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Zak's POV
I slowly opened my eyes to Sam patting me on the arm. Everything felt a bit blurry at first but the more I kept my eyes open the more clearer it got. I was in a hospital room, it looked exactly like Darryl's but a few items were rearranged.
"S-Sam?" I murmured silently.
"Y-yeah?" I saw excitement fill her eyes, she looked happy to see I was finally awake.
"Am I allowed to leave? Where is Darryl?" I didn't realize Darryl wasn't here with me.
"Yeah we can leave whenever you want and Darryl is uhm, h-home." Sam sat up in her chair then stood up.
"You made it out pretty good considering how hard the car hit you, you only have a massive cut on your arm." I stared down at my arm, it had a line of stitches, a brush of pain hit it when I realized I couldn't move it good. I slowly sat up from the mattress uncovering the white blankets off my legs. I felt faint as my heart was beating fast, and my head felt heavy.
"Here I'll help you!" Sam grabbed one of my hands helping me up from the bed.
"Thanks." I didn't really feel like getting up but I had to see Darryl. It didn't seem like him to not come. Sam opened the door for me then we greeted our parents sitting on the chairs outside the door.
"Hey sweetie how are you doing? Are you alright?" My mother brushed my hair with her fingers seeming concerned.
"Yeah I'm alright. Can we go now?" I was a bit annoyed I just wanted to get out of here.
"Alright then let's go." My father started walking down the hall as we followed.

When we all finally got in the car I leaned back on the car seat, taking a deep breath. What was dream even trying to do with those texts? He surely did something, I'm still a bit mad that Darryl leaded me out to the road. But I'm glad it was me instead of him, he handles things a bit harsh. He's already dealing with a lot anyways so it's just better in general. I'm still unsure why he didn't come, what if he's still mad at me? Thoughts flooded my mind, tears filled my eyes causing everything to go blurry. I closed my eyes hoping the tears would go away but just the opposite happened.
'Darryl hates you.'
'You only made things worse."
"You should have just kept bullying Darryl."
"Wait what?"
"ZAK! Are you alright?!" Sam yelled, I slowly opened my eyes again making tears fall out.
"Y-yeah." Sam unbuckled scooting closer to me then buckling again. She wrapped her arms around me leaning her head on my shoulder. The warmth of her hug made me feel comfortable. If Darryl was still made at me I'd just talk him out of it, I couldn't live without his hugs. They felt like Sam's but, Darryl would lay his head on my chest hugging me tightly, like if the world were to be cut in half we would still be together. If there was a storm the warmth of his body would be the only thing I'd need to stay warm and alive. I closed my eyes again hugging Sam back like it was Darryl.

Once we got home I shook Sam off of me jumping out of the car. I didn't have the keys so I had to wait for my parents to open it. My mother slowly got out of the the car taking the keys out of her purse. I ran inside searching for Darryl, he wasn't in the living room, the kitchen, or any of the rest of the downstairs. Maybe he was asleep, I silently stepped upstairs to my room opening the door. Darryl wasn't there, I checked my bathroom but he wasn't there either. Sam said he was home.
"SAM!" I called out at the ease of tears.
"WHERE THE FUCK IS DARRYL?" I turned around furious at her.
"H-he w-was s-still coming uhm, h-home."
"Are you fucking lying to me now Sam?" Before I could get any closer my parents barged in my room.
"Why are you cursing so much!" My mother screamed out.
"DON'T TALK TO YOUR SISTER LIKE THAT." My father was always terrifying when he yelled. I backed up in front of my bed.
"Sam go to your room." My mother said quietly.
"I'm s-sorry" Sam mumbled heading to her room, she'd probably be listening from the other side of the wall.
"Why are you talking to your sister like that?"
"She said Darryl was here-" I paused for a few seconds, tears falling uncontrollably down my face.
"Darryl? This is all about that stupid guy?" My father clenched his fists I've never seen him this angry.
"Stupid? I thought you guys liked him?"
"We wouldn't want to say that to his face of course." My mother said innocently.
"Well then where is Darryl?" I wiped my face holding back tons of tears.
"We kicked him out, we didn't let him come in the car ride to visit you. Me and your mother were too angry to let him. He almost killed you!"
"W-what the f-fuck." It turned all silent, I never in a million years expected my own parents to do something that cruel to the love of my life. Sure he could have killed me but it wasn't his fault, I pushed him out of the way. I bullied him, pushing him away from getting hit by a car was probably the least I could do.
"Don't you talk that way, we know your angry bu-" I pushed them aside from the doorway running downstairs. I opened the door closing it behind me. I pulled out my phone texting Darryl.
3:57, You: Darryl? I'm so sorry.
3:58, You: none of this was your fault
3:58, You: Sam told me everything that happened
3:59, You: I only have a broken arm but other than that it's fine
4:00, You: Sam said she's sorry please come home
4:01, You: Darryl please answer me I'm sorry
4:02, You: none of that stuff Clay said is true
4:03, You: Darryl please
4:43, You:  Darryl?
5:55, You: please it's getting late Darryl
                 (6 missed FaceTime calls)
Something was up, if Sam and parents wouldn't have been so stupid and not kicked them out he'd still be here. Maybe Clay would know something about this. I thought for a few seconds then decided I would ask him.
6:09, You: what happened to Darryl?
6:09, you: I'm sure you did something to him
6:10, you: FUCKING TELL ME
I fell to my knees bursting in tears, I didn't know where Darryl was or what happened to him. I only wanted to see his bright emerald eyes with his fluffy brown hair. The way he would always stare up at me, he was short. I chuckled a little wiping tears from my face.
"Zak?" I stared up seeing Sam staring at me.
"What do you want?" I mumbled coldly.
"I just wanted to say I'm sorry, you don't need to say sorry. I was just sad and angry about what happened to you I took out all my anger on him. I know it wasn't his fault you got hit." Sam rubbed a few tears from her face staring down at me.
"I'm sorry Sam, I love you." I stood up hugging her.
"I told you not to say sorry!" She giggled a little hugging me tighter. Clay would always answer me back, something was really up.
"Wanna do something?" I break from the hug staring at her.
"What is it?"
"Do you want to spy on Clay?"
"Definitely." Sam smiles back at me heading to the car. I go back inside grabbing the car keys then getting inside the car.

