Chapter 24-Blood

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Time skip

About a year and a half

"Kento!!!" you shouted as you rushed to his side.

His breathing was jagged as he collapsed on the ground a few footsteps after he entered the door.

You're accustomed seeing his blood-stained clothes but it was never his blood, and if he did happen to get hurt it was nothing more than a scratch.

On the ground was your man with his shirt soaked in fresh blood, you began to panic because this is a first for you. You mentally scolded yourself to calm down, remember what he told you, so you dug into his now crimson pants and fished out his phone. He was trying to say your name and hand was straining to reach out for you so you know he was still conscious.

You used one hand to hold his hand that he was using to reach out to you while using the other to call the number on his phone he said you should if anything like this is to happen.

He was very strong, so you never thought you'd actually have to do it. Your hands were shaking so much but you managed to the woman on the phone, and in a shaky voice, trying not to cry told her the situations and your address.

She told you to get the clothes away from the wound and put pressure on it until she reached there.

Which you did.

You ripped open his shirt and used your throwover you were wearing to cover and put pressure on the wound to his side as that was the bigger one. His shoulder was bleeding, as it was scrapped up pretty bad, but it wasn't such an open wound like the one to his side so you kept your focus there.

You tried talking to him for him to stay awake, but within seconds his strained voice trailed off and just stopped as his eyes closed.


You felt his pulse, it was faint but it was there. That was enough for you.

You held out still talking to him even though he's not responding until Ieiri arrived. She ushered you out of the room while her team took Kento in a stretcher and carried him away.

Before leaving she said she'll call his phone when she has an update for you. You thanked her as she left your house.

You now sank to the ground stained with tears and the blood of the man you love.

The tears kept coming, you didn't know how to think, how to react, what to do. You didn't want to leave his side, but he trusted this person, so you figured you can too.

You couldn't sleep either. Hours passed by and you still remained in your spot on the floor.

About 4 hours after they took him, his phone that resided on the ground next to you rang. You hurriedly picked it up and answered it.

"Hello" you answered in a panicked but weak, shaky voice

"Hello L/N-san" Ieirie responded.

"You can relax, he's alive, we managed to patch him up pretty good and while he hasn't woken up yet, we are confident he'll be ok. You are welcomed to visit him in our private hospital. Judging from how I left you, I figured you won't be able to sleep, so what you can do is take a shower, and come visit him here in room 122. When you get here, I'll give you more info." she said in a soothing voice, trying to calm you down.

"Thank you, thank you I'll be there soon." you responded beyond grateful.

She gave you the address which you wrote down.

"Please drive safely L/N-san, there's is no need to rush. Our medical care is unlike what you're accustomed to, and we can do things normal people can't, so please rest assured he'll be ok." she said then you both ended the call.

You peeled yourself from the floor and hurried to the bathroom to wash away the blood and tears.

You drove as fast as you can (safely) to the location and rushed to the room.

When you entered the room your eyes fell on Kento, eyes closed, no shirt on but bandaged up pretty neatly. As you began to walk in Ieiri-san who was already in the room called out to you. You walked over to her and one other tall person in the room.

"So you're L/N F/N" the tall man said as he approached you and held out his hand, which you shook.

"I'm Gojo Satoru. Nanami told me about you but would never let me meet you because he likes to keep work separated from the best thing that's ever happened to him. Which I don't understand, I'm more than work to him. It's really hurtful." he playfully pouted.

"It's because you're a clown and he didn't want to subject L/N-san to your circus." Ieiri replied before you got a word out.

"Me? Ugh, I'm so hurt." he dramatically said clutching his chest.

"He did tell me about you Gojo-san, he does speak good things about you." you said with a weak but reassuring smile.

"Ahh you see that Ieiri, he loves mee." he beamed.

"But I could see why he'd want to hide you, if I had someone this beautiful as mine, I would definitely want to keep her all to myself as much as I can too." he said walking back to his seat.

"Anyways L/N-san, come have a seat let me fill you in about what you need to know." Ieiri said.

So to summarize what she said, Nanami would take about 3 days before he can get up and walk, a month to heal with minimal pain and gave you a special cream that sorcerers have perfected recently that reduces scaring by 80%.

He'll be out and home healing for 2 months. The first month is to relax and heal and the 2nd is to get back to his usual fighting self, where he can work out at home or use the facility provided whenever he wanted.

He can go home with you after the 3 days, but you're welcomed to visit every day.

When she finished explaining everything your head whipped in the direction of the deep voiced groan.

You immediately got up and rushed to his side.  

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