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Zak's POV
I sat in my chair impatiently shaking my leg. I just got grounded for yelling at the man in the front desk at the hospital. That would mean I couldn't go anywhere. But I couldn't just wait a full week just to see Darryl, or at least try getting in. Who even was that person who said I can't see Darryl, they are probably just some fraud pretending to be his family. Either way I'd still see him if the world would like it or not.
"Hey Zak." Sam said opening my door.
"Yeah?" I mumbled annoyed.
"I just came to check on you, why are you so mad?"
"I literally just got grounded meaning I couldn't see Darryl, you expect me to be happy?" I yelled angrily leaning back in the chair.
"You wouldn't get to see him anyways, he's in good care, his family member or something it probably taking care of it."
"Not always, some people wake up sooner." Sam's voice seemed upset as she backed up a little heading towards the door.
"I'm sorry." She murmured walking out closing the door behind her. Great, now Sam was mad at me too. That was the last thing I needed, what else could possibly go wrong now?

I could, I couldn't I'd get more in trouble and- well I could. I would need Sam's help though, my parents could walk in my room and see that I'm not there. I thought a bit more before pulling out my phone going on iMessages.
10:37, you: hey Sam
10:37, Sam: yea?
10:38, you: look I'm sorry
10:38, you: but I need your help with something?
10:39, Sam: go on
10:40, you: I need your help escaping.
10:40, Sam: WHAT?
10:41, Sam: I'll get in trouble for helping you, how would I even help you?
10:42, you: by distracting them? That's all I really need you to do, I'll even pay you.
10:43, Sam: bribing?
10:44, you: yeah, and what about it?
10:44, Sam: well it worked.
10:45, you: Bring them to the mall while I can escape, they will probably want to check on me so just go into my room real fast and well pretend to be me, just hide your face in the covers or something.
10:46, Sam: that's a complicated plan, you want me to pretend to be you?
10:47, you: yeah? What other plan do you have?
10:48, Sam: fine. I'll ask them to go now.
10:49, you: yay thanks Sammy!
10:49, Sam: shut up
I laughed a little before turning my phone off and placing it in my pocket. I got up opening the door. Downstairs I saw Sam and my parents talking in the kitchen. I wasn't suppose to be out of my room unless it was to eat, I had my own bathroom in my room so I wouldn't have to leave for that either.
"Go to the mall? You would want to go with us instead of your friends?" I heard my mother from downstairs yell.
"Of course! Can we go now?" Sam said staring at me. He expression changed to anger as she shooed me with her hand. I sighed then closed the door. I just stood there for a few seconds until I heard someone coming up the stairs. I quickly sat down on my bed pulling out my phone.
"Hey Zak? We are going to the mall, and I understand you yelled at that man just because you were sad, so you can come if you would like?" My mother's voice sounded full of pity.
"No it's fine, I have tons of homework to do anyways." It wasn't a lie, I hadn't been doing my homework recently so I had stacks, on top of that Darryl had a lot of homework as well.
"Oh alright sweetie, text me if you need anything!" She smiled closing the door. I immediately turned on my phone texting Sam.
11:01, you: Everything seems fine now, but I'll need you to occupy them the whole day.
11:01, Sam: the whole damn day?
11:02, Sam: fine. I'll try my best.
11:02, you: thanks sam, I really mean it.
I turned off my phone racing to the window to see their car leaving. I had a small feeling in my stomach of guilt, I felt bad for making Sam do that. But it was what I had to do to see Darryl. I took a few deep breaths opening my window. I had to jump out the window since my parents recently set up cameras in front of the door. It was honestly quite stupid. My room was on the second story so I could practically break my leg when I jump down. Then all my plans would be ruined, the floor was grass so it wouldn't be as bad as cement. I grabbed a huge long pillow throwing it down. My plan was to land on the pillow then if I'd probably fall down on the pillow leaning a little on the grass. I would only get bruises or scratches if I landed on the pillow. If I didn't, well I could break a bone then how would I even explain it to my parents. I took a deep breath getting at the ledge of the window.

