Chapter 1-First meeting

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"Thank you, enjoy the rest of your day" you beamed as the last customer in the shop left. When they were out of sight you breathe a sigh of relief to finally get a chance to sit.

You work at a bakery and finally get to sit on the stool next to you after being on your feet for hours. It usually isn't this busy but there is a small convention nearby for a week and this means more teens and young adults in the area for an entire week. They usually pop in for the delicious sweets this place provides. It was now day 5 and you were exhausted because each day gets more and more busy and you were dreading the next two days as they were Saturday and Sunday and you know that it's gonna be so much worse. While you were happy that sales went up drastically you were still very much exhausted and to make this week more draining is the fact that you didn't see your eye candy since the start of the convention. You didn't know his name but he was tall, blonde and gorgeous.

In your mind he wasn't just eye candy buts it's the easiest label you can put to it because describing the feeling you get when you see him is so difficult. And now you got to bare 2 more heavy days without hope of seeing that beautiful face as you figured he wasn't the 'crowd type' and probably choose to not show up due to large crowd this convention was bringing.

He usually comes in and buy a few things mostly just bread though at least 3 times a week.

You've been working at this bakery for the past 2 years as a favor to your sick aunt so she won't have to be here. You were here until you cousin was out of school and was able to take over. Your cousin usually comes by after school and helps out considering it a part-time job and her training. About 6 months after you started working here you saw this breath-taking man walked in.....literally breath-taking because your breath hitched in your throat the moment you saw him. When you realized you looked to the ground and took a breath and composed yourself.

*Records reels to 1 and a half years ago* lol

He was looking at his phone when he walked in and looked up 2 seconds after you turned your eyes to the floor, you were so occupied with breathing and composing yourself that you didn't realize that his eyes lingered on your face for too long. When you were about the look up his eyes quickly found their way to the cinnamon rolls resting in the basket on the counter next to you to which he then looked like he pondered on the item for a minute then took out 2 and proceeded to buy them. You cashed his items then handed him his bag while you looked at him as said "Thank you, enjoy the rest of your day" with a smile like you do with all of you customers. He politely nodded, took his bag and left the store.

Buns in a plastics wrap like in the pic above

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Buns in a plastics wrap like in the pic above. The one next to the doughnut.

You dropped you 'customer' smile and now had a confused look on your face.

"What the f was that reaction??" you quietly whispered to yourself.

You see hot guys often, so it's nothing new or unusual to you. Many sexy, hot, gorgeous guys walk in all the time and yes you do admire their beauty (subtly off course) but reacting this way was a first for you.

'He's definitely something special' you thought to yourself.

You're just really relived that he didn't see you face when you reacted, that would've been hella embarrassing.

Nanami walked away from the bakery and headed in his car to go home

After being in a sort of daze for a few moments (yes this can happen while driving and then you wonder how tf you didn't crash, it's like your body and subconscious knows what to do even if your head ain't fully there) he pulled over and even noticed he was driving in silence.

"What the hell what that?" he mumbled to himself.

He's now looking over to the bag sitting in the passenger's seat.

"I went for bread, how the hell did I end up with this? I don't even like more than 2 bites of this because it's too sweet and now I have 2 of them" sighing immediately after he said this while softly scolding himself.

'Why was I even staring at a complete stranger?' he thought to himself.

'Sure, she's beautiful but my work has me constantly meeting new people and because I had to travel so much, I met many foreigners too and in all my years I've come across a large number of visually appealing people. Many were even actual models but none ever left me in such a state' he thought to himself with his forehead resting on the steering wheel.

"So why?" he said in a confused whisper.

*sigh* 'Now I'm hungry and I can't go back there right now, it's too embarrassing even though she didn't notice my stare, luckily she was busy staring at either her shoes or something under the counter and I managed to look away before she could notice my stare. I guess I'll just order sushi for today'

And with that final thought he straightened his back and drove to his apartment and ordered his food. 

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