
726 34 9

Tw: bullying
Darryl's POV
I finally got discharged from the hospital, it feels like forever since I've seen outside of my room. Me and Zak walked down the hall and exchanged numbers.
"Would you like a ride home?" Zak turned to me and smiled, he seemed happier.
"S-sure!" We continued walking down the hall towards the exit. I never imagined I'd even be this close with Zak, he was sweet, caring and had the most handsome smile.
We got in Zak's car, the seats were made of black soft leather, four fancy cup holders in the backseats with air conditioning. It was nice and cool and smelled like watermelons. The smell also reminded me of Zak. I sat in the front next to Zak, he turned on Spotify and connected it to the car. Zak pulled down the windows and starting pulling out of the parking lot. Being in the car with Zak was the most relaxing, we had similar music tastes, driving with clouds in the sky with slight wind hitting my face making it the perfect temperature.
When we finally got to my house I realized I'd have to face my father again. Was he the one to take me to the hospital? I had so many questions, maybe I should be thanking him?
"T-thank you so much Z-Zak!" I hugged him and stepped out of the car. I walked up to the path to my house hesitantly.
"Call me if you need anything!" Zak yelled as he drove away.
Zak's POV
Fuck I forgot to tell him his father died, hopefully it's okay though, maybe his other family members will. I hope he takes it okay.
Darryl's POV
I took a few deep breaths before trying to open the door, it was locked. So I knocked on the door, my father never had a spare key and he never trusted me enough to take the key when I went somewhere. A few minutes have went by and he didn't answer, this was why I needed a key. I've never had to have this problem before since he never locked the door, but he probably thought I died or something since I hadn't come home in days. I leaned against the door closing my eyes, I wish my life was normal. Or at least having a father who cared.
A burst of excitement flew in my stomach, was is Zak? Oh my gosh! This must be what it's like to have friends. I quickly grabbed my phone out of my pocket and checked the notification.
Now, unknown: I see you :)
W-what? That wasn't Zak's number, it was probably some prank text. I shrugged it off and put my phone back in my pocket. I'm a bit upset it wasn't Zak but he's probably still driving, I wouldn't want him to crash just because of my text. Though it was probably a prank, I still felt paranoid. I stared back at the door and continued knocking. Tears slowly rolled down my face as it grew colder. I decided to text back the number and just simply ask if it was a prank.
4:12, you: is this a prank?
4:12, Unknown: why would it? (1 attached image)
I felt my heart stop, I held my breath and slowly looked around. The image was a picture of me. I looked at the angle of the photo and it was right behind a bush. I backed up into the door.
"P-please don't h-hurt m-me." I blurred out. I stared at the bush and watched it closely for any movement. I started to walk a few steps towards the bush, everything was silent. I stepped on the rocks, it made a loud noise so if anyone was there, they would know I was coming. But my footsteps sounded louder than usual. I stopped walking, but the footsteps continued. I held my breath, my head pounded and a headache grew. I slowly titled my head and a man in all black quickly pulled my arms behind my back. I couldn't tell who it was, they had a mask on covering their whole face. I tried to pull but his grip was too tight.
"P-please l-let me g-go." I mumbled quietly. I got flashbacks of when Nick grabbed my arms, like this and Clay would punch me. The man in black just kept quiet and it seemed like he was waiting for something. Almost on cue with my thoughts another man came out of the bush. He also had a mask covering his whole face, but it was white and had a smile. He was wearing a black shirt with black gloves and black jeans.
"Aw look who came back" the man chuckled.
"C-Clay?" I felt my heart drop. Was it really him? How'd he find out where I live and my number?
"The one and alone~" he walked closer towards me and punched my face. I could feel blood drip down to my chin and onto my shirt.
"Don't think you'd ever get away, even if Zak helps you." Clay was one inch from my face, he stared down at me. He probably had a evil grin on his face. Clay held the collar of my shirt tightly making it hard to breath.
