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Tw: homophobia, bullying
                                  Zak's POV
"Darryl wake up" I shook Darryl nearly off the bed when he woke up.
"What do you want Zak?" Darryl still had his morning voice even though it was evening.
"I wanna go take a walk." I mumbled sitting next to him on the bed.
"Then go for one, your not a dog." Out of all his responses he could have said I never expected him to say that.
"But I wanna go with you." I begged him shaking him more.
"Fine, I'm gonna brush my hair then change first."
"You don't need to be fancy, it's just a walk nobody is going to see you."
"Still! People drive by." Darryl got out of bed going to the bathroom then coming back with a brush.
"It doesn't take long anyways."
"Well yeah maybe it's needed, your hair looks like a rats nest." I said laughing.
"What! Then you should brush yours too!" Darryl threw me the brush walking to the wardrobe.
"I already brushed my hair." I threw the brush back at him.
"Hey that hurt!" Darryl angrily said.
"Fine fine, I'm sorry." I said trying not to laugh.
"Whatever." Darryl mumbled with a small smile. He walked back in the bathroom changing his outfit. Coming back out wearing a frog hoodie.
"I WAS GONNA WEAR THAT DUMBASS!" I yelled jokingly.
"There is another Zak." Darryl giggled.
"Thank god, where?"
"In the wardrobe, where else?"
"Geez okay." I say walking to the wardrobe opening it.
"I'm sorry Zak, I wasn't meaning to be mean!" Darryl laughed coming towards me then hugging my side.
"It's all jokes, don't worry." I assured him pulling out another frog hoodie.
"How do you even have two?" Darryl stared at me. I honestly didn't want to tell him the other hoodie was originally Clays, it would be to awkward.
"It was Sam's but she didn't want it."
"Oh okay, well are you done? I'm ready to go."
"Yeah, I just need to put on my shoes." I grabbed some plain white socks putting them on them grabbing some classic black vans.
"Okay yeah I'm ready." We walked downstairs then I went into the kitchen.
"What would you like to eat?"
"Muffins!" Darryl opened a cabinet pulling out a box of muffins.
"Really? How do you not get bored of them." I laughed a little then grabbed a muffin as well.
"Well your wanting a muffin too so don't call them boring!" Darryl opened the door letting me out first then closing it.

The weather was nice warm weather with small breezes. Some other groups of people went walking on the sidewalk but other than that it was just quiet. I held Darryl's hand tightly as he held mine. I wouldn't let go unless he wanted me too, nothing could pull me apart from Darryl. Someone will kill me if I don't break up with him? That's fucking pathetic, I have experience fighting so I could easily beat their ass.
"So Zak? Do you think we are going to get big on twitch?"
"Huh? Wait what?" I was probably zoned out.
"Do you think we will get big on twitch?"
"Of course, it takes time though. We already have around 100 views each time we stream."
"Yeah, not a lot are active in the chat though." Darryl sighed looking up at the sky. We walked by many trees and eventually made it to a huge forest. The forest had huge logs with trees the size of a city building, there was a grey cement path looping around the forest so you could get a whole view of the whole forest. If you were quiet enough you could even run into deer. Bunnies were very common to see but you couldn't get close to one.
"Soo Zak? What has been on your mind recently?" That question got me, I wasn't focused nor ready for the question. I couldn't stop thinking about what Darryl had said about me dying, but of course I wouldn't want to bring that up. It would probably be awkward if I did.
"N-nothing much." I lied clearing my throat.
"Are you sure everything is fine? I don't want you to uhm y-you know, d-die." Darryl stopped walking wiping a few tears away.
"No hey, Darryl, listen to me. Everything will be fine, I won't die. We won't have to breakup." I wasn't sure if my own words were correct but it seemed to please Darryl enough for him to smile at me. I brought Darryl into a small hug then we continued walking, it felt as if I was holding back a pile of tears waiting to fall out. I wasn't sure why, I didn't know a lot about the situation. He didn't even show me any of the texts, we didn't talk about it much. It was probably because that topic was very sensitive to us both.

