Third Wheel

542 25 5

Saturday July 2021
                                 Zak's POV
I sat in bed staring at the ceiling, Darryl was right next to me playing a game on his phone. The week went really fast, it's already the day of the party now. I hope it's a safe party, I don't want anything to happen to Darryl or me. It was 11:12 am, the party started at 5. I wasn't planning to do anything huge before it, maybe just sitting around or something.
"Zak?" Darryl called tapping on my shoulder.
"I'm bored." Darryl said sighing putting down his phone.
"You say that like twenty times in a hour, I'm sure you'll find something to do."
"No I won't." Darryl said getting up from the bed, he headed out the bedroom door.
"Where are you going?" Of course there wasn't a answer I had to follow him, sometimes I thought if he even had a brain. Besides getting good grades he had none. I headed out the bedroom door, I could hear slight talking in Sams room.
"Well what do you like to do?" Sam asked Darryl.
"So you came to ask her?" I giggled a little staring down at Sam, she was on her computer.
"You could always just play a game."
"I've done that already." Darryl sighed looking down at Sam's computer screen.
"What's that?" Darryl pointed to her screen.
"It's a stream!"
"Oh, are you live?"
"No, I don't go live, I just watch them."
"You should go live though!" She got up from her chair looking at Darryl. Was she really offering Darryl to go live? Well, maybe it wasn't to bad of a idea.
"He can go live on my computer! But only if I can join." I chuckled a little heading back to my room. I turned on my laptop then headed to Twitch.
"What do you want to name the account?"
"I'm not sure, can we save the naming account for later."
"I guess, we can ask people what to name it too."
"Okay! Let's go live now!" Darryl smiled sitting down in the chair. I scooted over another chair and sat down next to him.
"W-what should we d-do?"
"We are already live, you should have planned that out." The face cam was on showing me and Darryl, the background was my window with half my bed.
"H-hi g-guys!" Darryl smiled nervously.
"We can play a game." I whispered to Darryl.
"What game?"
"What's that?"
"Let's just play it, I already have it download-ed." I tabbed out of the Twitch stream opening up Minecraft. It's been awhile since I played but I don't think I'm too bad.
"Z-Zak I don't even know this g-game." His worried face stared at me.
"It's fine, I'll teach you."  I created a new world then showed Darryl the controls.
"Oh my gosh! Zak! We have 10 viewers!" Darryl said pointing to the viewers.
"Woah! Thank you so much guys!" I waved nervously at the camera.
"You guys are so sweet!"
"Has he really not played Minecraft before?"
"Why does this not have a name?"
A few people were talking in the chat.
"Yeah, he hasn't played Minecraft before, and we couldn't think of a name so you guys can pick a name or something." Darryl was distracted killing zombies.
"Your gonna die! Let me take control." I scooted his hand off the mouse and began to run away.
"But you aren't killing them!"
"There was too many, I had to run away." I laughed a little then let Darryl take control again.
"Whatever." Darryl laughed cutting down a tree.
"Make a house, then we ca-"
"No Zak there are skeletons! HELP IM GOING TO DIE!" I quickly took control of the mouse while Darryl watched the chat.
"Why can't you guys name it?"
"Oh my, Zak your so pretty!"
"Darryl isn't even good at the game."
"Just let him take control over the whole thing."
"You guys are cool! Pog"
                         Darryl's POV
"Y-yeah I know I'm not too good at the game but I'm getting b-better!" I felt tears fill my eyes, no, no, not again. Why do I cry over the simplest things.
"Do you want to take control again Darryl?" I shook my head.
"I-I got to go to the b-bathroom." I quickly got up from the chair then headed towards the bathroom.
"Sorry guys I'll be right back!" I heard Zak say muting himself. Just as I was about to close the door Zak stepped in.
"Darryl, you know you will get better at the game, I promise. Those mean comments won't stay for long!" Zak rubbed my back in circles.
"I know." I felt awkwardly stupid so I decided to change the topic.
"Let's get back to the game now we don't want them to wait long!"
"Are you sure? We can end if you want?"
"No no it's fine!" I walked back out sitting on the chair.
"Hey guys!" I said as Zak sat in the chair.
"We are gaining a lot of views!" Zak said excitedly. I looked over at the views, 105.  I felt myself freeze. Was I really talking in front of that many people?
"Anyways let's get back to the game." Zak said tabbing back on Minecraft. We were inside the house I built, I loved building so I decided I was going to be the one to build, Zak killed mobs and we both took turns mining and getting food.

