"I'll support you"

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Tw: suicide mentioning, heavy cursing kinda, self harm
                             Zak's POV
I woke up to the sweet smell of spaghetti. I slowly lifted my head and I was in my room. I looked over my shoulder and grabbed my phone off the night stand. Many unread notifications, they were all from Alex, and Clay.
13 new messages
4:26, Clay: what the fuck
4:27, Clay: you weren't in your last class
4:28, Clay: skipping school just to avoid me?
4:28, Clay: quit fucking ignoring me bitch
4:29, Clay: we're still friends
4:30 yesterday, Clay: but we could easily turn into enemies if you saying one thing wrong
4:35 yesterday, Clay: just answer me already
4:41 yesterday, Clay: you can't skip school the rest of the year, so just be prepared motherfucker
How rude could he be, he bullied me and expected me to answer his texts right away. I should answer him, or whatever he's gonna do to me will be worse.
5:04, you: I wasn't fucking ignoring you I fainted at school
5:04, Clay: whatever, come meet at my house.
5:05, you: no thanks, I have stuff to do
5:05, Clay: what "stuff"
I exited out of Clay's conversation and went on to Alex's. He didn't know what I had to do. If I went to his house anyways I'd probably get beat.
4:12, Alex: look man
4:12, Alex: there isn't anything between us
4:13, Alex: if you want to to be friends with Darryl I wouldn't honestly care
4:14, Alex: but Nick and Clay would
4:14, Alex: I'd still bully Darryl though!
What the fuck. Alex seemed understanding, not really normal though. They all probably have a obsession or something for bullying Darryl.
"Darryl.. CRAP!" I jumped out of bed and ran down the stairs. My whole family was sitting at the dining table eating spaghetti.
"Hey honey!" My mom called out.
"Why don't you come join us?" My father scooted out the other black chair and got up to get me a serving of spaghetti.
"I-is Darryl a-alright?" I mumbled still inching towards the door.
"Pardon?" My mom stared up at me swallowing a big bite of noodles. Did they know about Darryl? I thought that teacher would have told them.
"M-my friend is in the hospital, I was planning to drive there and check on them." My sister looked a bit uncomfortable. She kept opening her mouth but nothing came out.
"Sam? Is everything alright?" I asked her.
(I saw somewhere that skeppy's sisters name was Sam or Samira. So hopefully one of those are correct lol)
"W-what did they look like?" She looked pale. Did she know something about Darryl?
"Uhm, brown hair, green eyes, glasses? His name was Darryl. D-did you know anything about him?"
"T-the g-guy w-who c-came out of y-your room when you y-yelled at him?"
"Yeah? Sam what's wrong? Your scaring me." Our parents were listening to our conversation and they seemed quite scared too now.
"He's on the newspapers." Sam looked away from me picking up her fork and swirling around the spaghetti.
"What the fucking hell do you mean? On the newspapers?! Is he alright?!" I walked up to the table and gripped on the empty chair.
"We can drive you to the hospital if you'd like!" My mom smiled at me tying to bring up the mood.
"Sam come with me." I grabbed the keys off the coffee table in the living room and headed out the door. I heard Sam get up from her chair and say bye to my parents. I got inside my car and then my sister headed in. I speeded out of the driveway and down the road. It started raining and clouds filled the sky making it all dark.
"What was on the newspaper?" I quickly glanced at Sam and her face looked cold and scared. I never hurt her before. She could have overheard me talking to Darryl. Then she would have knew that he asked me out.
"It was uhm, D-Darryl. The newspaper said a woman found him unconscious in front of a small house. She called the cops and they investigated the house finding a unconscious man."
"Did the man hurt him?" I felt my anger start to rise as I clenched the steering wheel.
"A-actually the man was actually dead from a o-overdose. Darryl's only in the hospital because he tried to c-commit s-suicide." Sam stared towards the window watching the houses past and the rain slide down the window. My throat felt as if it had a lump in it that I couldn't swallow. I loosened my grip on the wheel and slowed down. I was almost at the hospital. I was probably the cause of him being there.
"It's all my fault, I'm so sorry Sam." Tears starting forming in my eyes as I tried to blink it off. I would never forgive myself if he died. When we finally got there I quickly parked in a empty lot then hurried out. I jogged to the entrance of the hospital. Puddles everywhere, the sun was nearly gone and the hospital had barely any people. I ran up to the front desk, and there was a woman with blonde hair and blue eyes wearing a white shirt with the hospital logo and white pants.
