Chapter 14-Take It Too Far

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Cover Photo Credit: elitamasan

I'm guessing this is what y'all call smut, so read at your own discretion.

It was 5:40pm when he left for home. Luckily, he lives only 20minutes away.

You decided to clear the table and do the dishes from everything used today, because the worse is to wake up to a sink full of wares. You got out the microwave popcorn but decided to wait until he's back before popping it. During the time you we're just neatening up back the place and prepping the living room where ya'll will be watching the movie. You were going to talk a shower when you heard the doorbell. You let him in.

"Oh, you showered before you came back? I was now going to jump in the shower myself, I was doing some cleaning up before." you said.

"Yea, I figured it would be less clothes to bring that way, oh and you could've wait on me, I would've helped you clean up," he said placing a kiss on your forehead.

"Ah, yes, makes sense, well head to the living room and you can start setting up for the movie, I'm just going to take a quick shower." he said and you marched up to your room to shower.

While in the shower your mind flashed to the big hunk of man you had sitting downstairs. You thought about the heated kiss you had earlier. You both were pressed so close to each other you felt him get hard so why was he afraid to continue? You then remembered what he said. "I'm sorry I took it so far." his words came to your head. 'Was he worried I wouldn't be ok with it?' you thought. 'Did he stop himself because he wasn't sure I was on the same page as him?'

You smiled at the thought of the sweet man you had waiting for you.

"Hmm maybe I should fix that misunderstanding" you said to yourself as you stepped out of the shower.

*Lemme just mention that you're lasered because dealing with constant shaving is annoying*

You decided to pull out a little outfit you bought because there was an online sale. You bought a few actually, in different colours and patterns. You picked out your favourite one and threw it on. Gently brushed your hair but left it open and applied a light lip gloss. You then put on your silk robe and tied it at the waist.

You then made your way downstairs to the living room. And stood in front of him in your robe. You saw him shift in his seat. He then cleared his throat and said.

"If you need more time to change you can do so, did you come down here in your robe to tell me you need more time because you were afraid, I'd start the movie without you?"

He asked trying hard to keep eye contact.

He got hard just from seeing you in a robe but didn't want to be inappropriate so he tried to distract himself and focus on your eyes.

You just smiled.

"Kento" you said gaining all his attention as this was the first time you used his first name.

You saw a little smile reach his lips.

"Yes, Y/N" he always used your first name as it's what you had on your name tag at the bakery.

"I want you to take it too far." was all you said as you untied the robe and let it fall to the floor revealing the lingerie you had underneath.

BOOM bitches, this is what y'all fine ass is wearing

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BOOM bitches, this is what y'all fine ass is wearing. Yumm.

He just looked at you stunned as he felt himself get harder immediately. He was speechless. He eyed you up and down, and you couldn't help but smirk.

You walked up to the couch he was sitting on and straddled him.

You put both arm around his neck while your fingers from one hand played with the hair on the back of his head. His eyes now locked with yours.

You moved in closer having your nose touching his.

"Do you mind if we skip movie night?" you whispered against his lips teasingly.

A strained "I don't mind" left his lips and he hungrily closed the gap between you two.

His hand found its way around your waist while the other was pressed to the middle of your back. Which rocked with you as you grind on him while kissing. His hand moved from your waist to your thigh. He squeezed making you gasp allowing him to slip in his tongue. You both made out until he broke the kiss moving down your neck sucking and biting. Your head instantly was thrown back, giving him more space to work on.

You couldn't help the moans that escaped your lips, which just turned him on even more if that was possible.

His lips moved from you jaw to shoulder blades, and you were very sure you're going to see a lot of marks tomorrow. All the while you're a moaning mess while grabbing on to the back of his hair. He finally came back to you lips, ravishing them once more.

You then pulled apart. "Mind taking this to my bedroom?" you whispered, out of breath.

He immediately put his two hands on your thighs, as he lifts you, while getting up himself, never breaking eye contact. You were now granted to space to wrap your legs around him which you did.

While walking to your bedroom he connected back his lips with yours and only pulled away to glance in front of him from time to time as where he's walking.  

This is the song for this chapter cuz you warming up for your mans lmao

Here's a vid that shows you how to do it lololol. Kidding ofc. It's just a dance class using the same song.

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