Chapter 5-Coffee?

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It's 8pm and you're turning the key in the last lock of the door to lock up.

And you were finished you turned and saw him waiting leaning against his car.
'Was he there all this time? Was I so excited that I didn't notice his presence when I came out to lock up?'

You shook away those thoughts as he walked up to you.

"Hi, you ready?" his velvety voices asked.

"Yes." you smiled.

"Are you really gonna get in a car with someone whose name you don't even know?" He raised an eyebrow and asked teasingly.

"O-oh" you just realized how right he was. This is a complete stranger and look at you. You can easily get your ass kidnapped.

He realized his teasing may have struck you a bit too hard.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean for you to feel bad or overthink. My name is Nanami Kento and I'm not judging you, as I guess even though we never spoke on personal term, we see each other very often and you figured a threat wasn't present." he spoke gently trying not to scare you off.

"Um, sorry for my reaction" you chuckled shyly.

"You are quite correct, I see you so often and you showed little interest in everything except your purchases, so a negative image never crossed my mind. But don't think I'm always this careless, it's just you give me a unique vibe which I trusted, so don't think I'm the type to just put myself in danger. I'm L/N F/N by the way, I figured you only know my first name from my name tag." you smiled with your hand out.

He reached out for the small handshake after such an unusual introduction.

His hand was really big compared to yours, you couldn't help but notice this.

You never took into consideration of how large he was compared to you.

*Flashback of Nanami's thoughts and stuff before he asked you out*

'It's been over a year and I can't get her out of my head, I thought this feeling would've passed by now, but somehow it feels stronger than before. Am I going crazy?'

'How the hell does she get more beautiful to me? What in the actual fuck Kento? Get your head together. At least you don't show it when you make your purchases, so that's good, you're doing fine, just keep it up and this feeling would leave eventually, focus and your job that's already so stressful, you don't need more distractions.' he thought to himself as he's driving home on one of the evenings.

As he sat in his apartment a few weeks before the present he realized that it wasn't getting any better, he even noticed how calm he feels when Y/N is on his mind.

"Maybe I should ask her out, the worse she can say is no." he said to himself while in bed trying to fall asleep but the sleep just won't take him.

"Or maybe I shouldn't bother the poor girl, she probably has a boyfriend already." he said trying to figure out what he should do with these feelings he has.

Many times, when he comes by, he wonders if he should ask you out, but always mentally talked himself out of it.

When he heard you try to talk to him, his mind while confused at first, figured out maybe you were trying to ask him out which is why he wasn't able to leave and turned around right before he pushed to door to leave.

He wasn't 100% sure that's what you were going to do, but the store is empty so he figures he might as well take a leap of faith here. The worse that can happen is that she rejects, he reminded himself, right before he spoke asking what time she gets off work.

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