
370 19 7

"Alright, fucking take Darryl I don't give a fuck about him." The only way I'd actually win was if I tricked him. I wasn't actually going to be on Clays side nor was I going to hurt Darryl. Clay just simply deserved some manipulation. He lowered his gun backing away from me. I gave Darryl a evil glance to make it seem believable.
"Glad your on my side." Clay had a small chuckle heading to me.
"Oh Darryl, I could kill you so easily. I always knew Zak didn't care about you anyways." I felt regret growing up my back as Darryl stared at me with tears flooding his eyes making his green emerald eyes sparkle. I've always cared about Darryl, just when I bullied him I wasn't in control. Alex, Clay and Nick were always controlling to the point I couldn't pick what I wanted to do. I didn't want to get my reputation down so I just went with bullying him. I stood there in silence as it seemed Clay was waiting for me to do something. I stepped closer to Darryl badly wanting to hug him so all his worries would go away. But I had to play along until this was all over.
"Z-Zak?" Darryl's voice was shaky barely being able to mumble out my name.
"I don't want to here it, let's go boys." Darryl's face went pale, tears were no longer falling out. His surprised expression seemed to stay stuck to his face. The group of men in black outfits started to back up leaving room for us to go. I was ready to grab Darryl's hand dragging him off until Clay stepped forward.
Y'know, I don't want you here." Clay laughed like a psychopath stepping ever closer to Darryl.
"I really, don't want you here." Clay reached for his pocket again pulling out his large gun, aiming it at Darryl. My heart started to beat uncontrollably fast, my eyes began to get blurry as I couldn't think of what to do.

Two bullets hit Darryl as he clasped on the grey cement.
"YOU FUCKING BITCH!" I ran to him bending down holding him in my arms.
"You didn't care about him anyways." Clay pulled his mask up revealing his dirty blonde hair with his evil smirk.
"YOU DID'NT HAVE TO FUCKING KILL HIM, YOU SAID YOU WOULD'NT?!" I stared at Clay wanting to slap him in the face. I stared down at Darryl as his shirt slowly stained dark bloody red. I heard sirens fill my ears as people started yelling. The group of men starting running as Clay started walking away. I stood up dropping Darryl on the floor, I punched Clay in the stomach causing him to stop walking, he held his stomach with both hands looking at me furiously.
"You bitch I'll-" many cops and nurses came running down the path towards us. The group of men that were with Clay had already leaven. The nurses had a hospital bed on wheels placing Darryl gently on it.
"PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR!" One of the cops yelled coming closer towards us. Clay stood up straight narrowing his eyes.
"What seems to be the problem here men?" Clay acted like a whole new person, one second he was on the ease of going crazy now he's all formal?
"We got a report from someone hearing gunshots?" One of the cops held my hands behind my back tightly leaving me no chance to escape. They did the same to Clay as the rest of the officers surrounded us.
"Anything you boys would like to say?"
"Yeah." I quickly spoke up before Clay could get a chance to say a whole new story.
"He shot d-Darryl, the guy who was on the floor, just because he wanted us apart." I stared at Clay raging with anger.
"Sir, please keep calm-"
"FUCK YOU!" Clay yelled interrupting the officer. He pulled free from his grip aiming his gun back at them.
"Code 8, we need backup!" One officer said talking on a walkie talkie.
"SIR PLACE THE GUN DOWN!" The men surrounding us pulled out guns as one of the cops pulled me aside. The officer led me down the path to the road.
"I'll have you wait in my car for now, we need you for questioning-"
"B-but I need to see my friend." I interrupted him sitting down in the backseat of his vehicle.
"I know, don't worry I'm sure he will be just fine, he's in good hands." He closed the car leaving me in silence. The car was cold with bars blocking me from changing the temperature. My heart was still racing, still processing everything that happened. This was all my damn fault, why couldn't I have grabbed him sooner. Now he's back in the hospital, just because of Clay. That motherfucker couldn't handle even a kick in the stomach. He would have gotten away if I hadn't. His dumb ass belongs in hell where the rest of dumb bitches like him are. At least he'd have something in common with them.

