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                                 Zak's POV
I wish I could say my visit in the hospital was done, but unfortunately Darryl was still asleep. I fell asleep on the white chair next to Darryl and my parents ended up finding out that I came to him in the morning. I'm sure their hatred for me went up, Sam wasn't the angriest she seemed understanding but also hurt. They went home and it was just me and Darryl alone, together. I'm not sure he'll ever forgive me after everything I did and said. I stared down at Darryl, he was honestly really adorable. His fluffy brown hair would always seem to flow in his face and oh, I missed those pretty emerald eyes staring at me with curiosity, usually with fear. He seemed scared half the time I walked up to him.
*beep* *beep*
I reached in the pocket of my jeans and grabbed my phone to check the notification. It was Nick.
6:45, Nick: well you've been awfully quiet
6:45, Nick: what's up
I hesitated on replying, if I say one thing wrong everything would be over. Whatever, who cares about reputation anymore anyways.
6:48, you: nothing much
6:49, Nick: c'mon I know your not doing nothing much, you haven't come to school, and haven't texted us at all.
Crap I forgot about school. I've missed the past days of school recently but I had to be there when Darryl woke up.
6:51, you: it's none of your fucking business
I felt a pit of guilt filled my stomach after sending that message. Nick use to have anger issues and would be very inpatient. The anger issues have calmed down, he's still very inpatient though.
6:52, Nick: and who the fuck gave you the right to curse at me
6:52, Nick: I can turn your life into a living hell if it isn't already.
6:53, Nick: just remember what I, Alex and Clay can do to you.
Alex wouldn't really beat me hard just a kick, he was good at blackmailing though. If Alex found out even one of my secrets or dirty crimes the whole school would figure out. But the fact that they were all teaming on me just because I helped Darryl was quite messed up. They were my friends after all, now it all just seems fake. They probably just used me, and when they found out I helped the person they were bullying and even trying to kill, I'd be the one in his position. Even if we were friends, nothing would be stopping them. I just wish things were more different, like having real friends instead of fake for a change. Having actual friends that are nice and don't bully other people. But that's not how my school works, you either are the bully or the person who is getting bullied.
I stared down at Darryl and slipped my phone back in my pocket. I leaned down on the side of Darryl's bed nearly laying down and grabbed his hand. I felt cold, tears fell down my face as I remembered everything I did to him. He tried to commit suicide and I just made everything worse. My sister fainted due to stress from me dragging her into my mess. I should've just went alone, my parents would have been way less disappointed in me.
Darryl's POV
I woke up to a white ceiling. This wasn't my room. Where was I? What happened? My head felt heavy, my heart was pounding. My arms felt sore and a small headache grew as I struggled to get up. I lifted my head a little then adjusted my pillow so I could sit up. There was a table with white chairs on the right and on the left- w-was that Z-Zak? What was he doing here? He didn't love me the same way I loved him, I ruined our friendship that we still had growing, I ruined possibly everything, why would he be here. Small tears formed in my eyes and they came out to fast for me to wipe away, then I started pouring tears. Zak moved a little and seemed to wake up. He stared at me for a few seconds then he sat up as well.
"D-Darryl?" He seemed shocked to see me, it was a few seconds before tears rolled down his red cheeks. He leaned in closer to me and wrapped his warm arms around me. I hesitantly hugged him back. The hug felt warm and Zak was sniffing burying his face into my chest. It all felt like a dream, what even happened, why was I here?
"Z-Zak" my voice was raspy and it felt like I could barely talk but I continued on.
"W-what h-happened?" We broke from the hug and he stared at me. For a few seconds it seemed he forgot the question and just stared into my eyes with sadness. He still had that spark in his eye that looked like a sparkle, he had massive eye bags and looked tired.
"You uhm, tried to c-commit suicide." He looked down at the floor then back at me.
"I-I'm so sorry Darryl, I- lo-" he paused for a few seconds, tears fell constantly.
"Z-Zak?" I mumbled out.
"I LOVE YOU, I'M SO SORRY!" Zak didn't seem to realize how loud he yelled that. I held my breath for a few seconds. He loves me? Zak scooted away from me and got up from the bed. He rubbed his face with his hands and kept it there for awhile staring at a wall. I scooted off the bed as well and tried to make my way towards him, but when I stood up I felt extremely dizzy and faint. I fell down to the floor, I felt too weak to stand up but luckily Zak noticed. He turned around and started to panic. He quickly ran towards me and picked me up placing me on the bed, I could feel myself blush. His face was still so adorable even when he looked tired or scared. Zak stared at me for a few seconds in silence.
"I-I'm s-sorry to Z-Zak, I love y-you." More tears continued on to fall down my face and onto the cold sheets of the hospital bed. Zak sat back down on the bed and grabbed both of my hands.
"Don't be sorry Darryl, I got you into this mess." Zak kissed my hands and scooted closer to me. We hugged each other, the hug felt warm and welcoming. I had a nice feeling inside that I've never felt before. That someone actually loved me and wanted me to still be here.

(This isn't the last chapter lol.)
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