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Darryl and Zak arrived at the party, there was a huge mansion with a massive pool, and hot tub. Zak and Darryl waited outside for George.
                               Darryl's POV
"Did you text him? Is he almost here?" I asked staring at Zak.
"I'm not sure I'll ask him." Zak said grabbing out his phone.  It was a few seconds of silence until a car pulled up. I saw George's face stick out of the window, his awkward goofy smile made me laugh a little. George hopped out of the car as it drove away, he was wearing a black suit with a white shirt underneath.
"Wow! George I love your outfit!" Zak said hugging George.
"Hello Zak, hey Darryl!" George comes into huh me.
"H-hey." I say awkwardly hugging him back.
"Well then, we should get inside!" George walks off as me and Zak follow. The mansion looked even bigger once we got inside. It had two sets of stairs leading up to a balcony on the second floor. The floor was black and white marble.

Me, Zak and George all stepped in the living room where most people were.
"I'm going to go get a drink any of you want anything?" George said staring at me and Zak.
"Yeah I'll come with you, we'll be right back Darryl." They both headed off to the drinks while I was left alone. Zak probably said yes on purpose just to leave me, I'll try to see if that girl who invited me was anywhere. After a few seconds sure enough, I found her. She was wearing a pastel orange and green dress with a flower crown.
"H-hey." I said walking up to her, I didn't catch her name.
"Oh hey! Glad you made it! Want me to show you around?" I honestly didn't want to go without Zak and George. I stared back, both of them were laughing with drinks in their hands. I felt anger and jealousy pound in my heart.
"Yeah sure!"
"Okay great!" She smiled at me grabbing my wrist. I followed her upstairs watching all the decorations. The house was so pretty and huge.
"Is this all yours?"
"Y-yeah, well my parents, they are mostly at work though. I also do have a brother." She mumbled quietly.
"Oh nice! What's his name?"
"Oh! Speaking about names, I didn't catch yours."
"It's uhm- Darryl."
"Nice name! Mine is drist- Sabrina!"
"Oh umm okay."
"Anyways, I'll show you the rest of the rooms." She grabbed my wrist again then headed to a room, the room was just a basic bedroom.
"W-what was that?" My heart dropped, I stared toward the door, it was locked.
"Oh whoops!" I heard her say from the other side of the door.
"P-please l-let me out."
"No can do! After all, I'm just following Clays orders." The so called 'Sabina' laughed like a villain. Was Clay really her brother?
"Are you really that dumb to not realize? Who the fuck would invite you to a party, but thanks for bringing your friends. At least they are cooler than you."
"B-but why did y-you l-lock me in?"
"I'll have my brother deal with you later, then you'll finally be gone. I'm sure your boyfriend won't miss you anyways considering he didn't even want to spend time with you." She was right. Zak didn't even want to really come to the party until George said he was coming. Tears fell down my face and on to the marble floor.
"I KNOW HE LOVES ME!" I fell down on my knees crying. She probably was right, they wouldn't care anyways if I died.
Zak's POV
"GO MORE GO MORE!" George yelled hyping up a man. I started laughing uncontrollably, it was either all the drinks I had or George actually being funny. I felt all the drinks rushing through my body.
"I have to go to the bathroom George I'll be right back!" I yelled, George gave me a thumbs up. I didn't know where the bathroom was so I went to ask someone. A woman heading down from upstairs looked like she knew the place.
"Hey uhm do you know where the bathro-"
"Your Zak right?" She asked interrupting me.
"Uh y-yeah?"
"Why are you heading upstairs? Looking for something?" She seemed paranoid giving me a bothered look in her eyes.
"Yes actually, I'm looking for the bathroom." The woman cleared her throat.
"Oh uhm, y-yes that's right upstairs." Her voice was raspy, she finished walking down the stairs eyeing each move I made.

When I made it up the stairs all the talking and music seemed silent up here. I saw the bathroom door up so I headed in. After I was done I washed my hands then headed out. While I was heading down the stairs a man was walking up the stairs. He had a white mask with a smi- Clay? No, I must be imagining things that couldn't be him. He had a all black suit with axe in his hand. The man watched me closely, something about him gave me a uncomfortable feeling. I slowly headed down the stairs.
"Z-Zak?" I slowly looked around, it sounded like Darryl. Nobody was around me. Wait, I haven't seen Darryl in awhile?
'Oh gosh'  I said I would be with Darryl, but I didn't even spend any time with him. I ran upstairs and into the room I saw the man go. It's locked.
                            Darryl's POV
I heard footsteps on the other side of the door. The door opened and I saw the same man with the white smile mask, Clay. Behind him was Zak heading down the stairs, what was he doing? Did he know I was here?
"Z-Zak?" I quickly yelled before Clay locked the door.
"Don't think you can escape~" Clay chuckled stepping towards me with a Axe.
"Please? Do you think I'm some fucking pussy? Zak didn't even care about you." He swung the axe hitting my arm, blood started flooding out uncontrollably staining the marble floor.
"Nobody cares about a nerdy ass bitch like you." I crawled back in a corner, all the cursing was honestly overwhelming.
"Aw are you scared?" Clay laughed swinging the axe again.
                                 Zak's POV
Something wasn't right, I put my head closely to the door.
"Please? Do you think I'm some fucking pussy? Zak didn't even care about you."
'Zak?' Where they talking about me? I heard light voices that sounded like Darryl. That was it, if Clay hurt Darryl he hurt me. I kicked the door, punching it with my still bruised fists.
"And what makes you think I would do that?" Clays voice comes closer to the door. He was right, I couldn't, I had nothing. Besides my phone. I quickly grabbed my phone out of my pocket dialing '9-1-1'
"911 what's your emergency?"
"We'll be on our way"
The call became quiet but I was still on the line. Banging was coming from the room.
"CLAY WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING TO HIM YOU ACTUAL ASSHOLE." I banged on the door harder still trying to open it by the handle.

