Chapter 21-Moved

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The Next week Nanami was able to terminate his lease and move in with you. All the moving was done on Saturday so you both spent Sunday unpacking. It was your first time actually seeing his work glasses too. He told you about it but you never actually got to see them until now. You must admit it's weird, but my god he makes it work.

You made sure a confirmed the time he needs to leave home so you can make breakfast and lunch to pack for him. You didn't mind getting up earlier, it just meant a better start to your work day as well.

And the fact you cook lunch so early means you can get more work done straight with only an eating break in the middle of the day.

You loved cooking and getting to cook for your man made you so excited.

It was now morning and you get to see how he gets ready for work.

When he was getting dressed you sat back on the bed and watched him with a big smile on your face like a creep. (Lol)

He was just so sexy.

He kept blushed seeing the way you looked at him.

HIs final look to leave for work made you want to jump him and take him right there, but you got to control your hormones you thought to yourself.

His lunch was packed neatly for him on the counter and he was able to eat breakfast at home since he saved time on not having to cook for himself.

This made you happy as you could have breakfast together and he doesn't have to result to bread every morning.

Even though you wanted him to rest, he insisted on doing the cooking on the weekends which you didn't mind since you loved tasting his hand. He was a pretty good cook.

Getting a goodbye kiss every morning added that magic spice to your day that you didn't know you needed to make it 10x better. He felt the exact same.

You loved that kiss when he reached home, the sexy way he loosened his tie. Just everything about him expelled strong pheromones.

Your quality and quantity of writing improved since you started to live together.

It was happiness unlike any other.

You were about to help him as you often gave him massages, and take care of blood-stained clothes.

Months passed and life continued basically the same. Work, Fun or relaxing weekends, Random s*x, minor disagreements which is mainly you both getting angry at each other for getting too involved in work and neglecting your health. But since you're both guilty of it, you always reach an understanding and take care of each other.

You were now two weeks away from your first Christmas together.

You were finished with your current book and sent it to print. Now you had time to decorate for Christmas, since the house was new and it'll be your first Christmas in this house and your first Christmas with Nanami, you wanted to actually get into the Christmas spirit with the decorations.

Nanami has been a man to enjoy the Christmas atmosphere but not bask in the festivities itself, just like you. It'll be a first for both of you so you wanted to make it a good one.

He did warn that he may have to work for Christmas though.

This was disappointing but understandable given the circumstance of his job.

After you decorated whole day, you were excited for him to see it so you decided to make it special and cook something a little special to celebrate.

It was Friday and he said he was coming home a bit earlier today so you got early movements as well to finish everything in time.

You wanted to do the tree with him so you left the tree bare for the while.
You finished up, took a bath and put on a cute little dress to wait for him.

He finally reached home.

"Ta-Da" you said as soon as he entered the house with outstretched arms.

He took a minute to look around and take it all in.

"It looks beautiful babe and so do you, you worked really hard today." he said with a smile walking up to you and planting a kiss on your lips.

Since he came home early you both ate an early dinner and then he went to take a bath.

After his bath you both decorated the tree together. The star was last and you happily handed him to place it on top.

He held it for a sec before a thought popped into his head. He handed you back the star which to confusingly held. He then turned you around and lifted you by the waist so that you can put the start on.

You let out a small, cute squeal when he lifted you as it was unexpected. You did want he wanted and placed the star on the tree. When he put you down, he said "this way we both were able to put the star on top" then kissed to top of your head.  

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