Zak muted then turned to me.
"It's almost four pm we should start getting ready now."
"It's already almost four?" How could time fly so fast when we were streaming?
"Y-yeah, we gained a lot of followers and viewers." Zak said unmuting.
"Hey guys! Well we are going to end the stream now! Bye!"
"Bye!" I quickly said as Zak ended the stream. I felt relieved I didn't have people watching me anymore. Zak got up from the chair then looked in his wardrobe.
"What even should we wear?"
"A suit or something?" I said getting up from the chair.
"Well yeah, but I only have one."
"It's fine I can just wear a normal outfit."
"No, if you aren't wearing a suit I'm not either."
"Oo, can I wear this red and black shirt?" The shirt looked like a suit. It had a tie that was red, the edges of the shirts sleeves were also red then the rest were black.
"Yeah I guess you could wear that."
"You should wear the other shirt with a tie." I said pointing to a black shirt with a white tie and white at the edges of the sleeves.
"We can match!" Zak said heading to the bathroom. I quickly changed them went into the bathroom. Me and Zak were both wearing black jeans matching the tops.
"I love it!" I said hugging Zak.
"You need to fix your hair though it's a bit crazy." Zak giggled handing me a brush.
"Oh wait! Do you want to call that uhm, Greg guy?" I asked Zak continuing to brush my hair.
"George, but sure!" Zak said picking up his phone from the counter.
                                Zak's POV
4:37, You: hey! This is Zak from the ice cream shop.
4:38, George: oh hey
4:38, you: do you want to come to a party today
4:39, George: sorry I'm already going to a party today
"Darryl!" I yelled.
"What was that party called?"
"Uhh, I don't think it had a name."
"Whatever okay."
4:41, you: it was just a pink paper, I don't think it had a name
4:42, George: oh, I'm sure that's the party I'm going to
4:42, you: oh cool! Do you wanna meet there with me and Darryl?
4:43, George: yeah sure!
Darryl's POV
It's been a few minutes and Zak wasn't talking to me, just laughing at whatever was on his phone.
"H-hey Zak are you a-almost done?"
"Gosh give me one second."
I was already ready, I did my hair, my outfit, put on perfume, and I put on fancy shoes. I wanted to ask Zak for his opinion but he's probably doing something important.
"Hey George!" Zak laughed smiling at his phone.
"Hey Zak!" I heard a small voice coming from the phone.
"Your outfit looks nice!" Zak chuckled putting on his shoes.
"Thanks! Yours does too."
"Is Darryl with you?"
"Uhm, y-yeah!" Zak gave me a cold look then handed me the phone.
"H-hey George."
"Hi Darryl! That outfit fits you!" George laughed. Zak didn't look any happier with me.
"I've got to f-finish getting r-ready b-bye." I handed the phone back to Zak then headed to Sams room. I couldn't help but to ask for her advice.
"H-hey s-Sam."
"Wassup Dar- why are you dressed so nice." She laughed hitting my arm lightly.
"I'm going to a p-party with Z-Zak."
"Why do you seem so upset with it?! It's like a date!"
"Hm, what's wrong Darryl?"
"Zak is bringing someone e-else."
"So? He already is in love with you."
"W-well uhm, I know, but- never mind." I didn't want to cause any drama, I was probably overreacting anyways.
"Alright, well I've got to work on some homework. Tell me if anything happens." Sam quickly slipped a paper in my pocket then sat down.

I headed back to Zak's room and by my surprise Zak wasn't in the call anymore, maybe I was just overreacting.
"H-hey Zak!"
"There you are, we are going to be late." Zak said grabbing my hand. He pulled me downstairs and into his car. Then we drove off, the car ride was quiet and awkward.
"H-hey Z-Zak?"
"W-why are you a-acting so cold?" I cleared my throat then stared at him.
"What do you mean?"
"You were ignoring me the whole time you were texting George." I stared out the window, trees and houses passing."
"Oh, I'm sorry Darryl." He slowed down the car then stared at me.
"I love you Darryl, and only you." Zak kissed me on the cheek the continued driving.
"I love you too Zak."
I still felt a little uneasy with how Zak was acting, maybe wanting to go to the party was a mistake.

(. )
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