The room went silent, no movement, no talking, nothing.
"D-darr-?" Before I could finish I heard banging at the front door. The front door was right in front of the stairs. I quickly ran downstairs opening the door for them. A group of huge men were pushing me aside.
"WHERE ARE THEY?" I was too startled to talk, I just pointed up stairs to the room. All the men ran up the stairs huddling up in front of the room. Two of the men got out a large weapon busting down the door, I was too scared to go up so I just looked from downstairs. The music stopped, everyone flooded out the front door leaving, what happened? I saw a man coming from the living room, a few grey hairs with dirty blonde hair, he wore a classic suit. The man stared at me for a few seconds as he walked towards the stairs, he gave me a cold stare.

"What seems to be the problem here men?" The man yelled going into the room, his voice was strict and deep.
"Sir, we need you to back up." One of the buff men said.
"Excuse me? I live here, why are you trying to arrest my son?" I headed up the stairs standing by the frame of the door.
"Your son? He was trying to kill this young man right here." Darryl was huddled up in the corner hugging his legs, he looked terrified.
"Kill? My son would never do anything like that, I am a City police attorney, I could fire you within a second. Now either you back up off him or-" the men immediately let go of Clay. Clays father and Clay exit the room, Clay gave me a cold stare watching me like a hawk. I quickly ran to Darryl as the squat team walked away.
"Are you alright?" He was shaking in fear, Darryl looked traumatized.
"Y-yeah" Darryl mumbled, his voice was weak.
"C'mon Darryl, I know your not okay. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left you."
"It's f-fine Z-Zak."
"I'll take you to my car." I said grabbing him. I honestly couldn't even trust myself anymore.

I placed Darryl in the back seat then sat in with him closing the door.
"Look, I'm sorry. What happened?"
"C-Clays sister locked me in a room." I opened up the first aid then began wrapping him up.
"He has a sister?"
"Y-yeah.. where is George?"
"Everyone already left, I'm guessing he got a ride." I shrugged.
"W-what if he didn't I mea-"
"No, don't worry about George, it's fine." I said shushing Darryl. I pulled Darryl by the shirt giving him a kiss on the lips, I stared into his emerald eyes. They lit up staring at me with wide eyes.
"I fucked up, I'm sorry Darryl."
"No don't be sorry it's not your fau-" I kissed Darryl again interrupting him, his lips were soft.
"Don't be sorry." I said chuckling.
        *beep*          *beep*
"One second." I said parting from Darryl's lips. I reached for my pocket pulling out my phone.
   New airdrop from ***-***-****
                            (Tap to see)
"Sure why not." I said mumbling to myself.
Now, unknown: (1 attachment image)
"Uh Darryl, I think we should go." I quickly said jumping into the passengers seat.
"W-why?" Darryl said heading to the door.
"DON'T GO OUT! There are people watching us." It was too dark to see out the windows, someone could easily grab Darryl and drag him away.
"O-okay, but how do you know."
"A random number airdropped a photo of us kissing." I felt my face turn red as I started the car.
"O-oh." Darryl looked around paranoid. I locked the car doors then drove out of the driveway.

The ride was quiet, none of us were really talking just calming down to music. Once we got there me and Darryl quickly headed out of the car and into the house. Sam was sitting on the couch with-
"A GUY!?!" I yelled.
"Shh your gonna wake them." Darryl giggled a little taking out his phone.
"Your taking a photo of them?" I whispered nearly laughing like a maniac.
"Yeah!" Darryl said giggling more then heading upstairs.
                            Nobody's POV
Darryl and Zak changed in to comfy clothes then got into bed, watching movies, having tons of junk food and cuddling.

(I might want to start another story, I have a few other ideas in mind but I'm not sure if it will turn in to a actual good story. But for now I'm gonna focus on this story, this chapter didn't turn out how I really wanted it to but hopefully it's still good lol.)  o.( )
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