Back To The Beginning

646 30 13

Tw: self harm, bullying,
Darryl's POV
I woke up to the sun shining on my eyes, as I awoke more I realized I was in Zak's room. His blankets were soft and comfy, the pillows felt like I was laying on a fluffy cloud. How could a bed be this comfy? I turned to my side and saw Zak laying on the bed, he was still asleep. I didn't want to wake him, he looked too comfy. His fluffy hair was all messed up, but it just made him cuter. I slowly got out of the bed, fixing the covers and pillows. I walked on the soft grey carpet and headed downstairs. His parents were sitting at the table sipping coffee, I thought about going back, but the man waved at me to come down. I slowly headed down, Zak said they weren't really happy I was staying here. What if they kick me out?! I took a deep breath clearing my throat.
"Hello there Mr. Darryl, please, have a seat." The man scooted the black barstool out and patted it.
"Now, why did you come to live with us? Couldn't your family keep you?" The man stared at me with anger, to woman continued to sip her coffee.
"I-I uhm m-my f-father d-di-" I could feel tears run down my face. The man just looked angrier.
"Hey Darryl! There you are!" Zak ran down stairs and hugged me on the neck. Zak eyed the man and the woman then stared back down at my red teared up face. He grabbed my hand and pulled me back upstairs to his room.
"What happened? Are you okay?" Zak asked brushing the hair out of my face.
"Y-yeah t-they j-just a-ask w-why I was here." It felt like I could barely speak, I was shaking with fear. What if they kicked me out?
"It's okay, it's okay. I'm sure they will like you better once they get to know you." Zak assured me then went to his bathroom.
"We need to get ready for school!" Zak yelled from the bathroom. I went over to the bathroom as well. Zak was fixing his fair while washing his teeth. I grabbed another brush than began to brush my hair as well. It was all knotted and puffy. Zak handed me some hair spray then went back to his room. I stared in the mirror for a few seconds wondering if Zak actually liked me or if it was all just pity. I wasn't as pretty as him, I wasn't tall. I didn't have muscles people would want. I shrugged it off and sprayed hair spray on my hair.

I walked out of the bathroom, Zak was already changed in a fancy outfit. He wore a blue hoodie with black jeans. It honestly fitted him.
"You can wear whatever you'd like!" Zak pointed to his wardrobe and walked back in the bathroom. I opened the drawer, inside laid many shirts folded nicely. One stuck out the most, it was a red long sleeve shirt with a collar, over the shirt was a short sleeve black shirt. I picked out black jeans with black vans. I went in the bathroom to look the in the mirror, I couldn't recognize myself. Sure it was just fixing my hair and having a more fancier outfit, but to me, it meant much more. Zak turned to me and stared at me for a few seconds until his face turned bright red.
"Y-you look a-amazing!" Zak's eyes widened, he stared me up and down then smiled.
"Y-your outfit looks good as well! Zak walked over to me, hugging me. He kissed me on the cheek then buried his face in my hair. He was quite taller than me so I had to stare up at him to see his beautiful eyes.

Me and Zak headed down stairs and quickly grabbed a few muffins from yesterday. Zak brought his backpack then we went inside his car. It still had a strong smell of watermelons. We drove to my house to pick up my bag and books. It didn't take too long until we got there.  Zak busted down the door and I went to grab all my stuff. It was scary knowing this would be the last time I would see my room, though I wouldn't exactly miss it. I didn't have a lot of clothes it mostly all fitted in one bag then I grabbed my toothbrush, paste, and hair brush. I zipped it all away in a grey backpack then grabbed my school bag with all my notes, books and pencils. I grabbed both the bags then headed out the door, every time I would come back to my house I would remember all the terrible things that happened inside it. I'm quite glad my father is gone, now I can finally enjoy my life, especially with Zak. I closed the door then headed back to Zak's car. He was closing his eyes just listening to music. I threw my bags in the back making Zak open his eyes. He smiled at me as I got in the front seat.
"Yeah!" I laughed a little then Zak drove off to school.

Once we arrived Zak parked in a empty lot then got out. I grabbed my school bag then ran to catch up with him.
"Hey Zak, I need to return a few library books so I'll be right back!" Zak waved at me then we headed our separate ways.
                               Zak's POV
I waved Darryl goodbye then walked off. I had to quickly finish some notes so I headed to the tables outside. The weather was nice, small winds would hit my face once awhile but other than that it was perfect. I sat down grabbing my notes out of my bag. It was only a few minutes before I heard footsteps behind me.
"Hey Zak!" Alex gave me a evil grin.
"I saw you drop off Darryl." Alex laughed a little then continued on.
"It would be a shame if something were to, uhm, happen to him." Alex chuckled twirling his dark hair.
"What the fuck? Did you do something to him?" I stood up clenching my fists.
"I don't know, did I?" Alex laughed practically like a villain then started to walk away.
"Tell me what you fucking did to him." I grabbed the collar of his shirt tightly. He wiggled a little trying to get away but I couldn't let him go that easily.
"Let me go bitch!" Alex slapped me across the face causing me to let go of him.
"Don't ask me what I did to him, how about you go look for yourself." Alex rolled his eyes walking away. Didn't Darryl say he had to go to the library to return books? I quickly stuffed my books in my bag then headed off. The library wasn't too far from where I was. I raced down the hall practically running.
"Can't reach it pussy? Ha~" when I got to the library I could see I could see see Darryl on the floor, Clay was holding his back while going through it. Nick was keeping him on the group by constantly kicking him.
"STOP!" I ran over to them and pushed Nick off of Darryl. Darryl was shaking with fear with blood on his face and arms.
"So now your fucking protecting him?!" Clay dropped Darryl's bag then walked over to me with clenched fists.
"N-no please!" I begged.
"Your just as pathetic as this pussy as bitch over here." Clay laughed punching me in the face. I could see Darryl struggling to get up.
Darryl's POV
Before I knew it Zak was here getting involved. Clay and Nick headed over to Zak and started punching him as well. I slowly got up still shaking from fear.
"L-leave h-him a-alone!" My voice was shaking.
"What the fuck did you just say bitch?" Nick turned around narrowing his eyes at me.
"N-nothi-" before I could finish Nick punched me to the ground.
"DON'T EVER FUCKING THINK YOU CAN EVER TALKBACK TO ME! YOUR JUST A PIECE OF SHIT THAT DOESN'T EVEN BELONG IN THIS EARTH. YOUR USELESS!" Before I knew it tears were rolling down my face the speed of a waterfall. I picked up my bag from the floor and ran away down the hall. Everything was blurry, I slowly headed towards the bathroom, running into walls. When I finally made it to the bathroom I threw my backpack down on the floor, falling to my knees. All my thoughts came rushing back. What if Zak didn't really like me? His parents don't even want me in the house. I slowly reached for the smallest pocket in my bag, grabbing a knife. It felt like I haven't held it in ages, I finally have the control. Before I knew it lines were all across my arms, blood was falling to the floor. I was back to the beginning. My father said I was useless, now Nick, Clay, and Alex, what if Zak thinks that too?Am I really all the things they said about me?
"Your useless"
"You deserve to be dead"
"Your a mistake~
Then everything went black.

(Please, I was trying to make this a calm nice chapter but it turned like this lmao.)
(Art isn't mine!)

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