"H-hey S-Siri call Z-Zak." I mumbled under my breath, hopefully it picked up. Nick let go of my hands and slapped me across the face.
"You have his fucking number?" Nick kicked me on the leg and pulled down his mask, revealing his angry glance at me.
"Hello? Darryl?" I could hear ruffling noises coming from Zak's mic, people were talking in the background.
"H-HELP!" I quickly yelled. Nick grabbed my phone from my pocket and ended the call.
"What the fuck? Don't even try to get Zak to defend you, just because a pussy ass bitch like you can't defend yourself." Nick continued on kicking me and Clay would push me down to the floor. I sighed, I just had to accept what was going to happen.
Zak's POV
I drove into the driveway and the house was quiet. Once I got out I reached in my pocket and pulled out the keys. Unlocking the door I saw my father and mother sitting at the dining table eating mashed potato's and chicken. They both stared at me with a angry look in their eyes. I slowly made my way up the stairs.
"Zak?" My mom called. I turned around and my father waved his hand at me to sit down. I went back down the stairs and sat in the empty black chair.
"Go say sorry to your sister, and please, I don't want this happening again." My father looked down at his plate and continued eating. My mother put her fork down and stared at me again.
"Is everything fine with you and uhm-"
"Darryl." I cut her off getting up from my chair and standing behind it.
"And yeah, I think we're fine now." I assured her and headed to the kitchen to grab myself a serving. I put a massive spoonful of mashed potatoes and grabbed a piece of chicken, I made my way back to my chair and sat down.
*beep* *beep* *beep*
Who was calling me now? It better not be Clay, Alex or Nick. It was Darryl, was he alright?
"Hello? Darryl?" I could hear talking in the background but it was too silent to know what the words were. My parents started talking silently to each other and staring at me.
"H-HELP!" Was Darryl alright? Before I could answer he hung up, I immediately put my fork down and got up. I ran out the door and started my car, I quickly backed out the driveway and speeded down my neighborhood. It usually took about five minutes to get to Darryl's house from my house but I could make it three. I saw his house up ahead and three people were in front of it. As I drove closer I could see one of them was Darryl, someone was punching him?!? I parked my car on the side of the road and jumped out. I only saw the backs of the men before they got into a car and drove off. Darryl fell to the floor holding his head up with his hands.
"Darryl! Darryl!" I ran to him and held him up a little. He was still awake but he didn't look good. Blood was all over his face and his shirt, blood was still flowing down his nose. I picked him up carrying him towards my car, why was he even still out here? I placed him in the back seats of my car and sat in the back seat with him. I grabbed a napkin out of a bag and wiped his nose, it was still continuing to come to out so I just held the napkin there. I had a emergency bag in my car with a first aid, napkins, extra clothes, water and food. I could give him a spare shirt but I'll just bring him to my house. It didn't seem like anyone was home at Darryl's house anyways.
Darryl's POV
I opened my eyes and everything was still turning black and grey. I could hardly breathe, something was blocking my nose. As my vision cleared I saw Zak holding a napkin up to my face.
"Z-Zak?" I mumbled out.
"Yes Darryl?" He seemed calm but concerned. I placed my hand on the napkin and Zak slowly moved away his.
"Are you alright? What happened?"
"My f-father wasn't opening the d-door and Clay and N-Nick started beating m-me." Zak froze for a few seconds and it was just silent.
Zak's POV
"Clay and Nick?" how did they find out where Darryl lived? And was his father the only one living there?
"D-Darryl-" I paused for a few seconds wondering if I should tell him.
"Your fathers d-dead." I could see Darryl's eyes light up. He removed the napkin from his face and his nose was no longer bleeding.
"D-dead?" I nodded slowly at him.
"I'm so sorry, it must be really hard to lose him." I placed my hand on his arm and stared at him.
"It's fine Zak."
