Chapter 22-Christmas Eve

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It was Christmas Eve and you were just out getting some last minutes cakes and desserts from the local bakery in town. Kento was supposed to come home late to just shower, and head back to work. He was working the night straight through until Christmas evening. You were disappointed he won't be there during the day but at least you would have him at night and that was enough for you. You understood his job and how important it is, so you didn't kick up a fuss. He was a superhero to you, and sometimes superheroes don't get to choose when and where they save people.

You decided to go into town around 8pm to try and avoid the daylight traffic and beat the late-night traffic of those who work late. Kento was supposed to come home around 9:30pm so you wanted to be back in time to at least greet him. There was food home so no worries if you don't make it back in time, but just in case the traffic gets worse than expected, you told him that you left food home for him because you were taking a stroll into town for a few things.

You got you desserts from the bakery and decided to take a walk around to admire the snow, the Christmas decorations and the pretty lights. You were wondering around in awe as you find yourself moving closer to the large Christmas tree at the center of town.

Walking toward the Christmas tree there was a lot of people, some taking pics, others just looking at it with loved ones. You wished that you could've been here with Kento.

It was now close to 9pm and you thought you should head home now, you already got your goodies and a few extra stuff your eyes fell on while passing some stores. It's about a 20mins drive home so you decided to leave now. (Yea, at some point you got your own car to get around)

Looking up from your watch, taking one last glance at the large decorated tree in front of you, you turned around to head home.

As you turned around, you bumped into a large muscular chest and a pair of big strong arms secured your back before you could fall back.

As familiar as they felt you still looked up as anyone would while apologizing.

Low and behold, the man you just wished for.

"Kento" you said in surprise.

"My love" he responded, making sure you were on your feet proper before releasing you.

Looking at him confused while he took your bags from your hand to hold them.

"What are you doing here? Its only 8:55pm." you said still not moving from where you stood.

"Come let's have a seat" he said pulling you along with his free hand as he was able to hold all the bags in one hand.

You walked hand in hand to a little café that was close by, still in view of the big tree.

He sat you and the bags down on the outside tables of the café and went in for a few minutes before returning with 2 cups of coffee.

He sat down at the table and handed you your cup of coffee.

You took it while wasting no time in asking.

"Aren't you supposed to be hurrying to head back to work?"

He smiled and sipped his coffee.

"Nope, I told them to go fuck themselves, I got an amazing woman waiting for me at home." he said with a smirk.

You rolled your eyes at him, "Tell me what really happened." you said.

He let out a small laugh.

"I did tell them that, but in a nicer way. It's my first Christmas with you. The threat was taken care of early by other sorcerers and they wanted to keep me to do paper work since I was already scheduled to do work. I told them take me off the roster for the next 3 days, then I took up my stuff and left." he said casually and then sipped his coffee.

"Are you really going to spend Christmas with me?" you said excitedly.

" did you know where I was?" you then questioned, taking a sip of your hot coffee as the coldness was getting to you.

"Yes, I'll be spending Christmas with you, and you told me you were coming to town to buy goodies so I came here and wondered around looking for you in places I thought you would be, then my eye caught the tree and thought maybe I'd find you there, which I did." he said with a smile, obviously proud of himself for his little detective skills.

"So why didn't you call me? I would've come home." you say worried you brought him out here when he maybe wanted to rest.

"Because I wanted to watch the lights with you, take pictures of how beautiful you look like other people do, give you beautiful memories to hold on to. And I wanted to take a walk with you in the snow Since it started snowing, we didn't get the chance to enjoy it together." he said taking your hands in his smoothing his thumb over your knuckles.

You looked at him with the most gentle and grateful expression.

"Thank you, did I really get so lucky and won the best man in the universe as all mine?"

"I think it's a fair trade since I got the best woman in the universe as mine." he said bringing your hand up to his lips pressing a kiss onto it, making you blush.

You both finished your coffee and went to walk around hand in hand. Taking pictures together and enjoying the Christmas atmosphere and the snow.

You had the best evening just strolling around with your man. You couldn't be happier in this moment.

When you both went home you went into the hot tub together, just enjoying the water in the hot tub with a glass or 2 of wine was the perfect way to end the evening.  

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