The car was cold, I couldn't open of the doors or windows. It's been a few hours, now it was getting dark. I wasn't sure if I should try to break out or stay still. I could get charges for trying to get out, so I suppose I will just stay still. The sun was setting, which means it would get colder. What would they even be doing that would take this fucking long? I only wanted to see Darryl again, holding him in my arms hugging all our worries away. Leaning on his brown fluffy hair felt like a soft cloud in the middle of the sky. I only wanted him to be mine, but so many problems accured. Oh my poor Darryl, if only someday I could call you mine, and only mine.
Nobody's POV
Zak drifted into sleep with his eyes filled with tears, he was still wearing his frog hoodie which was luckily warm. The sun set leaving no warmth coming from the sun glaring in to the windows.
"IT WON'T BE THIS EASY TO GET RID OF ME!" Clay yelled wheezing like a psychopath. The cops dragged him to the road ripping the gun out of his hand. It was loaded with bullets.
"Save it." One of the officers said briefly.
"Don't you know who my goddamn father is?"
"We don't care, who he is wouldn't do anything anyways."
"Just you fucking wait." Clay laughed more as they forced him in the car driving away. Two officers got in Zak's car driving away to the police station.
Zak's POV
"Hey kid." I opened my eyes a little squinting at the bright light. A man was tapping me on the shoulder, I looked over seeing it was a officer. I was still in his car, it looked like the car was parked in the police stations parking lot. They had bright blinding lights outside.
"Y-yeah?" Did my parents even know where I was? They are probably worried sick thinking I was kidnapped or something.
"Come with me." He hardly grabbed my arm dragging me down the sidewalk to the police station.
"C-can't I go home already?" I mumbled as he dragged me inside.
"I'm sorry, we still need to ask you a few questions."
"Can't you just ask me them now? I'm really tired and I literally did nothing wrong." The man didn't respond after that. He just brought me to a room with a chair and light. A few other people came in with a few clipboards and pencils. I sat down in the chair, it was cold. I didn't even know what time it was.
"So, who was that man to you? The one who got shot, Darryl? Is it?"
"Y-yeah, he was my u-uhm boyfriend, w-well we haven't exactly made it uhm, o-official." I sighed cringing on how awkward I sounded. The men just wrote on the clipboards then stared back at me.
"Who was the man with dirty blonde hair and a white mask to you?" I was quite surprised on how they didn't ask for his name.
"He use to be my friend, he started bullying Darryl but I defended him then I got bullied and fell in love with him and then Darryl got a threat that Clay would kill me if we didn't break up and-"
"I'll have you stop right there." I didn't realize how much I was rambling until he stopped me, luckily I didn't say anything else. The officers wrote on the clipboards once more then whispered to each other.
"Please fill out this form then your free to leave." One of the officers handed me a paper with a pencil. The form had me write down my number, address and full name. Writing down my parents name and number was optional. I decided to write it down just in case then handed them the paper. They guided me to the door letting me out. Cold winds hit my face, I then realized I had to get a ride. I couldn't bother Sam or my parents to pick me up. I pulled out my phone with tons of notifications. Some from Sam, my mom, then my dad, I also had missed calls with voicemails. A few were even from Alex. The temptation of opening the messages was stressing me out. But I couldn't handle responding to all their messages. I'll just call a Uber then talk to them face to face. I'd visit Darryl in the morning, hopefully he was alright and wouldn't mind me coming in the morning. Today was honestly tiring, I couldn't handle anymore stress. The Uber came within minutes then we drove off. She was a elderly women, she seems really nice, but we didn't have any conversations. She turned on the radio playing some clam music then we drove off.

(Hello! Sorry chapters have been coming out slowly I've been busy and just kinda taking a break. Anyways I hope you enjoyed!)
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