Chapter 10-Trip/Mini Date

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You went inside, closed the door and leaned your back against it, taking a moment to really process what just happened, all the while a smile not leaving your face. "How the fuck did I get this lucky?" you questioned out loud to no one is particular still with the biggest smile printed on your face.

'I can easily get drunk on his kisses.' you thought to yourself.

After a while you composed yourself and took a shower to get ready for bed, but you decided to do some reading first.

All of a sudden, your phone rang and you saw Nanami's name pop up. It's just a phone call and you're still getting butterflies in your stomach.

Y/N: Hello

Nanami: Hi, I'm almost on the plane, but I wanted to call so I can wish you goodnight. We've said it to each other since the day we met and I don't want that to stop.

You could feel your heart swell, 'how is he this cute? OMG'

Y/N: That makes me happy to hear, I guess you'd sleep on the plane so I can wish you as well.

Nanami: Goodnight Y/N-san, Sweet dreams.

Y/N: Goodnight Nanami-san, Sweet dreams.

Nanami: Bye

Y/N: Bye

And with that he ended the call as he had to go now. As soon as that call ended you couldn't help but squeal like a little girl. How much more perfect can he get?

He did mention he was flying out to India but off course that's about as much information as he felt comfortable to give, and his 2nd week is going to be in Korea.

You both continues to talk on the phone every night. He'd call on mornings just to tell you Goodmorning but ya'll had conversations at night. For the first 2 weeks, there was 5 nights here and there where he was super tired and couldn't hold a full conversation but he at least wanted to tell you goodnight and hear your voice. So not a day went by that he didn't call. You didn't know the kind of job he has so you didn't know the extent of effort he put in to make sure that happens, but you can hear the tiredness in his voice so you understood a bit.

You really couldn't believe how much sexier he sounded on the phone. His talking voice was always so sexy, could didn't know it could get better. Then he one ups it somehow because it gets almost orgasmic when he's tired or sleepy.

So, he came back to Japan for 2 days but only had 2 hours to spare which ya'll used to go on a lunch date. You told him he should take his free time to rest because he sounded so tired. But he insisted on the date saying he missed seeing you and that for the next 2 weeks he would like to video call for at least 3 times a week. To which you happily agreed because you can't deny how much you miss seeing his face.

He ended up bringing you some gifts he managed to buy in India it was a box full of items. There were beautifully crafted jewelry/accessories, a pair of glass elephant ornaments (Where I'm from elephants symbolizes luck and being gifted one is even better for good luck also when they are placed facing your door it means it's welcoming luck into the house.), some sweets and some authentic spices since you mentioned that you were still in the process of organizing your kitchen, you left it for last because it's one of your favourite places in the house and you wanted to take your time with it. You were so grateful for all your gifts and couldn't stop thanking him. He just loved watching the happiness on your face, it really made his fatigue melt away temporarily.

When your little date ended and it was time to part again, he wasted no time in registering a longing kiss on your cherry lips (the lip gloss you chose for the date). You felt him smile into the kiss, maybe because of the sweet taste. Both of his hand rested on either side of your face, while your hands pressed lazily on his very toned chest. You felt like with each kiss, it just keeps getting better and better.  

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