"H-hello w-what room is D-Darryl in?" She began to type on the computer for a few seconds then looking back at me.
"Last name please?"
"Room 97!" She smiled at me and typed on her computer more. Sam followed me down the long empty white hall. There was tons of rooms and two chairs by each door. It was extremely cold in the hospital, I could hear screaming in one room as we passed by.
"95...96...97!" Me and Sam rushed inside the room.
"Oh my gosh! Darryl.." I ran towards his bed and leaned down. He was hooked up to many wires and had bandages wrapped around his arms and torso. I felt my eyes water as several tears fell down from my face. Sam sat at the other side of his bed on a white chair.
"I-I'm so sorry Darryl." I mumbled in his ear. Sam was staring at me for a few seconds then headed towards the door.
"I-I'll give you two a few minutes a-alone" she opened the door and closed it silently but it still echoed down the halls. I stared back at Darryl's unconscious face. I missed his green emerald eyes staring at me mysteriously. His cute innocent face always made me smile. Ever since I dragged him into the bathroom and laid with him I realized how soft and fluffy his adorable hair was. W-wait, what am I saying? Do I really like him. He's in the hospital because I rejected him. He probably wouldn't like me anymore.
*Beep*      *beep*      *beep*     *beep*
The beeping noise got louder and Darryl was suddenly breathing hard.
"Darryl? DARRYL? ARE YOU OKAY?! DOCTOR, DOCTOR HELP!" Two doctors suddenly rushed in the room and pushed me away from him.
"Sir we're gonna have to ask you to step out of the room." One of the male doctor started pushing me out but I couldn't let them take me away from Darryl this easily.
"NO BACK THE FUCK OFF IM NOT LEAVING!"  I pushed the doctor aside and made my way back to Darryl.
"SECURITY!" The female doctor screamed and two buff men in black uniforms barged in the room grabbing my arms and dragging me out. They dragged me down the hall, I could see my sisters pale faint face still standing by Darryl's door. They threw me out of the hospital's back doors. This was fucking stupid.
"I DID NOTHING WRONG" I screamed. I punched the hard walls until my knuckles were covered in blood. This was my fucking fault.
"I ONLY DESERVE PAIN" I banged on the doors until falling down on my knees sobbing and rubbing my head. I'm going to fucking beat Clays ass. I don't care about my reputation, I only care about Darryl being okay.
"THAT FUCKING PUSSY!" The doors opened, my head aches to much to look up.
"Z-Zak? A-are you a-alright?" It was Sam. I slowly looked up at her, my vision was a little blurry. Her eyes were red and I could see tears continuing to fall.
"NO IM NOT OKAY." I yelled at her. I broke in to more tears. I covered my eyes and leaned against the wall. Sam bent down and hugged me. A few seconds later I couldn't help but to hug her back. She was shaking and seemed scared, her arms were cold and the hug brung me warmth. The rain from earlier luckily stopped but strong winds blew making the weather colder.
"It isn't your fault Darryl is here." Sam started. She leg go from the hug but was still a inch from my face. She stared me in the eyes and I could see how hurt she was. Maybe this was too much for her to handle.
"I-I'm s-sorry Sam, I shouldn't have yelled at you. I-I was just angry."
"Zak?" Her brown eyes narrowed.
"I overheard you rejecting Darryl." She paused for a few seconds then continued on.
"I know you love him. But why would you reject him?" Tears rolled down her face and on to the floor.
"I-I don't k-know." I stared down at the floor. "Maybe because I wanted to keep my reputation up. I'd never survive school if I wasn't popular."
"Is all you care about is reputation?" She gripped on my shoulders and held on to them tightly.
"I saw how Clay and the rest of them treat you! Being popular doesn't bring you happiness. Yes, you have the rest of the students admiring you everyday, complimenting you even. But it would never bring you the type of happiness when your with Darryl. Your smiling, laughing and well, enjoying yourself. I did overhear you reject Darryl, but I also heard your happy voice when he was tutoring you. If nobody supports you, I'll be the one to have you crying on my shoulder, I'll support you Zak, even if the world doesn't." She smiled at me then hugged me again resting her head on my shoulder. I held her in my arms tightly.
"I love you Sam" I mumbled.
"I love you too!" I heard her giggle a little.
I love you too, Darryl.

(Longer chapterrrrrr, and when siblings say "I love you" it's ofc just as siblings not the other type of love lol.)
Art doesn't belong to me, I'm not sure if it was the artist, but I found the drawing on Pinterest from Aomori!

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