I jumped, landing on the pillow. But I slipped hitting my back on the grass. My feet ached with pain, I got smudges of dirt on my shirt and pants.
"Fuck.." I mumbled to myself. I realized that I didn't have a ride to the hospital. I still had my car, but I couldn't let my parents see it was gone. I could ask Alex for a ride, it was worth a shot, though I would need to bribe him. There was no way he would just give me a ride for free. Alex needed money anyways for his rent. He owned a apartment alone, I believe he had a cat but other than that I am not sure.
11:21, you: Alex you busy?
11:21, Alex: no
11:22, Alex: what the hell do you want
11:23, you: can I have a ride somewhere?
11:24, Alex: no
11:24, you: please Alex, I'll give you 200$
11:25, Alex: 20$ extra dollars for gas
11:26, you: you motherfucker, fine.
11:27, Alex: k I'll be there soon
Alex was moody as usual, I wasn't surprised he wanted more, but 200$ is a lot just for a ride. Whatever, it's fine. I sighed brushing my hair with my fingers. A few pieces of grass fell out, Alex would probably be furious if I got any in his car. I shook my shirt a little walking to the front of the house. I couldn't believe what I was doing, I made Sam distract my parents at the mall so I could jump out the window escaping then get a ride from my enemy to the hospital. It all seemed so fake, what has my life even become?

After a few minutes I saw Alex's car down the road, he pulled in my driveway giving me a nasty look as I opened the door.
"Hey bitch" I giggled a little then put on my seat belt. Alex drove out of the driveway then speeded down the road.
"Where do you want to go?"
"The hospital."
"Why the fuck do you need me to drive you? You have your own damn car."
"I got grounded so my parents can't see my car is gone, I really don't want to explain every little detail to you, I'm paying you a ton so just be happy about it." Alex sighed loud enough for me to hear it over the cold air blowing out. The car ride was silent, Alex wasn't entirely my enemy, I didn't consider him as a friend either. For all the terrible things he's don't to Darryl, and even me. But he doesn't have the best life either so I can't completely blame him. His parents left him when he was just 14, he had no siblings to take over him. His cat was his love and joy, if that cat were to die Alex would probably take it extremely tough. I had a small feeling of pity for him, I wouldn't want to be mean to him or overly nice just as close classmates, maybe not too close just enough for us to both know our personal lives.

"Zak?" I stared at Alex, he wasn't driving. I looked around realizing we were already at the hospital. My thoughts probably took over the time.
"Tell me when you need me to pick you up, now get out." Alex shooed me out.
"Thanks!" I yelled cheerfully closing the door. I ran up to the front doors, there was no chance the same man from last time would be there. Once I entered a woman was at the front desk writing on a paper.
"Hello! What could I do for you sir?" She didn't look up but continued writing.
"Hey uhm, Darryl Noveschosch please." The woman glanced at me for a few seconds then went on her computer.
"I'm sorry sir, only family members can enter that room and-"
"I am his brother." I lied interrupting her.
"Hm, Chloe say he had a brother?" Chloe? Who the fuck was Chloe? I thought for a few seconds then stared back at her.
"We don't live together, it's kinda complicated maybe she forgot?" I cleared my throat as my palms got sweaty.
"Oh, I understand! Room 43!" She pointed down the hall. I was quite surprised my lies worked. I headed down the hall watching the numbers of the doors. I speeded up my walking realizing I didn't have all day to be with him.
"41...42...and 43." I mumbled to myself out loud. I slowly opened the door, seeing Darryl in a hospital bed. Many wires were connected to him.
"D-Darryl?" My throat swelled up, tears filled my eyes making everything blurry. It hurt me just to look at him. It was all my fault.
"DARRYL!" I walked to his bed leaning on his head.
"P-please wake up, I need you." It became hard to breath, I gasped for air while tears still dripped down my face. The hospital was cold, and dark. It just made it feel more lonely.
"D-Darryl please, just wake up! I love you, everything will be okay!" I laughed a little, but not out of happiness.
"Every time I look at your pretty face all I can think of is how badly I want to kiss it, there is nobody I would replace you for. Your pretty emerald eyes could make a whole room glow. Please, don't make this the last time I see them." I kissed his cheek brushing through his hair with my fingers. I know I didn't have a lot of time, but I will still use every second I have with him like it's his last day, even if he couldn't experience everything I said to him. I will wait a lifetime just to see him wake up, even if it took my own.

(I love you all, have a pleasant day.)
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