds, his pretty emerald eyes never failed to amaze me. I stared at his face for a few seconds, it all seemed natural.
"Wait Darryl? Did you always have freckles?" I've never noticed his freckles, they looked pretty but that wasn't the point.
"Zak, w-what do you mean? I've always had freckles." I heard Darryl gulp looking at the muffins.
"Your acting really weird Zak." Darryl yapped with a angry tone. That was it for me, something wasn't right and Darryl's mood was just making everything worse.
"Me? Your acting like your hiding something! Something isn't right and I know it, you never acted like this before. Quit being a bitch and just tell me already what's up." I stood up from the bench putting my hands on my hips.
"WE ARE JUST EATING MUFFINS AT THE FUCKING PARK! WHAT IS SO BAD?!" Darryl yelled at me. I couldn't even believe what he said, he's never cursed before. Was there something the doctors did to him? Darryl stood up, his brown hair flashed a color of dirty blonde.
"Darryl? What was that?" I didn't specify what I was talking about.
"What was what?" Darryl quickly scratched his head coming closer to me. He slowly leaned in to my face.
"Your quite dumb." Darryl whispered in my ear giggling. I was to scared to move away from him, who was this? It wasn't Darryl.
"Oh I've got you wrapped around my finger, don't think the cops can take me away that easily." His whispers turned into a wheeze of laughter.
"C-Clay?" I could barely speak moving as little as possible.
"Caught me!" He laughed reaching into his pocket. His laugh continued as he pulled out a long knife. It had red stains on it, I could smell it from where he was holding it.
"B-but I don't understand, h-how are you Darryl?" I cleared my throat backing away from him. He looked at the knife sliding his fingers across the bloody dry stains.
"Your too dumb to realize it, do you not realize. YOU COULD'NT PROTECT YOUR OWN BOYFRIEND! NOW HES FUCKING DEAD! But that doesn't make me upset, that's all I wanted, I never wanted you to have happiness. Well, at least not here. I can make that all change, you could finally see him again by one simple thing." He paused for a few seconds staring at the knife then back at me. It was quite obvious what he wanted.
"Darryl isn't dead! HE IS ALIVE!" I wiped away my tears not even believing my own words.
"Aw, you keep believing that. On the other hand, I'll smack you back to reality where he's fucking dead and you need to goddamn realize it. You can't just keep pretending he's alive! If you really want to fucking see him I can make sure of that." He stepped closer to me with the knife. Darryl's face slowly turned white as his eyes faded into dots. His face turned into a white smile mask, with his dirty blonde hair. Clay lifted up his mask revealing his freckled face with his angry expression. It didn't resemble the smile on his mask.
"Looks like everything isn't always as it seems, your just too fucking dumb to realize it." Clay chuckled as his expression changed to a evil smile lifting the knife in his hand. He swung the knife at me, everything was fading black. I couldn't feel anything clasping to the floor. The last noise I heard was Clays laugh as he bent down staring at me in the eyes.

I felt vibrating on my chest, I could barely open my eyes. I lifted them a little revealing white covers. I looked around I was in a dark room that had the shape of a hospital room. I was laying in the bed. I looked up from the covers scooting over little seeing my phone. It was constantly vibrating. I picked it up, Sam was calling me. What the hell did she want?
"ZAK!! I AM IN THE MALL RIGHT NOW! WE ARE ABOUT TO HEAD HOME, AEE YOU BACK YET?" I heard people talking in the background of her voice. I wasn't even sure what was going on. It took me awhile to realize that was all a dream...fuck. That stupid nurse injected me with that stupid needle.
"Ugh, I'll be there soon it doesn't take me long." I sighed then quickly hung up getting up from the bed. My head felt heavy but I couldn't be anymore late then I already was. I opened the door then headed down the hall. Darryl's room was right next to mine, last I heard of him was he wasn't breathing- yeah never mind. I'll just hope for the best, CPR helps most of the time....right? I shrugged it off hurrying to the exit.
"Bye! Have a nice day!" The women called out at the front desk. I simply waved at her, forgetting I had to text Alex to pick me up. I quickly pulled out my phone furiously opening up the messages.
4:06, you: come, and hurry the fuck up
4:06, you: I don't have all day
I waited a few minutes turning my phone off and on checking the time. I wanted Alex to text my right away but he didn't. A few minutes passed, I saw Alex's car pull in to the driveway of the hospital. I ran to his car opening the door then quickly jumping inside.
"SPEED HOME!" I yell.
"Gosh, I will." Alex said annoyed, having attitude as always.

Once we got to my house, I was about to get out until Alex pulled my shirt stopping me from getting out. Was he really going to fight me now?
"Are you going to give me the money or what?" I sighed in relief pulling out my wallet, giving him two hundred dollar bills then a twenty.
"There." I handed it to him then put my wallet back in my pocket. I forgot how I was going to get inside. I obviously couldn't go through the front door since the alarms and cameras. Also there wasn't any ladders in the backyard for me to climb back in my room. Maybe I could just wait until Sam and my parents got home. Then Sam could help me get inside. Hopefully they wouldn't check the cameras, I mean.. they only really check it when they hear a robber or murder is on the lose, or if something went missing in the house. So I'd hopefully be good.
4:18, you: hurry up
4:18, you: I have no way of getting inside so I'll need you to help me
4:19, Sam: WHAT? How am I suppose to get you inside without mom and dad noticing you? There is also the cameras too.
4:20, you: they barely check it anyways, it's fine. It's the only option I have.
4:21, Sam: ugh fine, and also, how is Darryl.
I paused for a few seconds not knowing what to say to her. I couldn't tell her I was too scared to check up on him. She'd think I am weak, but is that all I really care about? I really should have checked up on him, but I wasn't ready to see how he was. He could have been awake, but he also.. could be dead. My eyes watered up as wind hit my face. What was even happening with my life? I remember snuggling with Darryl at night watching a movie, then the next second..he's not breathing. But I shouldn't overthink things, maybe he's alright. My fathers car pulled in driveway as I hid behind a bush. Sam and my parents all walked inside. I just then got a notification from my phone.
4:29, Sam: hurry and come inside they are in their room
I put my phone back in my pocket then quickly made my way inside. The house was quiet but I ran up to my room not saying anything to Sam. I shut the door quietly then jumped on my bed closing my eyes.
"Hey Zak!" I heard my mother say. She was holding a nicely wrapped box.
"Yeah?" I mumbled softly.
"I got you a box of cookies! I'll be cooking dinner soon so don't eat too much!" She handed me the box then left my room shutting the door. I looked at the box then placed it on the floor laying back down. I knew there was so much stuff I needed to do, but I just couldn't handle doing it at the moment. I wasn't sure what to say to Sam if she asked about Darryl. I'd probably need to go back to the hospital and see Darryl how he's doing but I had no chance at that again. It's just too risky, I could just ask my parents if they could bring me. I mean, my mother knows I was just sad. And the guy working there isn't always the one who is at the front desk. I had many excuses for going, there was no chance they wouldn't let me. I shut my eyes drifting off to sleep.

(Okay so, I'm stuck between two decisions for a chapter and I'm not sure which to do. So chapters are coming out slowly so sorry about that lol)
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