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Tw: bullying, cursing, self harm, abuse
Saturday, June 2021

                            Darryl's POV
It's been two days since Mrs. Lee said I had to tutor Zak. I don't think it's a good thing, considering Zak can actually kill me and not get in trouble for it since we're alone. But oh, how can you hate his innocent brown eyes and his fluffy hair.
"No Darryl, stop" I yelled out loud. Hopefully my father didn't hear. He's a light sleeper and he can easily wake up and- uhm hurt me.

It was all quiet after that, my thoughts were racing through my head. My heart kept beating faster and faster. And it felt like it was the loudest noise in the world. This went on for about a minute until I heard footsteps. Creaking from the floor, and rustling from the leaves outside. I held my breath and stared towards the door. I heard my father stop in front of the door. Slowly, pushing it open. And when I saw him, his face was red with anger. His dark brown hair with grey at the ends was tangled and messy.
"Excuse me?" He yelled furious with anger.
I took a deep breath so I could at least try to calm down, maybe he wouldn't hurt me?
"Y-yes" I said, at the ease of fainting.
"Don't fucking think you can live here making noise nonstop. I pay the fucking rent here bitch." He yelled walking, practically running towards me grabbing the collar of my shirt, and lifting me up.
"DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME?" The longer I didn't respond the more tightly he gripped the collar of my shirt. I cleared my throat and took a deep breath.
"Y-yes, I u-understand y-you" and what feels like forever he finally let go of me and dropped me to the floor.
"You fucking mistake" he said walking out the door as a I slowly lost consciousness.

Everything was bright. I didn't know where I was. What happened? Was I dead? A few seconds have passed and my vision got clearer. I slowly sat up and looked around. I was laying on the floor in my room. All my thoughts flooded back to me. I could feel myself breathing harder and harder as I remembered. Wet tears fell down from my face onto the dusty floor. All I could think of was stabbing a knife into my dry cold skin. Watch the blood drip onto the floor and think of how accomplishing it was. Each cut would represent each tear that fell down from my face. I slowly got up and headed to the kitchen. Opening up the drawer where the knives were kept. If my father saw, he wouldn't care anyway. He wants me to be gone too. I cut stripes on my wrists leading up to my elbow. I felt like I won a war watching the blood fall to the floor. I would have to clean it up but it would be worth it. I started on the other hand. I couldn't feel the pain anymore. Just a flinch each time I cut a line. After I finished I felt hungry. I checked the fridge but it was empty, as always. So I had to walk to the store. I didn't live too far from the super market just a 8 minute walk. I couldn't afford a car and neither could my father. He occasionally worked as a fast food worker at McDonald's on Monday's to Wednesday's. I believe he has a mental illness. But he'd refuse to go to the doctor if I tried to get him help.

When I arrived at the super market it was quiet and only had a few people. It felt relaxing. The sun was setting but the birds were still chirping. The sun was shining all over the aisles. It felt like a fairytale. I took a deep breath and began to get the groceries. When I finished I went to the checkout. But right next to the checkout was boxes of chocolate chip muffins. I felt a smile spread across my face as I grabbed a pack of muffins.

After waiting in the line and paying I grabbed the bags and headed out. It was a little darker now but the sun still hasn't set. Just as everything seemed great, in the distance was Clay, Nick and Zak. I might have been staring at them for to long because they seemed to notice me. The group started walking towards me. Clay had a dirty grin on his face as he clenched his fists.
"Well, well, well look who it is" Nick smirked.
"He's just begging for us to punch him" Zak laughed. It felt as if my heart stopped. I felt dizzy, and as if on cue I fell to the black dirty pavement.
"Aww what a fucking baby, can't handle simple words? Huh." Clay chuckled, kicking my back causing me to gag.
"S-stop" before I could think the words escaped my mouth.
"Pathetic" Nick laughed walking back to the car they were at. Hopefully they are leaving, I don't think I can handle more.
"Your a pathetic ass bitch, nobody likes you and nobody ever will." Clay yelled with annoyance, rolling his eyes and sticking up the middle finger. Walking back to the car with Nick. I was still on the floor with one of my legs stretched out. I was holding the groceries. Hopefully none of the muffins fell out of the plastic box. I stared up at Zak and he slowly stared down at me with temper in his eyes.
"Fuck off" he mumbled. Walking away to Clay and Nick. I thought he was going to punch me more. His voice sounded raspy and tired. I hope he's okay. His perfect face is to beautiful to be sad or hurt. I will protect him. Even if he hurts me. Oh Zak, I wish I could call you mine.

(Hello! I tried making this chapter a bit longer so I hope you enjoyed it!)

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