Chapter 19-What If?

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You then finished you shower together and dressed to go relax in the patio before going to prepare lunch.

You decided on some light snacks and lemonade to chill with.

When sitting outside enjoying the gentle breeze and sunshine, you turned to him.

"How are you so perfect?" you asked him completely smitten.

He chucked

"I can ask you the same." he said taking your hands into his on the table the separated you two.

You both chatted for a while out there and then got up to cook lunch.

As you both reached in the kitchen he said, "how about you sit there and tell me where the stuff is and I do the cooking? You still walk like you're sore."

"Well, if someone wasn't so huge and amazing, I'd be fine by now." you chuckled.

"I'd love to take your offer to have you cook but I don't want to be useless." you pouted.

"You're far from useless darling, besides, I want you to rest, while I enjoy my effect on you, I don't like to have you work in pain." he said putting you to sit but the stool at the kitchen counter. "You'll be helping either way by guiding me around your kitchen and tasting."

"Ok I can agree to that." you smiled.

You sat happily at the counter, chin resting on your hands just watching this handsome hunk of man in front of you making cooking look so very sexy.

You both agreed on a simple lunch so he's places pieces of veggies in your mouth every now and then, blew on spoons of food for you to taste and critique. Life has never been so calm and beautiful for either of you before you were just basking in it.

You always had this deep fear that happiness like this would never be yours or it at least won't last once you get to taste it. Yeah, you had a successful career but you've always been such a reject, a loner.

You got braver and confidence from all your work experience, hence your personality now but you still spent so many days without someone to go home to, or someone to call.

After you both ate and chatted you moved to the couch, to watch some movies.

He decided to go into the kitchen for some drinks while you put on the movie.

It was already on the screen by the time he got back to you with the drinks, it was just to press play.

But he noticed you spacing out. "What's wrong?" he asks setting down the drinks on the coffee table in front of the couch and taking a seat next to you.

"Oh, nothing to worry about, just lost in thought." you smiled at him, snapping out of your thoughts.

He took your hands in his.

"Your eyebrows were furrowed, so something disturbing is on your mind, I'm not going to force you to tell me but I want you to know I'm here and you don't need to hesitate to tell me anything even if you just want to rant about something." he said and he lifted your hands to his lips and kissed them.

You smiled at him.

"Come lay your head right here." you said patting your lap.

He happily obliged. You placed your hands in his hair and played with it as you saw him close his eyes enjoying the feeling.

"Well, I'm just a bit worried." you said.

He looked up at you but you were looking forward not wanted to make eye contact saying this.

"I am really happy right now, the happiest I have ever been, thanks to your entrance in my life.......but I still have this deep fear that this happiness won't last. My whole life I've been pretty much lonely which is why I could lose myself in work like I've been doing till now."

Nanami was just listening quietly while looking at you.

"I don't want to ruin our little weekend together by talking about depressing thoughts though." you said with a little laugh.

He raised a hand up to your face a caressed your cheek, "it's not ruining it to talk about what you want, please continue." he said

"Well thinking about that, have my fear on the top of my head, past relationships didn't work out and left me so unhappy. I keep thinking you're different because I've never connected with someone like I do with you before. It feels amazing how good we go together but what if it's a trick of life? What if you start to hate me because you find me annoying or something? What if both of our work gets in the way and you no longer want to stick it out and wants someone easier or be alone again? What if happiness with someone is never meant to be mine permanently." you said in a shaky voice as a tear slid down your cheek.

He got up from your lap now facing you he wiped the tear with his thumb and gently kissed the spot where the tear was.

"I can't undo your past, but I can shape your future with me. I'm sorry your past has been so cruel, and you can tell me all about it whenever you're ready but there is no such thing as ruining the mood to talk about your feelings. I love you Y/N" he said as he kissed your forehead.

"I agree with one thing you said, our connection is unlike any other, I feel it too, and that alone makes me believe we belong in each other's lives and nothing can change that. If we face problems, we'll sort them out, that all. I've never felt this way about a person which assures me that this is meant to be. I know it probably sounds really corny coming from me but I love you, and want to be with you more than anything and if you ever have doubts, just tell me and I'll keep assuring you every time no matter how many time you need to hear it." he said caressing your face.

You put your hand over his and closed your eyes. "Thank you Kento."

Then you reached up to him and brought his face down to share a sweet kiss.

When you pulled away, you said. "Well, my lap is getting cold, its missing a certain warmth there." you giggled.

He laid back down understanding you wanted him there again and you started back to play with his hair.

"Well since you told me something that was hard to say, I think I'm ready to tell you about one of my work adventures." he said looking up at you.

"Ooooo yay." you exclaimed as you took off the tv and tossed the remote aside excited to finally hear about it, its really hard to imagine what he does by what he told you so far so this was exciting.  

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