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Tw: bullying, fainting
Zak's POV
It's been three days since the whole incident. I haven't seen Darryl since. I heard Alex and Clay talking about Darryl coming back to school. But I'm sure it was only because they wanted to beat him. I finished english class and headed down the hall where me, Clay, Nick and Alex always meet, and sure enough, they were there.
"Zak?" Alex called out.
"Huh?" They better not have something else to be against me this time.
"You didn't help Darryl, right?" Clay slowly clenched his fists and walked right in front of me.
"N-no, why the hell would I help him." I had to lie, I couldn't lose my reputation. How would they know anyways. Everyone was in class.
"Your lying, aren't you." Nick stepped forward pushing me back towards the lockers.
"S-stop, why are you always against me, Darryl wasn't even here for three fucking days he's probably dead anyways. ISN'T THAT WHAT YOU WANTED?" I didn't realize how loud I yelled it before I screamed it at them. Why would I yell at them. They can literally kill me instantly, our friendship wouldn't be holding them back, if we even had one.
"If we wanted him dead he'd already be gone a long time ago, he's practically useless. Stop acting like you care for him cause' it's all just fake you only want your grades higher. That's how things work here, Zak. You don't make friendships, if anything you make enemies." Alex stared at me straight in the eyes. I feel like he wasn't mocking me this time. Just telling me the truth I didn't want to know.
"W-why don't you guys like Darryl?" I blurred out. I couldn't keep it in any longer. They can't just bully him for no reason, I had to know the truth. Alex looked nervous, he stepped back a little, probably making sure he wasn't the one to talk. Clay was still right in front of me pushing me against a tight space between him and the locker.
"Have you seen Darryl? That pussy is weak and couldn't even stand to defend himself. Don't pity him Zak. We all know your using him." Clay sounded a bit nervous saying the last part. Was he right? Was I really using him?
"W-would you guys h-hate me if I was f-friends with with him?"
"What the bloody hell Zak? Is there something we don't know about between you and him?" I felt Clay breathing harder and his breathes his my face. He clenched his fists and lightly kicked my leg.
"Don't make us do the same thing to you, Zak." Nick practically humming my name as he stood next to Clay stepping closer. The late bell rang and I wiggled to get away but Clay wouldn't budge still pinning me against the wall.
"Don't think we're letting you go this easily." Clay chuckled kicking my leg again but slightly stronger. Nobody was in the halls, it was completely empty, giving it a more tense feeling. Alex was on my side holding my arm tightly making sure I wouldn't get away. They seemed chill at first, but now I'm beginning to think it's getting serious.
"I-I promise, there isn't anything between me and Darryl. W-why would I b-be friends with a n-nerd like him." Clay and Nick didn't seem satisfied with my answer, they griped on even harder and Clay was right in front of me, still breathing hard. His dirty blonde hair was in his face and occasionally he would blow it out of his eyes. The tension got stronger as Clay swung his arm at my face. Nick kicked me on the knee and I felt myself fall a little, but Alex's grip was to hard to let me fall.
"You think you can fucking get away? This will teach you to never talk to Dar-"
"BOYS! GET IN CLASS THIS INSTANT." A teacher rushed down the hall towards us and pulled Clay and Alex off of me. She pushed them towards their classes and I could hear Clay mumble something under his breath.
"This isn't the end." He chuckled walking away.
"Are you alright Zak?" The teacher asked me looking concerned.
"Y-yeah I'm alright." I looked at my shoes nervously.
"Alright, tell me if you need anything!" She said starting to walk away.
"Wait!" I blurred it out, I couldn't keep it in anymore.
"Yes?" I cleared my throat and took a deep breath.
"I was w-wondering, why hasn't D-Darryl been coming to school r-recently?" Her face suddenly went white, she stood frozen. And for a few seconds it was just silent.
"Uhm ma'am? Are you alr-"
"If you'd really like to know," she paused for a few seconds looking paranoid.
"Come with me." She continued, grabbing my wrist with a tight grip. She headed to a room that seemingly looked like her office. She let go of my hand and and stared at me straight in the eyes. It felt intimidating, like I did something wrong.
"What connection do you have with him? Did you cause it?"
"He's my t-tutor, and c-cause of w-what? Did something happen to him?" She looked scared and her face was as white as a ghost. We stood there for a few seconds just in silence. I was missing class but I'm expecting she knows something about Darryl, so I had to stay. Even if my grade goes lower and I get in trouble. What even was this room? I never saw it before. It looked similar to Mr. Stewart's office but it was smaller and more cluttered with papers everywhere. I admired the room for awhile until she was ready to tell me. Her shoulders tensed up and she focused her eyes on me.
"Mrs? Are yo-"
"He's in the hospital." She quickly said interrupting me.
"W-what? WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO HIM?!" My palms got sweaty and I felt my head spinning, my knees felt weak. The bell rang and I heard students screaming and running around as everything went blurry.

(Sorry if this chapter was shorter than usual. Hope you enjoyed tho! )

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