"No I'm really sor-"
"He was abusive." Darryl interrupted me, slowly turning his head to look out the window. I could see tears roll down his face. I scooted closer to him and wrapped my arm around him, I placed a soft kiss on his cheek. Darryl slowly placed his head on my shoulder, he closed his eyes, letting out a big yawn. I could tell he was tired, but we had to go home.
"Darryl I'll take you to my home." I slowly wiggled out of the hug and got out of the car. Darryl looked a bit upset that it was over, but he just nodded and leaned back on the car seat. I sat in the drivers seat and drove off. It was just silent, I didn't turn on any music Darryl seemed tired so I didn't want to scare him with loud music. It was a relaxing car drive, the sun was setting and the view was perfect.
One we arrived at my house I opened the door for Darryl and slowly helped him out, I held his hand guiding him to the door. I grabbed the keys out of my pocket and unlocked the door. Sam was watching TV on the couch eating popcorn, and my parents seemed to be in their room.
"Hey Sam!" I called out waving at her. Sam smiled at me and waved back with a mouthful of popcorn. Darryl slowly walked through the door looking around. I closed the door and grabbed his hand.
"Oh my gosh, is he okay?" Sam yelled pointing to Darryls shirt.
"Yeah he's okay, don't worry about it." I assured her and headed up the stairs. Darryl slowly followed behind me. We walked in my room and I went to my wardrobe. I threw him a plaid shirt and he quickly changed.
Darryl's POV
His house was comfy and welcoming. I looked around his room and it was messy as always.
"I'll be right back" Zak left the room and I was just alone. I decided to go back down and see the girl I saw at the hospital. I didn't see her for long until I passed out again but she seemed concerned for me. I slowly stepped on the soft grey carpet and went downstairs.
"H-hey!" I waved at her and she got up from the couch and walked over towards me.
"Hi! I'm Sam!" She smiled at me and shook my hand.
"Are you alright?"
"Y-yeah I'm alright." I assured her. I stared over towards the couch and my stomach growled loudly. Sam laughed staring at me.
"Would you like something to eat?" She smiled.
"Y-yes please." I let out a small smile and followed her towards the kitchen.
"What would you like?" Sam asked opening the fridge.
"Do you have any muffins?"
"Yes actually! Zak bought some muffin mix last week, I'm sure he wouldn't mind if we used it!" She smiled at me and opened up the cupboard grabbing the muffin mix. But what if he did care? I felt anxious.
"I-I'm not s-sure what if he d-did care that we u-used it.?" Sam stared at me for a few seconds.
"I'll go ask him if you want!" Her smile made me feel comfortable and welcomed. She walked off and I slowly followed her a few steps behind. She headed up the stairs but Zak started walking down at the same time, she went back down.
"Hey Zak! Me and Darryl were wondering if we could use your muffin mix?" Sam smiled at me then turned to him, Zak stared at me. His eyes were eyes were narrowed.
"D-did I do something w-wrong?" I mumbled out backing up. Zak continued walking down the stairs and came to me. Zak's expression quickly changed and he was smiling.
"No not at all! My parents just aren't really happy you are staying here, but everything is fine, I promise!" He placed a soft kiss on my cheek making his way towards the kitchen.
Zak opened up the muffin mix box, Sam grabbed to bowl pouring the mix into the bowl. I cracked eggs into the bowl. The rest of the time we just messed around but still made the muffins. We put it in the oven, Zak put on a movie and we all got comfy in the blankets. When the chocolate muffins were done we placed them in a bowl and laid back down the on couch, watching movies and enjoying the nice fresh chocolate muffins. I laid on Zak's chest and he held my hand. It all felt so good, if somebody would have told me life was this good I wouldn't haven't have tried to end it all. There was so much I still wanted to do, especially with Zak. I snuggled up to him in the blankets and slowly closed my eyes.

(I hope you enjoyed! )
(Art isn't mine, credit: Glassscastles on We Heart It!)

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