Chapter 27-I'm Scared

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Time Skip to 3 years ahead

Your career kept going well as a few more of your books became best sellers and 2 got turned into a movie while one got turned into a series.

Kento Is working how he wants being a senior and getting promoted so he gets to come home earlier along with a handsome raise.

You both got your vacation house on the island he proposed to you on where you go whenever you want to.

"Ken.......babe?" you hesitantly called out to him as you stood in the bedroom trying to figure how to get the words out.

"Yes Mrs. Nanami?" he answered with a little chuckle.

He loved calling you that every once in a while. It still feels so surreal to him that you're his wife.

"Would you mind coming in the bedroom for a minute?" you asked.

He walked in to see you sitting on the bed. He saw you and get worried stooping down in front of you.

Holding your hand and looking up at your face "What's wrong darling?" he asked, voice filled with concern.

"I.....I'm" you stuttered. You couldn't say it so you pulled out the test from behind you.

You handed him the pregnancy test. He took it and looked at it closely.

"You're pregnant?" he looked at you asking with a soft voice.

You shook your head yes while avoiding eye contact.

"We're pregnant." he happily exclaimed as he engulfed you in a big hug.

When he released you, he asked "Why were you afraid to tell me? Don't you want this?" he asked with concern again.

"I'm not sure myself, I never really saw myself as a mother, I have no experience with kids, but I thought maybe you won't be happy as it's not something we discussed and I'm on the pill. I didn't expect my new allergy medicine to cancel out the effects of the pill." you said now looking at him.

"I've always wanted kids but my job kinda stirred me away from that desire, and I never brought it up with you because I thought you were enjoying the pace of your career and maybe it's not something you want right now."

"I don't mind having kids but I'd need help, I don't know how to do this. I was so scared so I didn't know if I was allowed to be happy about this. But hearing you makes me feel better. I work from home mostly, and take breaks whenever I want, I'm also still making money from old projects so it's not an issue when it comes to that." you said.

"A baby from the most beautiful woman in the world, can you imagine how cute that would be?" he said happily.

"Also, I'm here, you have a husband who loves you, help is always right here. Whenever you feel scared, just lean on me. I'm definitely looking forward to being a daddy, completing my daddy duties." he said taking your face in his hands and placing a kiss on your lips.

You felt so much better to hear him say those things.

He was the perfect husband helping you though your pregnancy, dealing with your crazy craving at all hours, always massaging you when he gets the chance.

Did I mention its twins?

Kento was over the moon to hear that.

He was the perfect husband. He was there with you for every doctor visit, every ultra sound, he worked really hard in decorating the nursery and was there for the delivery.

He brought you food and after you both got to hold your baby girls the nurses took them to take care of them. Kento was 100% focused on you making sure you eat. Asking how you feel, telling you what a super job you did. He was an amazing support, the kind so many women wish for.

The girls were the best parts of both of you. Two gorgeous people made identical twin girls who look like they could be child models.

Turns out you were a great mother and Kento was an amazing dad. The girls loved you both dearly, they were such smart and affectionate kids. But off course they were daddy's girls, and you loved that because he was the perfect dad and the perfect husband, how could anyone not love every fiber of his being?

He even took a year off to be a stay-at-home dad as soon as they were born. You just pushed out two babies, so he wasn't going to have you be a full-time mother while he worked. He decided to take the time off and take care of his 3 girls. He did so much which helped in your healing process.

You 2 became 4 and was full of love and happiness.


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