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Zak's POV
I nervously sat in the waiting room at the hospital. It's been 2 hours since I saw Darryl. The security honestly had no respect. I could have still been in the room.
"Are you alright Zak?" Sam stared at me. She was sitting in the other chair, she had big eye bags under her eyes. It was reasonable since it was 10 pm. The hospital got even colder and darker. Some lights were even flickering, occasionally I could hear loud screams. I scooted my chair closer to Sam and squinted my eyes every time something would happen.
"Y-yeah I'm okay." I mumbled. We're they even still in Darryl's room? I leaned my head on my hands and took a deep breath. The hospital had a weird smell and the air was dry.
"D-do you think we can go and check on him?"
"No Zak, we need to wait. You might get in trouble again." She sighed, looking down at the floor than back at me.
"I'll go, I will see if their done then come back to you. If their done then you can go! I just don't want you to get in trouble." I hated to admit it, but she was right. If I'd go back in there again and they were still there, then I might not be let back in.
"Alright, but please hurry. I-I don't w-wanna be a-alone." Sam smiled then got up from the white chair.
"I'll be back!" She walked off down the hall and slowly faded away. It was scarier alone. It felt colder, I felt paranoid. Strong winds would hit the door causing a loud banging noise. But even if someone was knocking, the door wasn't locked. I tapped my feet on the floor and bit my nails, I wasn't patient at all. A few minutes later I hear footsteps down the hall. It was just a black figure, too early to tell who it could be. Their footsteps were loud echoing through the halls. As it came closer I could see that it was Sam. I didn't remember her shoes to be that loud on the floor when we were walking. Sams face seemed calm but serious, her eyes narrowed down as they saw me.
"H-he's a-awake." Sam mumbled. Why was she so sad? He's awake now! I ran down the hall, passing doors with many seating. The numbers of the doors got harder to see. But there was occasionally a light.
W-what was the n-number?" I stared back down the hall and Sam was slowly following me. She looked uneasy, she kept looking behind her and looking up.
"Sam? Are you alright?" She stopped walking and rubbed her face with her sweaty palms. She was wearing light blue jeans and a black sweater. She slowly bent down, breathing hard.
"S-Sam? I'm not understanding I-is everything alright?" I ran to her, my footsteps echoed across the hall.
"G-get d-dar-." She clasped out on the cold white floor. What happened? Everything seemed fine? Did she get hurt? Something probably happened when she went to check on Darryl? How would I get Darryl, he wouldn't even want to see my face after he was in the hospital for days just because of me. Every time I would look at his broken sad face it felt a pit of guilt in my stomach.
"Doctor! D-doctor!" I dropped down on my knees and held held her in my hands. Not again, this was all my fault. Darryl's in the hospital and now Sam? I can't forgive myself.
"GOD FUCKING DAMMIT." I screamed clenching my fists and hitting the wall. Sam fell to the floor. Doctors rushed down the hall towards us with a hospital bed on wheels. One female and one male slightly picked her up and placed her on the bed, they rolled her away down the hall. I slowly followed but when I looked over, the room 97 was right in front of me. Lights kept flickering, The doctors pushing Sam in the bed for farther and farther. It was tempting to go in Darryl's room, but I still had time. She is my sister, as much as I love Darryl, I couldn't let my parents be disappointed.
                           ~Time skip~
"Your sister didn't even do anything, why did you drag her into this?"
"I-I'm sorry, father." We stood in front of Sam's hospital bed. Turns out Sam had fainted due to stress. But I didn't even do anything to her, she only seemed stressed when she came out of Darryl's room. I needed a way to escape, my parents wouldn't let me go so easily until she woke up.
"I-I need to go to the restroom." I headed for the door and I could feel the presents of my father and mother staring at me.
"Don't take long." My mother said with a sigh. Everything seemed out of balance, ever since I rejected Darryl things haven't been the same. Sam has been acting strange and I couldn't tell if it was from the pressure or another reason. It was the middle of the night now and I had to call my parents, they didn't have the greatest reaction and they probably thought I did something. I headed out the door and Darryl's room was just a few rooms down. Sams room was 103. It was 1:20 at night and the hospital was just quiet. I slowly made my way down the hall anxious to see how Darryl was. Last I saw him his face was pale, cold and sad. I wish I could go back. But now I'm even more of a disappointment. I deserve more pain than Darryl even did.
"99...98...97. Here it goes." I mumbled to myself creaking the door open. He didn't look unconscious, just sleeping. Wires were no longer wrapped around his arms, but still his torso. He didn't have any wires on him although he still looked sick. I sat down in the chair next to him and slowly leaned it.
"I love you Darryl." I mumbled in his ear. Although he couldn't hear me.

(Aaa oh gosh, this chapter was probably a mess I'm so sorry. I was busy and I was typing this during random times I was on my phone. I was gonna delete it but I had other plans for chapters so I just decided to save it. If this chapter doesn't fit or people don't like it I'll delete it it's fine lol. )
(Art isn't mine)

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