Everything seemed fine, we both were getting good grades, we live in a nice place, and are both decently happy. But on the other hand Clay and George are both on the ease of killing me and Darryl. Alex has been out for a few days of school, he said he was just sick but I'm thinking otherwise. Alex hasn't been as mean to me when he's been out, we actually were having friendly conversations on text. Nick is still accepting the fact that Clay and George are together, Nick even saw them together. So he has no choice but to believe me even if he couldn't admit he was wrong.
"ZAK! WATCH OUT!" Before I knew it there was a group of men in black outfits with masks. They were all holding guns, I was still holding Darryl's hand as he dragged me away from them.
"STAY WHERE YOU ARE!" One of the men yelled. I stared at Darryl as tears fell down his cheeks.
"W-what's going on?" I mumbled quietly.
"STEP AWAY FROM EACH OTHER OR WE WILL SHOOT!" The group stepped a few steps closer still aiming the guns at both of us. I wasn't going to let go of Darryl's hand no matter what. I slowly stared at Darryl as his hand unhooked from mine.
"I-I'm s-sorry." He continued to wipe tears from his face.
"I-I don't understand." Everything felt blurry, tears covering my eyes as I felt sweat fill my palms. Darryl was shaking, his face was pale with tears glowing from the sun. Who were these those people?
"You do understand why we are here, Correct?" All the men looked exactly the same it was hard to tell the difference, they all wore black masks with black sunglasses. I couldn't tell who was talking.
"I-I don't." I blurred out.
"Hm, interesting. Then I'm guessing you don't know who we are either?"
"N-no." I stared at Darryl as he wasn't responding to any of the questions. I was the one who had to speak up.
"Well then you'll know soon, ready?" The tension got stronger as the men moved aside as a man wearing all black with a white mask came out of the crowd. The mask had the signature smile, that none other than Clay wears. What was that motherfucker even doing here?
"Hello Zak, I've been awaiting for your arrival." Clay stepped closer towards me reaching for his pocket. He slowly pulled out a gun aiming it at me.
"Y'know, I could fire this any second." I knew that voice, he wanted something.
"W-what do you want?" I took a deep breath staring at the gun directly in my face.
"Isn't it simple? I want you two not together."
"You were the one to send that?!"
"I see your little boyfriend over here told you" Clay lowered the gun a little giving Darryl a death stare.
"Seems like he can't keep his big mouth shut, anyways, let's not make this too difficult. Just leave each other then none of you have to get hurt." Clay brushed his hair out of his face staring back at me.
"N-no! I'm not leaving Darryl!"
"Zak.." Darryl's voice was shaky as he wiped tears from his face.
"No Darryl, no please. We can't be doing this, not here, not now."
"Quit being dramatic, I don't have all day. Either you die, or just accept to leave each other."
"I could just call the cops-"
"They wouldn't get here in time idiot." Clay yelled interrupting me.
"Zak please, let's just break up. I don't want you to get hurt!" Darryl looked terrified waiting for my response.
Darryl's POV
Standing there as Zak was being held gunpoint. I felt myself shivering, it got hard to breath. I was still gasping for air as tears continued to fall down my face. I wanted to wipe away the tears making everything blurry but I was too scared to even lift a hand. Clay would give me cold stares but was mainly looking at Zak. The rest of the men were spread across closing us in leaving it unable to escape. All of them still had their gun pointed at us. I knew this would happen, I shouldn't have agreed to come on a walk with him.
"P-please C-Clay." Begging him wouldn't do anything, but I still wanted to ask him.
"And why the hell should I listen to you? I never wanted you here, might as well kill you instead what's the damage if I just kill Zak. Your gay ass ruined him, I don't fucking care about your pity. Sure, I do like George, but this isn't about me now is it?"
"Alright, fucking take Darryl I don't give a fuck about him." Zak smiled a little giving me a evil look.
"Glad your on my side." Clay lowered his gun as he backed away from Zak turning to me.
"Oh Darryl, I could kill you so easily. I always knew Zak didn't care about you anyways." Clays evil face smiley mask stepped towards me. The closer he got the more I panicked. Clay lifted his hand towards my face then slapping it. All the stress got to my head, I felt faint barely being able to keep my balance. Clay backed up then Zak stepped towards me. My heart started to race as Zak's face got serious.
"Z-Zak?" I mumbled out barely being able to speak.
"I don't wanna hear it, let's go boys." Zak stared me up and down, his eyes narrowed at me as the group of men started to back up.
"Y'know, I don't want you here." Clay laughed like a psychopath stepping towards me once again.
"I really, don't want you here." Clay aimed the gun at me but this time, he didn't hesitate to pull the trigger.

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