With You Again

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Tw: suicide, suicidal thoughts
Zak's POV
"ZAK! ZAK WAKE UP!" I slowly opened my eyes, Sam was pushing my arm roughly. I sat up uncovering the blankets from my legs.
"W-what?" I mumbled yawning. Sam opened her mouth but nothing came out. She looked nervous as she was fidgeting with her fingers.
"Sam? What is it? Tell me." I got up from the bed staring at her.
"T-the hospital called." Sam cleared her throat not wanting to look me in the eyes.
"What the hell do you mean they called? Is Darryl alright?"
"W-well-" before she could finish I pushed her out of the way running downstairs. My head felt heavy, I wasn't sure what was going on or what day it was. My life was just a complete mess.
"MOM!" I yelled as I saw her on the couch.
"Yeah sweetie?"
"Sam said the hospital called? Is everything alright? Can we go there?" I cleared my throat coming close towards her.
"I guess, you should see for yourself." She sighed getting up grabbing her keys. What did she mean but I should see for myself? Sam ran downstairs following us out the door. I quickly put on some slippers then followed them.

Once we got to the hospital we all got out then went to the front doors. My heart was racing and I had a huge headache. I just wanted this all to end, for Darryl to be okay.
"Good afternoon! How may I help you?" The woman at the front desk said.
"We are here to visit Darryl Noveschosch please?" My mother said looking concerned.
"O-oh! Y-yeah, I'm not sure how to say this in the nicest way possible, but I'm sorry for your loss. Darryl unfortunately passed away last night."
"W-what?" I could barely speak, was this all just a terrible nightmare? No, this can't be happening.
"N-no! l-let me see Darryl." I raced down the hall with Sam following me from behind.
"Zak wait!" I didn't listen to her, I could barely see with tears covering my eyes. I looked up at the door number 43 slowly pushing the door handle open. I wiped away my tears slowly adjusting to the light. Darryl was in the bed, I could barely even look at him without tears constantly falling down my face. I ran to him putting my head on his chest. I didn't expect one of my biggest fears to come true so fast, he wasn't breathing. Did the CPR not work?
"N-no d-Darryl please! I l-love you!" I was practically gasping for air on how much I was crying. I grabbed his hand holding it tightly.
"Zak? I'm so sorry." Sam said slowly walking in through the door. I didn't respond, I could barely open my mouth. The tears tickled my cheeks dripping onto Darryl's white hospital shirt. I brushed my fingers through his hair squinting my eyes at him.

"Look Zak we have 10 viewers!" Darryl smiled at me in his desk chair.
"That's a lot!" I stopped talking for a few seconds as it all suddenly faded, I was back in the hospital with Darryl. It wasn't real.

"I-I'm s-sorry to Z-Zak, I love y-you" tears fell down Darryl's face. We were in the hospital, but in a different room. We both were on the hospital bed snuggled up. It felt so nice to finally see him awake. Unfortunately, that wasn't how things worked. In a blink I was back to reality, where Darryl wasn't awake. It was all just a flashback.
"D-Darryl, PLEASE!" I laid beside him putting my head on his shoulder. This was all my fault, I couldn't protect him. And now he was dead. I could not believe the love of my life, just died. How could I ever even move on? I couldn't, I didn't even get to spend that much time with him. We were just starting a account on twitch too, I couldn't possibly continue it without him. As much as it was sad, it hurt me to see Darryl getting bullied. Maybe he's in a better place, but that doesn't mean I am.
"Zak.." Sam walked closer to me. I didn't have the energy to talk so I just stared at her.
"I know how much it hurts you to see Darryl like this, but don't you think he would have got so much more hurt if he was alive. You can't always protect him, I'm not saying him dying was good, but it certainly is better for him, he's in a better place Zak, and you've got to understand that." Sam cleared her throat staring at me. I hated to admit it, she was right.
"I-I know, but he would still be alive! With me! I can't always protect him, but I could be making him feel better, snuggling with him in the blankets watching movies." My voice cracked, my throat was sore.
"Zak you've got to understand that-"
"NO! I AM NOT GOING TO FUCKING ACT LIKE THIS IS ALL OKAY." I got up from the bed running out of the door. I could hear Sam following me. She ran in front of me stopping me with a hug.
"Zak, I know how hard this is, we will go through it together. I'm sure Darryl will want you to not be sad." Sam's hug tightened. I buried my face in her shoulder with tears wetting her shirt.

-Time skip-
We all stood in front of Darryl's coffin. Wearing black on a cloudy day. Darryl didn't have any family, so it was just my parents, me and Sam. My parents weren't too sad since they didn't know him as much. But they were still wiping away tears. I walked up to Darryl's coffin staring down at it.
"I know you'd want me to be happy, your no longer going to get hurt, but I couldn't possibly continue on without you, I only want to call you mine, without saying it to the stars. I cleared my throat wiping my nose.
"Z-Zak?" Sams voice was raspy, she was holding a tissue wearing a black long sleeved shirt with black pants.
"I'm s-sorry Sam." I reached in my pocket pulling out a long sharp knife.
"ZAK! NO! PUT THAT DOWN THIS INSTANT!" My mother yelled slowly approaching me. I backed up going behind Darryl's coffin.
"Zak please! You don't have to do this! We will go through it together." By hearing Sam's voice I could tell how much she didn't want me to do this. I wanted to give her a huge hug, but I couldn't put myself to do it. The thoughts in my head just wanted to be with Darryl already.
"ZAK! DO NOT DO THIS!" My father yelled furious with anger. His face just looked full of anger ready to throw me back in my room.
"I-I love you all." I bursted out crying closing my eyes. A sharp pain hit my chest, my lungs felt as if they were closing in. I squinted my eyes open, everything was turning black. Sam was in front of me holding my hand. Blood was everywhere on the floor.
"ZAK PLEASE! I LOVE YOU!" I heard Sam yell before everything turned black.

(I'm so sorry for ending it so sad. But at least Zak will finally be with Darryl again. Anyways I hope you guys are doing good!)
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