We drove down a few streets, everyone lived pretty close so it wouldn't take long to get to the destination. We sat in the car quietly, I thought about turning on music but we were nearly there. Once we got there me and Sam both got out standing by the entrance, if we went in the front door Clay would see us. So I went in through the back gate. Sam slowly stepped behind me looking terrified.
"What if he sees us?"
"It's fine." I smiled at her pulling out a ladder. I placed it under his window. He lived in a two story mansion, his room was on the second story but it had a window. I knew where most stuff were since I've been here tons of times. When times were easier, he was honestly a good guy before all the bullying. We would stay up all night prank calling, listening to music, just enjoying life.
"Y-yeah?" I paused for a seconds then knew what she meant.
"Oh!" I might have zoned out. I continued climbing the ladder slowly, being afraid of heights wasn't really a huge border in my life since I didn't go to high places. But when I did, it was honestly a nightmare. If I slipped once, I'd be back in the hospital. My palms felt sweaty, I gripped on the ladder tighter climbing up. A few strange noises came from his room, whatever he was doing I'd catch him.

When I finally reached his room, he was in his bedroom, with another man. They were both sitting on his bed....kissing!?! I expected to catch him doing something bad, but not dirty. I'd definitely use this as some blackmail.
"Sam! Pass my phone!" I said quietly but loud enough for her to hear me. She threw my phone up, luckily I caught it. When I stared back they were both laying flat on the bed, the sheets got scrunched up. Who even was that man? He had black and white goggles on with a  turquoise shirt. I quickly snapped the photo heading down, I didn't realize they could still see me. But seeing them made me freeze, after all this time Clay made fun of me and Darryl for being gay but as it turns out he was gay too. I jumped down from the ladder still holding my phone in my hand. Sam put away the ladder the stared at me in silence.
"Well? Do you want to go?" Sam whispered.
"Yeah." We both headed to the car and once I got in I went back on my phone.
6:58, you: (1 attached image)
6:58, you: if you don't tell me where Darryl is I'll tell the whole school you were fucking a man
7:00, Clay: what the fuck
7:00, Clay: are you watching me or something
7:01, you: just answer the goddamn question
7:02, Clay: he's near the garbage bins at school, but don't fucking think your getting away this easily
That was all I wanted from him, what else could he possibly do, I'd protect Darryl. I started the car speeding down driveways. If I got a ticket then it was worth it. Sam looked a bit startled on how fast I was going but I'm sure she'd understand.
"Why are we at the school Zak?" Sam yelled as I ran out the door.
"That motherfucker couldn't even stay away from Darryl for a day. Why is he even there?" I yelled to myself. I found Darryl laying on the cement leaning against a garbage can.
"DARRYL?! ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" My throat tightened, tears escaped through my eyes as a I fell to the floor holding Darryl in my arms. I saw Sam in the corner of my eye staring at me.
"Z-Zak? Is he a-alright?" Her voice was shaken looking scared. I wanted to respond but nothing came out of my mouth. Tears continued to fall down my face onto my shirt. Darryl had blood on his nose leading to his chin. Even his shirt had blood splotches on it. I couldn't image losing Darryl, how could I let this happen again.
"DARRYL!?! PLEA-p-please wake up, I need you. CAN'T YOU FUCKING HEAR ME I FUCKING LOVE YOU!" I pulled out my phone again going on my messages. That little piece of shit, just telling me where Darryl was wasn't enough.
7:19, you: (1 attached image)
7:20, you: (1 attached image)
7:21, you: show it to the whole fucking school
This wasn't bullying now, this is just war.

(Sorry if there was any mistakes or sentences that didn't make sense. And also, random but I painted my nails dream smp themed. )
Art doesn't belong to me!

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