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1:42, you: I know you sent that photo

1:43, Dream: what the fuck do you mean

1:45, Dream: that airdrop of you kissing Darryl?

1:46, Dream: unfortunately I was busy telling my father I did nothing wrong, he believed me. I can take you to court for false call

1:47, you: what do you mean false call? You were literally trying to kill Darryl

1:47, Dream: Aw. Still on his side? I can quickly turn that right around.

1:48, Dream: you weren't even spending time with him at the party

1:49, Dream: you use to bully him, just randomly stopping won't change your mindset.

I was honestly to pissed to continuing chatting with him. I was waiting for Darryl to come out of the shower, today was Sunday. We both had nothing planned. I heard the shower turn off.
"Darryl you done?"
"Y-yeah, I just need to get dressed." I heard Darryl mumble behind the door. The door opened and I saw him in a with a plaid black shirt with black jeans. His fluffy hair was still dripping in his face.
"You look cute." I say getting up from the bed kissing him on the cheek.
"N-no s-stop you are." Darryl said giggling. I brought Darryl into a hug as I looked down at his green emerald eyes staring widely at me. We stared at each other just in silence, until my phone vibrated.
"One second." I said unwrapping my hands from Darryl.
1:59, Dream: when are you gonna tell Darryl?
2:00, you: wait what? Tell him what?
2:01, Dream: Yk what, I heard what you said with George about him.
"This is bullshit." I mumbled out loud.
"W-what? Is everything all right Zak?"
"ZAKK!" My mom yelled down downstairs.
"HUH?" I said walking out the door.
Darryl's POV
"ZAKK?" Zak's mother yelled.
"HUH?" Zak threw his phone on the bed then walked out the door downstairs. His phone started vibrating nonstop. I leaned over the bed grabbing his phone then standing back up.
1:59, Dream: when are you gonna tell Darryl?
2:00, you: wait what? Tell him what?
2:01: Dream: Yk what, I heard what you said with George about him.
What were they talking about? What did Zak tell George? My curiosity grew the best of me, I couldn't stop myself from getting involved.
2:07, you: what did I tell him?
2:07, Dream: if you have that bad of memory I guess I could tell you
2:08, Dream: you said you were basically using Darryl for good grades, acting like you love him until your grade gets up.
"W-what?" I said out loud, did he really say that to George? Before I could respond more Zak walked in the room freezing.
"What are you doing on my phone?"
"Uhm it was making noises so I just went to check on it."
"Why do you have to check on it, it's really none of your goddamn business. Zak snatched the phone looking at the screen.
"You even messaged Clay? What the fuck."
"I-I'm sorry Z-Zak, was what he said true?"
"Would you really believe everything he says?"
"You were spending a lot of time with hi-"

Everything went silent, Zak just stared at me for a few seconds then his face went soft.
"I-I'm sorry Darryl." Zak tried to hug me but I pushed him off heading towards the door closing it behind me. He followed me downstairs, Sam seemed to have heard what was going on, she was following Zak.
"I'm sorry Darryl, I swear." I felt tears roll down my cheeks. He would always get angry at me, even if it was the smallest thing. I opened the door heading across the street.
"Darryl wait!" Sam called out. I ignored her and kept walking.
"DARRYL! WATCH OUT!" Something hard hit my back causing me to fall over. I looked over behind me, there was a big white truck in front of Zak. Zak was laying on the floor with blood staining his white plaid shirt, blood was everywhere on the black cement.
"ZAK?!?" I quickly get up heading to him.
"ZAK ARE YOU ALRIGHT?" Sam yells. The man in the white truck gets out, he was on the phone.
"We'll be right over as fast as we can sir." I heard a female voice on the phone.
"I'm so insanely sorry ma'am and sir, I'll pay all the hospital bills I promise." The man said bending down.
"I'm s-sorry, it's all my f-fault, I didn't m-mean for this to happen." I mumbled as Sam gave me a cold stare.
"If you didn't be so dramatic he wouldn't have been like this!" Sam yelled. I heard sirens coming, ambulances turned on our street driving insanely fast. Two men quickly got out of the back doors carrying out a bed on wheels. A woman got out of the car lifting Zak up on the bed, they quickly rolled him away as the ambulance left. Blood still stained the cement. Zak's parents came outside quickly coming towards us.
"WHAT HAPPENED?" Zak's father yelled giving me a cold stare.
"Darryl over here got Zak ran over by a car."
"He what?" Zak's mother yelled strictly at me.
"This uhm- Darryl here was walking across the road, then the other dude pushed him out of the way, I couldn't stop in time and he was the one to get ran over. I'm so sor-"
"No please, don't be sorry it wasn't your fault." Zak's father stared at me angrily.
"I'll go get the car keys everyone get inside." Zak's mother said heading back inside, his father followed as Sam stayed.
"Why the fuck do you always have to be so goddamn dramatic, this wouldn't have happened if it weren't for you." Tears fell down Sam's as she headed to the car. I looked down at the puddle of blood.
"I'm sorry Zak." Tears fell down my face, I walked away going to the car. I tried to open the car door but it was locked.
"Uhm, what makes you think you are coming?" The mother said going inside the car. They drove off, it was only fair. They probably didn't want me living in their house anymore either.

I headed down the road finding grass with a bush, it seemed somewhat better than laying on dirt. I sat down staring at the sun going down.
"I-I'm sorry Z-Zak." I mumbled to myself as tears slowly fell down my face.

(Heyyy, I was gonna make this chapter longer but I decided to save it. Anyways I hope you enjoyed!)
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