
406 26 11

Tw: homophobia, bullying, blood
Darryl's POV
I woke up to the sound of cars beeping and people yelling. It never sounded this loud when I was inside Zak's home. I sat up from laying on the bush checking the time, 7:31. If I didn't start walking now I wouldn't get there in time, I didn't have my notebooks or anything so I'd probably get in trouble. I brushed leaves out of my hair struggling to get up. I felt faint and weak, guilt still filled my stomach. I couldn't forgive myself, it's all my fault. Sam was right, I was being dramatic. I only wanted to be with Zak, hugging him snuggled up with blankets. Holding back tears I started walking on the side of the road. Many cars passed giving me strange glances. Today wouldn't be good, my grades would probably go lower, I'd have to face Clay, Nick and Alex, and Zak wasn't here. Would he still love me after what I did to him? Maybe he would go back to bullying me again. I shrugged it off pulling out my phone, games usually calmed me down but my battery was only at 23%. I had to save it just in case something happened. The weather was cold, big bursts of wind would occasionally hit my face making it colder. I only had a short sleeve on with black jeans, but that was my least concern, I had bigger problems.

When I arrived at school the bell was just about to ring. I rushed inside the school down the hall. Many people gave me weird stares, it was probably from that photo. Whoever airdropped it probably knew what they were doing, most of the school was homophobic. Especially Clay and Nick, I'm guessing Clay was the one to take the photo. Which would just make him hate me more. Once I made it to class half the students were already in their seats, the teacher gave me a cold glance.
"Excuse me? Darryl? Where is your bag?" I've expected the teacher to ask me where my bag was but not this fast.
"I uhm f-forgot it at h-home." I lied.
"You forgot it?" She paused for a few seconds looking furious.
"Detention, I'll give you a piece of paper we are doing notes." I grabbed the paper from her hand then headed to my seat. A few students were staring at me with evil smirks, some were even laughing.

Once the bell rang I quickly walked to class, I had art class unfortunately so that means I'd see Alex. And sure enough, when I got there Alex was standing by the door tapping his shoe. I quickly tried opening the door but Alex grabbed the back of my shirt pushing me back.
"W-what do you want A-Alex?"
"What do I want? Are you trying to act tough or something gay freak?"
"I know what happened to Zak, he wouldn't answer his phone but his sister texted me back. You got him hit by a car?" Alex pushed me against a wall kicking my legs. Students stared at us just heading inside the class, they didn't bother to help me.
"Everyone wants you dead, even Zak. Can't you just accept it already instead of acting like he loves you." I felt tears fill my eyes, I couldn't hold it in. Why do I always have to be so dramatic and cry over the smallest things. Alex's face didn't seem as angry, he stared at me for a few seconds in silence then backed up.
"Just wait, there will be more." Alex mumbled heading into class, I followed him inside slowly.
"You boys are late, detention." Miss Stacy yelled at us then began talking about famous art. This was my second detention, I couldn't risk anymore or I'd get sent to the principals office. I only got that second only because of Alex, that devil.
"Alright class today we will be painting so I'll hand you the paint in a second." Miss Stacy went by rows passing out the paints. Since Alex was sitting right next to me we had to share. Alex dipped his brush in red taking out a whole scoop, the paint was practically dripping on his paper. I started my painting and decided to paint classic clouds with mountains in the distance. I mixed a few colors together creating beautiful shades. Alex honestly looked like he didn't know what he was doing, there was a hole in his paper from all the red paint. A few minutes went by and it was just peace and quiet. I only had to adjust a few things on my art then I'd be done.
"Hey Darryl?" Alex called.
"Yeah?" I whispered.
"You bitch boy." Alex yelled pouring a bucket of paint on my head.
"A-ALEX!!" I screamed furious.
"What seems to be the proble-" miss Stacy paused for a few seconds with a surprised look on her face.
"WHAT ON EARTH? GO TO THE PRINCIPALS OFFICE THIS INSTANT BOTH OF YOU!" Miss Stacy pointed to the door as she raced to our seats with paper towels. Paint was on my seat dripping to the floor. I raced out the door before Alex could go ahead of me. I wasn't suppose to run in the halls but I had to, I couldn't let Alex catch up to me, nobody was in the halls anyways.

Once I reached the office I knocked on the door to be greeted by a man in a suit.
"Come in!" The man yelled cheerfully.
"Why are you here?" The mans voice got more serious as he started writing on a paper.
"I-I u-uhm-" before I could finish Alex barged in the room slamming the door behind him.
"Oh, I see. Miss Stacy called me about this. I'll have you two pick up trash outside after school. That is the most easiest task I could give you so be grateful, now get out of my room I have work to do." He shooed us out of the room slamming the door behind us. He seemed quite busy but it was understandable. Alex gave me a cold stare as the bell rang, luckily the rest of my classes I didn't have him in. But I could get in trouble again still from not having any of my notes, I should have just skipped school this is a disaster.

The last bell finally rang, I'd just have to pick up trash then I'd be done for the day. I headed out of class stuffing notes in my locker then went outside to pick up trash. There was usually tons of trash that had fallen out of the garbage, but it wouldn't take to long to pick up all of it. A few minutes have went by and I was nearly done, Alex was suppose to help me with it but I guess he 'forgot' it was better anyways so he wouldn't yell at me. Once I finished I placed the broom right next to the garbage bin.
"Well well well, if it isn't the gay freak." I recognized that voice, it was Alex. I turned around to see him, Clay and Nick.
"W-what do you w-want." I mumbled out quietly. Clay ran towards me picking me up by my shirt. His fists were clenched and his face was fuming red.
"YOU FUCKING BITCH! GETTING ZAK RAN OVER WITH A CAR CAUSE YOU COULDN'T HELP BUT TO BE SO DRAMATIC." Clay yelled punching me in the face. Nick walked towards me too kicking me in the back.
"You fucking slut." Nick cursed.
"Your just useless, why are you even still alive." Alex quietly said, he looked angry.
"J-just please l-let me go."
"No way in hell, not until you bleed until you can't get up." Clay punched my in the face cause my nose to bleed, Nick then kicked my legs. It felt like I was being shot with needles. One punch after another, blood slowly dripping from my chin to my ankles. My vision got blurry, I could just hear them mumbling terrible curses about me wishing death upon me.
"You useless slut."
"Nobody wants you here just die."
"Zak never loved you."
"Loved you...."
"Loved you...."
                               Nobody's POV
3:57, Zak: Darryl? I'm so sorry.
3:58, Zak: none of this was your fault
3:58, Zak: Sam told me everything that happened
3:59, Zak: I only have a few scratches but other than that it's fine
4:00, Zak: Sam said she's sorry please come home
4:01, Zak: Darryl please answer me I'm sorry
4:02, Zak: none of that stuff Clay said is true
4:03, Zak: Darryl please
4:43, Zak: Darryl?
5:55, Zak: please it's getting late Darryl
                 (6 missed FaceTime calls)

(Thank you all so much for 400+ reads, that's really unbelievable, you guys are the sweetest!)
Art doesn't belong to me!

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